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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:02 pm

is that an imperial or a metric smidgeon?

Post Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:49 pm

Metric of course. Surely even IndyCorp has advanced beyond "pounds", "rods" and "hog's heads" as units of measurement!

Taw - Lies! All lies! How could the peaceful and environmentally-friendly rabbitfolk of Esquilaxitavia cause so much destruction in such a short time? True, the "Grand Mosque" was destroyed, but that was an act committed by the human inhabitants as an act of defiance against their exiled leader. As for the other two pictures, those are six weeks old, and show the land prior to the planting of trees, crops and various plants using special agricultural methods known only to the rabbitfolk, and special plant food kept in silver-coloured wooden boxes labelled with a "G" (for "Garden" of course). Indeed, the Ginger Beer produced in Esquilaxitavia after these initiatives has already become a by-word. "Ah!" the people say after taking a cool refreshing drink after a hard day's work "That's a proper October 2006 GB, that was!" As for retaking Esquilaxistan, we are readying ourselves for your attack... or are we already prepared? Who knows? All will be revealed soon, I have no doubt.

As for GB shares, We still own the majority! You all just remember that! Of course, the Rabbit-King owns shares in a number of GB-producers that are not listed on the public stock exchange, so remember that as well.

ID - We have accepted your application to replace select real-estate in Esquilaxistan with selected cafes and eateries. Your business will of course, be tax-exempt for a period of six months in order to assist your fledgling business (all businesses under Our Glorious Monarchy are offered the same), however your businesses will be held to highest possible hygiene and quality standards. Inspectors will stop by randomly, as well as at set intervals. We have spoken! All Hail Grandis Lepus Rex-Regis !

Edited by - esquilax on 11/7/2006 3:15:03 PM

Post Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:55 pm

your businesses will be held to highest possible hygiene and quality standards

well scratch that idea; they won't be open for very long then!

You ignore him, ID; under the forthcoming New Tawakalnian regime, all Swiis Drui enterprise businesses and franchises will be relieved of onerous burdens such as "hygiene" and "health & safety" ( as long as there's a nice little cut off the top towards my special "Rebuild the Grand Pal erm Mosque" Solidarity Fund <nudge nudge wink wink> You don't want none of that touchy-feely wabbit bureaucracy, blimey, it'd be like living in a wabbit-wawwen!

Post Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:29 pm

Bah, we will see if you are successful in your attempt to regain Esquilaxistan. The people now know freedom, and they also know that you were defeated by bunnies. Now, you'll never live it down. Mwhahahaha?!? Now it is time for the big guns...

Of course, Esquilaxitavia is still the haven it has always been, and people are proud that the Great Rabbit-King has been aiding his fellow rabbits for so many years. Indeed, the Court Bards of Esquilaxitavia have recently penned a poem venerating their beloved King. An excerpt follows...

"The Lay of Esquilax, the Rabbit-King"

"Years ago in days of yore,
There was a beast with paws of four,
Nightly he strolled over twig and loam,
Protecting his people and his home.

Many peaceful years did pass by,
Until rabbits in Tawakalnistan did cry,
'Free us from the Evil Mullah!
He eats our kin with bread and butter!
He serves us cold on grainèd bread,
And sups on rabbit broth ere bed!'

King Esquilax did hear their plea,
And so much suffering did he see,
That he hastily convened a Council session,
'They cry for freedom from opression,
Against the Mullah we must fight,
Lest his darkness Esquilaxitavia blight,
We must fight to free his slaves,
For through us now, must freedom be gained!'

So swayed were the Council by his zeal,
That swords were raised and blood did seal,
The covenant that they would free,
Their countrymen in their entirety.

To Tawakalnistan did an army march,
Through fen and wood, past hill and larch,
Until they arrived and then did see,
Tawakalna's den of iniquity.

Forward they charged, into the mouth of hell,
And rapidly did their numbers swell,
Aided by those they liberated,
Soon it was that battle abated.

Then the Mullah himself did flee his land,
While the Rabbit-King forth did stand,
On the site of the Central Mosque,
And cry that freedom was worth the cost,
Of all that their battle had proven and won,
That they were now free under moon, or sun..."

Yes, truly an inspiration for the children!

(1) © Copyright Esquilax, November 8, 2006.

Edited by - esquilax on 11/7/2006 3:37:43 PM

Post Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:44 pm


Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they hopped and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Hopped the six hundred.

Flash'd all their incisors bare,
Flash'd as they hopp'd in air,
Biting the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Up to the line they trammel;
Fedayeen and Janissaries
Shatter'd incisors enamel
Fractur'd and sunder'd.
Then some scampered back, but not
Nearly six hundredths.

Post Tue Nov 07, 2006 6:00 pm

That poem looks strangely familiar... We actually had a feeling that someone would post that, but We thought that it would have been Tawski. You posted that Indy, no doubt inspired by Our use of the phrase the "mouth of hell" in the sixth stanza. Still, We appreciate your poetic license and modifications. Still, it is purely propaganda, as history, even revisionist Tawakalnic history, showed Our forces to be victorious!

Edited by - esquilax on 11/7/2006 6:02:13 PM

Post Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:49 pm

I don't think anyone would think that I was suggesting that I wrote the whole thing. I took liberties with a famous poem but it seemed well suited and I think I did a pretty good job of adaptation de minimis .

And it isn't propoganda at all. If you recall, you didn't really win any battles with your armed forces. They simply won by default when the Mullah decided to go on sabbatical.

In fact many of your so called military adventures seemed not only ill suited but ill fated ... and yet you threw your hordes at the meat grinder ... which is the essence of the theme I wished to put forward in my contribution.

Edited by - Indy11 on 11/7/2006 7:51:03 PM

Post Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:30 pm

We (argh, *I* think I'll leave the Royal "We" for special occasions) never suggested that you were suggesting that you wrote the piece, hence the presence of the emoticon. As for propaganda, that depends upon whether or not you are referring to the glorious charge of the Rabbit-King and his elite Knights, or simply one of the many prior skirmishes with the (albeit outdated) gun-toting Tawakalnist conscripts. As the poem in question was posted directly under the oration created by my Court Bards, I assumed that you were referring to the former. If you are referring to the latter, then there may be some accuracy to your statement; without the Rabbit-King's leadership, there were substantial losses on both sides.

As for your scurrilious lies about the victory only becoming a reality when the Mewlah went of to stay in a seedy hotel, I reject them. He was forced to flee due to my intervention and that of my loyal Knights (known as "the Knights of the Round (Barrel of G" among other names), and the uprising assisted by ERF. Bah, what do you know? You weren't even there! I didn't see you fighting side-by-side with either party!

Post Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:49 am

oh, war poetry is it?

"Good morning, good morning!" the Great Rabbit said,
As we met him last week on our way to the line.
Now the rabbits he smiled at are most of them dead,
And we're cursing ERF as an incompetent swine.
"He's a cheery old buck" grunted Roger to Jack,
As they slogged to Tawakalnistan with carrot and pack...

..but he did for them both with his plan of attack.

Casualties in the wicked Wabbit war upon the peaceful people of Tawakalnistan have been enormous - don't believe the Wabbit's rose-tinted pwopaganda! here's a picture of the war memorials to the thousands of fallen bunnies who've given up their lives fighting for a false "God" and falser "King"... photos the Wabbit and his munions try to stop their people seeing!

(photograph taken with high-quality imagining equipment supplied by Indycorp Optical & Photographic Services)

"We shall not fear the Hopalot for we have got
Myxamitosis shells, and he has not."

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/8/2006 4:57:18 AM

Post Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:11 am

Bah, what do you know? You weren't even there! I didn't see you fighting side-by-side with either party!

Indeed I did no fighting. Woe is me. All I did was count my prof.... er, blessings that no Noo Dworkians were made to shed their blood needlessly for the bidding of religiously besotten demagogues.

And as far as knowledge of what went on is concerned, those of us not caught within the fog of war have far better vision and perspective of what went on that the combatants themselves.

Where we sat, we saw that your little minions were being massacred by Tawakalni defenses which, were they more deeply manned, would have held off your little furry enfilades ad infinitum

But the Tawalnic troopers, the regulars, were seen to be growing weary and there weren't enough zealous fedayeen around to bolster up all the lines as needed. And so the prescient self-preservation instinct that is the Grand Mullah put through a little jingle to certain holiday planning service providers and, well, the rest you know.

Post Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:45 pm

Well I must say, when these rabbit types put their fuzzy little minds to something it sure gets done. Our new cafe bar idea has taken off quick-smart. Branding was an issue at first as Lard...I mean Dear Lord thought that there would be a little more of "him" in it:

He also queried the percentage of Ginger Beer in Druid Fluid but tests carried out in our labratories categorically prove that this beverage is absolutely not alcohol-hic.

As a compromise to the use of our own "DRUID" nomenclature on the beverage branding the new vehicle outlets will be 100% bunny:

Of course with the best of health and safety for his common folk in mind each vehicle will be stringently tested using up to date techniques including test-bunnies:

There have naturally been a few disagreements as any major partnership will have. One such blip in our smooth running was the Esquilaxativan R&D department designs for a Rocket Powered Carrot:

My team of negotiators is still working on convincing Lar...Dear (sheesh) Lord that is, for want of a better word, stupid.

Post Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:01 pm

Since p-p-p-ostinngg any poetry wuld be haarrrd,, sincee Mulahhhhh has stolen our grammar, we will post some liturature. created by an observer.

"These are some quotes i have heard from Zeta1, when he lead his troops into battle in SwissDruLandia and Tawklanastan.

"Courage, above alllllllll th-things, is the first qualllitttty of a Squirrreell."

"Never interrupttt Mullah, Taw, Tors, or Swiss when they make onnenenenen of their many miststakes."

The recorder of these quotes is unkown.

Post Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:59 pm

Bah! The poetry of my Court Bards is far superior (and longer) than your poetry Taw! No doubt you bribed one of your cabana-boy resort staff to write it for you. Shame! As for that picture, that is actually a photograph of some of the three-dimensional visual art that is being showcased at an exhibition of fine young leveret's work at the Université d'Lapis . One of my favourites from the exhibition was a piece of computer-rendered art called "Colour-blind Rabbits in a Bag" by an artistic group calling themselves "The Colour-blind Rabbit Workshop of Vienna". Don't ask me why *shakes head*. It was good art though. Anyway, getting back to your alleged "cemetery", it is nothing more thant an excellently-rendered piece of visual art that effectively showcases Esquilaxitavia's excellent education programs.

Indy - Their disillusionment was all part of the plan. Why do you think that their leaders did not come to suppport them in battle? Because the ex-Mullah himself fled in fear, and his Generals were ambushed by some of my elite Chevalier . Indeed, truly a brillian tactic.

Swiss - The rapid growth of your business infrastructure is commendable, however you should refer to Us as "Sire", "My Lord", "Your Majesty", or " the Great Chimaera" rather than "Dear Lord". It has a rather religious flavour, and as you know we are not into that kind of thing.

Post Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:57 pm

Along a little known road,
ran the path to his throne.
Nested high atop a mountain,
a kingdom of marble and stone.

There sat the Llama,
quietly hatching his plan.
A plan to conquer and rule,
immense in its span.

A look of hatred and amusement,
crossed his beautiful visage.
As he thought of the mullah,
and the towns he would pillage.

"Tawakalna!" he screamed,
with his fist raised in the air.
"You shall rue the day,
you messed with the hare."

"For I have heard his call,
and to the ground I have spat.
For he called for the Llama Mustang
and his killer wombat!"

Edited by - Mustang on 11/8/2006 10:09:00 PM

Post Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:01 am

Nice Mustang,very nice

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

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