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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:34 pm

Hmm, I wish I had an authorised double so that they could continue this conversation with Mee... I don't have time to discuss insect prevention strategies!

Edited by - esquilax on 10/9/2007 9:35:40 PM

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:56 am

it's always pleasant to see someone else scoring points off the GRand Chimaera as well as oneself. Mee deserves a medal for his daring expose of secret Rabbit activities. I'll sort something like the Grand Order of the Serene Poobah, or Sacred Order of the Teatowel, something he can tell his grandkids when they ask "what did you do in the Great War against the Rabbits, grandad?"

anteater DNA - classic! half-rabbit, half-anteater, all chimaera - i didn't think he looked much like a horse anyway. well observed there, mee! I s'pose his Hoppityness uses the long anteateresque (look I made a new word!) tongue to lick the last drops from the GB bottles.

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:46 pm

Hah, you need all the help you can get Taw! Anteaters... *Shakes head and waves paw dismissively* Bah! Bah, I say!

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:33 pm

I've got a bit of a surprise for Esquilaxitavia. I have initiated the Global Anti-Rabbit Task Force, of which Tawakalna is an official member, even though he doesn't know it yet. For those of you not in the know(which would be most of you), it is an elite organization dedicated to the annihilation of the evil Esquilaxitavian empire, and to preserve the free world from the likes of the heathen religion of Rabbitism, and their suicidal bomber bunnies. We will not yield to mutant freaks of nature who hide in their underground holes. Our mission is to pester, annoy, insult, and drive out the heathen masses of rabbits, rabbit followers and their allies from their occupation of Australia. All are free to join us if they wish, we welcome all except the fiendish forces of the furry floppy-eared freak. There are benefits of joining G.A.R.T.F. Free weaponry, training, excellent food(usually rabbit), free wine and beautiful women, if you so choose. However, the punishment of betrayal is great: If you are caught with the vile and forbidden "beverage" of Ginger Beer, you shall be attached to a trebuchet, and flung into the ocean. If you join, you take a solemn vow: Never to yield in the face of dangerous bunny "wisdom", always uphold the ideals of the Global Anti-Rabbit Task Force, and be ready to go to war whenever the threat of Rabbitism arises. If you are captured, you will always refer to Esquilax as Mr. Bunny Bunny Foo Foo in his presence, and insult his sacred Ginger beer. Fear not, unlike the Esquilaxitavian Empire, we don't abandon our own. We will fight for your freedom. If your faith in the G.A.R.T.F. appears to wain, we shall guide you back to the light, and remind you of your vow, and what it is you fight to protect.

So join us! Join the Global Anti-Rabbit Task Force and ensure the security of the free world from the tyranny of The Chimaera, and his ilk! What say you, free folk of The Lancer's Reactor? Will you join me and Tawakalna and fight this evil? Fight for a rabbit-free future!!

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:46 pm

Another month and this thread will turn two years old...

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:03 am

Fear not, unlike the Esquilaxitavian Empire, we don't abandon our own

he's got you bang to rights there, Flopsy not only because of your lack of reciprocation to your followers, but also because of your penchant for other websites and forums.

"Esquilax is online"

we'll soon see about that!

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:50 am


Hmm, I wish I had an authorised double so that they could continue this conversation with Mee...
Silly wabbit!

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:07 pm

The consolidated forces of Esquilaxtavia and the Kingdom of Mustang will always defeat the political ideals of Tawakalnaism. You may think that Tawakalnaism is the true path but still you all grease the gears of IndyCorp, Swiss Industries and their subsidaries with your greed and consumerism and therefore fuel the engines of Commercialism, the very foundation of the nations of the great southern island. As the great Gordon Gekko once said "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good, greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.' and bless his evil black heart, he was right! So dump this lazy Tawakalna and his aggresive stance towards the true captains of this thread. We are your true fathers, search your feelings, you know it to be true!

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:32 pm

The Esquilaxitavian Empire shall fall with the Kingdom of Mustang. The Global Anti-Rabbit Task Force will drive your forces into the sea. The Llama and Rabbit-fool taint the free world with their "essence." Dirty animals, the lot of ya! Do not defy G.A.R.T.F! We have the dreaded Trebuchets of Doom, to fling the unclean into the nearest cliff wall. I earlier suggested the ocean, but that's full of various forms of marine life that are worth far more than the Empire and Kingdom combined. It is in the best interests of all that is good that Esquilax and Mustang be defeated in the most humiliating manner. I, General Meezookeewee, with The Grand Mullah himself shall lead our forces to victory!!

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:52 pm

The only victory you're likely to see is in the 'Filthy Bearded Old Man" contest and even then we've got our money FD taking first prize. Sure he's not that filthy or even that old, but the thickness and texture of his beard more than makes up for his lack of age and stink.

Post Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:47 pm

And what did the citizens of Esquilaxitavia (there's no such thing as the 'Esquilaxitavian Empire') ever do to you, Mee? Nothing, that's what. It should also be noted that Esquilaxitavia is not "evil"; *we* don't butcher innocent rabbits and feast upon them, nor do we consort with Capitalist Vampires or Shady Used Car Salesmen! In addition, we *offer* the path of wisdom to everyone; we force it on no-one. Oh, and Rabbitism is an ideology, not a religion. It hasn't been a religion for many months. Get with the times, yo' fool! As for "abandoning our own", bah! That was why Tawakalnistan was invaded in the first place; to free the captive citizens that were awaiting death and consumption. Such obvious propaganda *shakes head sadly*.

Anyway, feel free to support Tawakalnistan. If you like sand, oppressed and uneducated women, strict caste systems, sand, palatial Mosques, tea-towels, sand and Ladas, you'll fit right in. After all, do you really wish to ally yourself with a man who was so delusional as to aruge that Ginger Beer's cloudy appearance is due to whale extract (see second-last post)? *Shakes head in amusement and imitates Darth Vader* All too easy...

Musty - Your support is appreciated. Let us show old tea-towel boy and his new acolyte how the game is played!

"Tors" - You're just jealous that you didn't think of the idea first. Oh, and it amuses me that every time you post, or edit a post, you have to add quotation marks to your moniker. It's rather annoying I imagine *mocking laugh*.

Edited by - esquilax on 10/11/2007 10:51:45 PM

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:46 am

Oh, and it amuses me that every time you post, or edit a post, you have to add quotation marks to your moniker.
I can imagine how a simple task of dexterity for evolved creatures like humans could prove a major barrier to furry pawed sub species such as yourself alright. Kind of explains a lot about the pictures and horror stories regarding backward minded sewer dwellers of Esquilaxativia.

Anyway, you started it, or someone else did anyway and I forgot that my "real" name has been lost somewhere in the previous 77 pages. Thanks for pointing that one out...well, not so much pointing, more waving your stubby foot in the general direction.

EDIT: No problem with edits either yah daft bunny.

Edited by - "Tors" on 10/12/2007 3:47:03 AM

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:39 am

I'll have you know that mee has recently won The Tawakalni Times "Crazy Mullah Bingo" competition; he's now a sand millionaire - he earns 10,000 tons of sand every day in interest alone!

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:14 am

Llamas just spit. They don't do much anything else. Well, they have been known to scurry up mountain sides.

The Trebuchet of Doom. Catchy .

*looks for new factories in cheap slave labor countries to produce a knock off*

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:45 am

@Indy: Cheap slave labour? As opposed to the expensive slaves which I have employed in the past?

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