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Post Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:50 pm

I want to vote for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (TES4) but I'm not really sure I want to see that on TLR. Its the right style of 'freelancing game play' but its single player only and already has a huge following. TES3 Morrowind has a huge modding community thats more than ready to jump on TES4 with full force after its released (Q1-06). I'll be joining them for a while to build about a dozen mods.

Honestly I really want to see an open source space combat RPG that includes a FPS aspect on bases/capships and a fully developed dynamic economy. Open Lancer sounds good and with the full weight of the modding community working on the project we could create a great game. Focus TLR on that rather than other game titles. Use this site to create a singular vision for a Freelancer sequel and then tap the modding community's resources to create it.

I should note I just downloaded the Open Lancer design doc but haven't read it yet. I'm not saying that particular project should be our intended focus or not, just that as a community member that sort of project is my vote for the future direction for The Lancer Reactor.


"Only the dead have seen the end of war"-Plato

Post Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:44 pm

I cant belive you people Forgot EVE!!!
its the BEST rated MMORPG on the planet (yet it takes place off planet )
EVE is really good, its easy to get a 14 day trial too and see how good it is ( dang i better stop advertising now

Eve-Online Website

My forum

Edited by - Exodous on 12/11/2005 5:44:55 PM

Post Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:44 pm

Poo...... I forgot about Stargate Alliance!


Did I mention that there is a HUGE lack of Stargate Mods?

Post Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:35 pm

im gonna spam cause no1 notices otherwise......


will u notice me now? thougnt not

Post Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:38 pm

How about Evochron? Very like FL and can have player-run servers up to 24 ppl.


Edited by - Frobozz on 12/12/2005 1:07:59 PM

Post Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:27 pm

Exodus, 1 problem with EVE, you have to PTP. I dunno bout others but I cant afford to pay for it.

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:44 am

Yeah, no games that require a monthly fee, MMOG or not. Besides, modding such games is normally illegal.

I just spent 8 hours typing up a reply to the Open Lancer Design Doc. If the design doc is fully realized the game will be one of the best space base games out there. If they include the engine data management systems I layed out and do a significant graphics improvement over Freelancer it'll be game of the year. So forget TES4, focus TLR fully on Open Lancer.


"Only the dead have seen the end of war"-Plato

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:12 am

We could just have around 4 of the suggestions mentioned as individual forums, and linked on the left of each page. As for my suggestion, I will go with X2- The Threat - not X3 because it isn't out yet unfortunately

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:54 am

First of all (and I am a lil'bit surprised after the statements by the Admins here earlier this year):
Apparently the games covered on TLR mustn't be Microsoft Games any more !?

my 2 %:
- Games on TLR share space as 'constitutional' element of gameplay.

No Go's:
- Massive Multiplayer (online) Roleplaying Games
- First Person Shooters, Real Time Strategy or other genres without space as a necessary element of gameplay

MMORGs imo have a totally different composition of their communities - and modding finds little interest (or is rated as cheating)

Too many game genres would split the community. As an example: CnC Generals / Zero Hour is a very good game with a vast fan-base and an active modding community. But the discussions are intense on rush tactics or on one of the thousands of maps ... that's another universe. TLR must keep to its core-competence.

With an opening on other space-related games as X3 (fascinating - if you ever get started ('Starfarce' is not that much helpful)), Nexus, Homeworld, Starwolves and other space-sims, TLR can keep its spirit.

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:42 am

We could go with Halo for the PC/Mac or Halo 2 with Xbox Live
I mean they are both very good sci-fi game and on both you set up little servers for people to play on and stuff.
Also there are countless mods that people have made and/or are making for them. Except if you use mods on Halo 2 you can get kicked off of XboxLive.

Anyway I think these would make great games to add to this site.

I also think we should start moving onto to games for the Xbox 360, I mean the Next Generation of Gaming is here. We have to start moving.

Halo for PC/Mac
Halo 2

Edited by - pipps0 on 12/12/2005 8:48:26 AM

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:26 am

I say we should not cross the consoles line. Multiple problems can arise from that :
-Console Wars. These turn out to be flame fests 99% of the time.
-Moddability. Most games classify modding as cheating on consoles, and I think TLR should stick to moddable games only.
-Fanbase. We should try to find games with a thin fanbase. Trying to join the fanbase when the game is already launched been some time is just useless./

So please, put consoles apart. And let's forget FPS altogether, as these are extremely well covered by other sites already.

I say, stick to space-themed games, for PC.

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:35 am

medal of honor
and heros of might and magic IV

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:13 pm

EVE is P2P and just about every game mentioned here either has no MP or is P2P or isn't a space game which is why I say again this is closest to FL...


"Got anything for me?" - Trent, A.K.A. 'Mr. Eloquent'

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:00 pm

About the openlancer thing, I believe that it will be another idea that gets thrown out. The guy, Blackhole, is already working on another project. A BIG project. And that project, about half the size of what he imagines, almosat never happened (because of him, but I wont go too far there)

Aight, to my list(ideas, why these wont work, might be a little pessimistic, but anyway):
Homeworld 2- Already extensively covered, but the TLR modding people have a unique perspective that could change things a bit.

X2- Ive tried a little bit of modding there, not too easy. Completly different from FL. FL is unique in that it was so moddable. There are folders for just about everything. In X2, well, you dont. I mean, to change you simple money count (without using that script editor, which is a pain in the backside) you need t download a hex editor, convert a whole file to hex, and search for a specific number that is there about seventy times in the file. Not evry helpful.

Halo for PC- Too extensively covered for TLR to be anything big. We need the unpopular games, the ones without the hype. I never knew about FL until a few years ago (was searching Cnet and found the demo)

To conclude, we need a game/games that some know abut but few really got busy with cracking it open, building sites for it and such.

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:54 pm

Versoth, keep Openlancer stuff in the openlancer forum. As for your doubt, we'll see.

For your information, that projec thas been on hold for a while, hence why i started freelancer. Additionally you don't know what we are planning, and ALSO i'm not the leader of it anymore. Yes, you heard me right, i'm not assistant mod team leader. Sully is leading it. Now stop.

Edited by - Blackhole on 12/12/2005 4:19:34 PM

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