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Expanding the gaming content on Lancers Reactor

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Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:14 pm

Expanding the gaming content on Lancers Reactor

Expanding the gaming content on Lancers Reactor...

We think it's time to expand Lancers Reactor coverage of games.
Since it's your community the decision of what games to cover should be up to you.
Because of the amount of information that will probably be gathered here is where we can discuss what games you would like to add.
You're suggestions will be welcome and then we can all decide on what games to cover, possibly run a poll...

Keeping in mind that our main focus will always be space games.
Unfortunately it does not look like we will see any sequel to Freelancer any time in the future. There is no evidence of anyone working on a Freelancer 2 project.

If you have links to game sites post them here.

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I'll start it out with a game that Eraser suggests...
Darkstar One

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:47 pm

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:31 pm

@Blackhole : Nexus is a great game and I do hope your comment was not insulting it, because I like that game alot. It is also very moddable and beautiful, with a nice storyline.

On the subject of new games....

I think I'll name a classical suggestion first.

X3 : Reunion

Of course, if we want to take on Microsoft-made games, why not go with

Age of Empires III
Rise of Nations
Rise of Legends
Fable : The Lost Chapters

That's all ideas I have right now. Of course, there's my personal favorite that we could try to support, but that's in a far away future. I'm talking of Spore.

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:38 pm

Ok, FF? I was PRAISING the game BECAUSE it was funny, in no way did i ever insult that game. Where the hell did you get that idea?

Edited by - Blackhole2001 on 12/10/2005 6:39:45 PM

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:49 pm

I'll just look at this from a distance. Haven't played X3, don't have any suggestions. So I just hope the community settles for something good

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:51 pm

I think that Darkstar-One would be a good choice also. Seeing as how it hasn't been released yet, it doesn't have much of a following, so TLR could attract a large number of Darkstar-One fans once it is released. X3 already has a large numbers of fans that are probably dedicated to one website/forum already. Covering X3 (imho) would just result in the members here posting about it (more ) and maybe a couple newcomers.

FriendlyFire is right about hosting MSGS games, however, the one thought I have is that I think this site would be best kept to games in the same, or similar, genre. I truly wish that MS would've ported Halo 2 on the PC. It would have a potential for modding, would have many fans, and of course, is MSGS

Though it would be wrong of me to just come in here without any suggestion at all. I suppose the game I'm going to recommend doesn't have much at all to do with the Freelancer genre either . However, it looks like an amazing game, and isn't slated to be released until Spring of 06 so that would give us time to work on covering it. It's made by Atari and is a first person shooter set in the future. It's called Timeshift and the graphics look stunning. It seems fairly innovative in terms of weaponry, etc. It will contain a storyline, and of course, online. What do you think?

Click on the image to launch the "Timeshift " webpage on Atari's website..

Edited by - parabolix on 12/10/2005 7:02:32 PM

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:00 pm

I have to second FF's ideas for the Age of Empires/ Rise of Nations series. Maybe not all of the games. Even though RTS is a completely different genere, I think it will still appeal to many of the folks here at TLR, and can still help pay the rent.

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:04 pm

J-Dawg, I agree. Many games will sit well here with the "regulars" at TLR. The problem is, the point of expanding is attracting a new audience. You won't do that by covering a game that is already being cover substantially as most MSGS games are.

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:26 pm


-Better than AOE
-Microsoft game (or is that a downside?)
-Lots of fun
-Different from freelancer, a change is good-Not hard to find or buy, only cost me $60

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:42 pm

WOW. Until now I hadn't even heard of DarkstarOne but it looks amazing! Any idea if/when it'llbe released in the states? If not, I WILL be importing the british release.

I don't add much to the community but I've been lurking around since Freelancer released. Still one of my favorite games of all time. I add my vot for Darkstar One and keping it in the genre of sci-fi. I love fantasy/historical games but they seem out of place here.

X2 and X3, Nexus, Halo, Freelancer, maybe some strategy titles like Galactic Civilizations are all cool, smart Sci-Fi games, which seem to be a dying breed these days (especial the smat part). I also add my vote for BioWare's upcoming Sci-Fi RPG Mass Effect. Sure its X-Box 360 only, but I'm buying the Box if only for that one game (Halos 2 & 3 won't be too shabby either). I'd say also covering Mech games but there are plenty of sites for those.

"You did what you had to do; what you've always done. Turned death into a fighting chance for life."

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:50 pm

I'm in for darkstar. A space one, where you keep the same ship, but upgrade is a good idea.

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:12 pm

Any of you guys here know about an old lil title called Staflight?

I actualy started a mod for freelancer where you could fly the Starflight ship. Had it working, (roughly) textured, and flying in game, too. Maybe this christmas break I'll finish that.

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:16 pm


Your comments are certainly true, and do put this endeavor in a rather awkward position. Yes, RTS's are covered extensively by other sites. Yes, they sit well with the current members, but popularity is a sign that there are probably others out there. And remember what happened last time a game was introduced that didn't sit well with the entire community (though this thread is by no means a place to discuss that, nor is anywhere). With all this in mind, a thread like this for nominations followed by a poll for a few weeks is a wise course of action.

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:47 pm

Well there *is* an interesting game under development. It is about a small group of rabbit Mujahideen and their sojourn through the dark and twisted land of Tawakalnistan in an attempt to return to their homeland after a secret five-year military operation...

Seriously, the question that must be asked is if we will restrict the games covered by TLR to a specific genre (or genres), or to a specific theme (or themes). For example;
-Should TLR cover only space-combat flight sims despite the relatively small number of new games being developed for this genre?
-Should TLR only cover games that are based within the science fiction genre?
-Should TLR avoid covering FPS games, and instead cover something else such as RTS games?
-Should TLR only cover "popular" games?
-Should TLR support only new games (ie. released post-2005)?
One viable option may be for TLR to continue to cover space-combat flight sims such as the games already mentioned, and supplement those games with opensource alternatives such as "Vegastrike" (this is just an example).

Hence, it would seem that a logical first step would be to outline the scope of the TLR's future games coverage, and *then* begin to explore which games would be best. Just a suggestion from your friendly Esquilaxitavian neighbour .

Edited by - esquilax on 12/10/2005 10:47:58 PM

Post Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:24 pm

have any of you even played AoE3??
it was one of the biggest letdowns ever

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