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For modders have a "Mod Registry" **Using a new fo

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Post Sun Oct 19, 2003 5:58 am

<outcry for moderator consideration>

Post Sun Oct 19, 2003 12:36 pm


I like you have been wondering the same thing........

For mine, you cannot claim it if you didn't create it......but - let's say you make two models.... one completely original, the other a clone from another area (star wars etc..),

The original you can claim as your own work and have your own files to back you up.... That should be registered as yours (being the originator).......

The 'clone' you cannot claim as you didn't 'make' it only adapted it... which in many ways is a lot harder than starting from scatch...... so those people should be credited with those models....... in exactly the same way!


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 12:15 am

so it will go something like...
Idea by George Lucas
All the hard work by harrier

Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 7:21 am

Harrier essentially said how to attribute it in his post. "Adapted by ____ from Star Wars copyright LucasFilm" or something like that.

Sir Spectre

Like Master Yoda's speak, Olde English is, yes? Hehmmmmhaha!
-- From the play "Zlothello"

Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:01 am

I was trying to be funny again. oy I've got some work to do

Edited by - Imagine on 20-10-2003 11:01:57

Post Mon Oct 20, 2003 4:29 pm

@Imagine, put in emotive icons, then I'll see the humour more clearly. But it did curl my lip in a smile, so don't be too hard on yourself.

@Everyone, since the addition of a new forum is how we're slowly figuring out how to do this, I have added that into the topic heading of the thread.

Sir Spectre

Like Master Yoda's speak, Olde English is, yes? Hehmmmmhaha!
-- From the play "Zlothello"

Post Tue Oct 21, 2003 1:56 am

Hi Imagine, Harrier and Sir S:

Does the following make any sense?

If you borrow what is done in other fields of intellectual property, the person who creates an adaptation gets credit for that adaptation. For example, and please forgive the rather old nature of it, I wonder if any of you saw a movie called "The Sting" with Paul Newman and Robert Redford? The theme song from that movie is, for all intents and purposes, the Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin, a turn of the century or early 20th Century African American composer.

Nonetheless, for basically making unnoticeable (to me) changes to it (unnoticeable to the musically untrained, is my guess) and making it into the movie's score, Marvin Hamlisch got full mention for it in the movie credits and he even won an Academy Award for it. So my guess is that the first to import or bring in a ship from another game or source and to make it FL-capable, credit still should be given for doing it.

But I guess there may be some allowance needed for whomever does it the best(?) from the stand point of artistic excellence and functional in-program stability?

>>>I changed-shortened my ID. Sorry Mods. My ID used to be Indylancer11<<<

Post Tue Oct 21, 2003 3:21 am

@ All,


There is a new thread in this forum lamenting the disorganized nature of the download archive by lvxoccvlta to which Stinger (Mod) immediately responded.

Ummm. So why are no mods commenting in this thread? Even if only to trash the idea? .... Other than Fear Factor... that is.

Edited by - Indyl11 on 21-10-2003 04:21:56

Post Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:57 am

Look, I'm on board with this idea in concept, but without some distinctive parameters, we're pissin' in the wind.

I've been reading all the ideas, and most are well thought out, but we need to bring it home. Maintaining such a registry is a possibility, but the ground rules and categories need to be defined and adhered to for it to work.

Consider this thread brainstorming, keep it up and we will come to a conclusion soon enough.

Post Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:38 am

Most works derivate from another. Ie some SW ships was first made by Lucas, then modelled by Darksaber, then converted (and improoved) by Gag for FL, then someone made statistics for them. Meentime someone created special weapon for using with it. And another one a new skin.
Any person from that chain has done something originall in the final ship, but sometimes it is hard to determine that order and amount of change. And it is possible to independly build a different weapon or new conversion of the ship,
which will made the registry like a big tree. And a 30kB credit list for a mod like FMA or TNG or Rebalance.


Post Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:22 am


I am involved with the epsilon mod and have been right from conception.... that was one reason I responded.. we don't want to step on any toes.. , and would happily pay full credit to anyone who contributed - and that includes people who have answered questions in other forums and who may not know that they even helped.......

Another reason I responded is that I have been doing most of the modelling, which btw is a joint effort - Parabolix creates a lot of models in DoGa and exports them as dxf, I then import them into Milkshape and do all the balance of the work required to get them into the game, including the texturing......but I have no desire to claim them as mine exclusively , they belong to 'us'. I have also created some models of my own totally from scratch.... these are all totally original ships rather than clones from others sources.... however, it is one thing to see a ship in a movie etc.. then create it as a model - in many ways this is harder to get it accurate including textures etc... than it is to do something new....

Maybe no-one will like our models, or maybe, some one would like to use some of them in their own mods... Our approach was not to use ready made modeIs i.e. star wars or b5 or wherever , but to try to do something "new" and different. Original ships, was for us, the way to go.....

So I think its a really good idea ........ I think it's necessary to credit people...

not only does it provide a record of sorts but it also gives a reference point.


Post Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:31 am

@ Harrier,

Don't know if I got your point but I tried. See page 1. I did some reorganizing
and added a new registry area for All New and Original mods.


Welcom back ...if you've gotten back from your week at home. I reorganized to make all tweaks to original FL content public domain and I added a rule 6. Don't know if works the way you have critiqued it. See Page 1.

Post Thu Oct 23, 2003 5:03 am


Excellent job! Your contribution should be applauded by all. Thank you, I think this is something that should have been done earlier...


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Post Thu Oct 23, 2003 5:16 am

@Harrier, hey what about me, it was my smegging idea!!!

@Indy11, what do you mean by this:

---Discovering How to Edit Original FL Content - For Crediting Only

How would you keep track of this type of thing in an organized way? The only way I can see it if people describe in summaries what they worked on and list some people who borrowed from their ideas.

Sir Spectre

Like Master Yoda's speak, Olde English is, yes? Hehmmmmhaha!
-- From the play "Zlothello"

Post Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:32 pm

Sir Spectre,

Ooops! I'm sorry, , I humbly apologise, I remembered, after I had signed off, but got busy and forgot to come back to edit it.... that's my excuse

Seriously, I would extend the same congratultaions to you as well, an excellent concept and follow through, and one that could make arguments about who created what unneccessary.

To take the time to think about your fellow modders and members of the freelancer community as a present and future entity is a very good thing. Thank you as well from me.

I think that we should all thank those who took the time to compile a very good system that will benefit all modders - if instituted.

A system like this should be in place.............. Will a new forum be started?

Huh? please moderators, give it some serious consideration.....


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Edited by - Harrier on 23-10-2003 15:36:21

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