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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:46 pm

From: The Secretary of State, BSCVoND
To: President of Jaskatoria

Come to the dark side, Jask. Come to the dark side. Let profit be your god.....

Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:10 pm

Im not after profit. Im after whats best for my people.

I'm Rick James, *****.

Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:03 pm

ID - Pah! Spare us your state-funded propaganda! Silk robes? Maybe, and maybe you can "transcend" your physical body through the abuse of alcohol, but it's not real. True astral travel can only be provided once TRUTH is fully realised, and only Esquilaxitavia can offer TRUTH through the medium of the Holy Libation. Through GB, Enlightenment can be realised. As for your region's material wealth, that will be gone soon enough. Possessions are fleeting after all, and all of your "wealth", if it can so be called, will not lead you to the path of Enlightenment, as will the hard work and meditation undertaken by the noble Esquilaxitavians.

Jask - As for *you*, as I recall the conflict was widely acknowledged to be a *draw*, and the surrender was mutual on behalf of both parties. The Agreement was only signed by Jaskatoria because your people were under the threat of bushfires at the time, and couldn't spare the resources to fight a war on two fronts.

All - You see the Evil that I am up against? Will anyone else join with me and defeat the evil and materialistic forced of ID and his cohorts? Fight on the side of goodness, because whatever you may believe about the Rabbit-God, it is unequivocal that he represents purity of both the mind and spirit. Besides, the Rabbit-God doesn't care what you do, as long as you do not infringe upon the rights of others. Drink yourselves into insensibility every night if you wish *looks pointedly at the pint-carrying ID*, as long as you turn up to work on time .

Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:40 pm

Id and his Cohorts? a few days ago it was the foul Tawakalnistanians! you're either beset by enemies or you're changing them to suit, a la Eurasia/Eastasia.

Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:54 pm


Jask - As for *you*, as I recall the conflict was widely acknowledged to be a *draw*, and the surrender was mutual on behalf of both parties. The Agreement was only signed by Jaskatoria because your people were under the threat of bushfires at the time, and couldn't spare the resources to fight a war on two fronts. ally that speaks to you thus is what you consider good for your people? Your fair request has not gone unnoticed, however I am not one to make false promises. As my people have no use for GB and yours seemingly do diverting the pipe line out of the Warren and into Jaskatoria is not a problem. I fear however that behind the secrecy and propoganda deep inside the dark burrows of Esquilaxian Digtatorship we may find that the pipes are dry and its people in great need of Wabbitarian Support. The Tawaklanastanian vehicles are loaded with such supplies. Can you help them?

@Taw: The rabbit has always had a problem deciphering what is important, he fails to distinguish between you and I in much the same way he fails to make the distinction between false prophecys brought to him in a GB fest stupor and the bleak reality of his situation. Our bond is on equal terms, the Grand Mullah does not answer to High Druid of the Swiss, he is our brother in arms. All who fight the evil of bunnydom are equal!


Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:21 am

Bah, you anti-rabbit lobbyists are all the same. All I know is that I'm alone in Esquilaxitavia and surrounded on all sides by enemies. Poor rabbits, we are always victimised and abused. *Wipes eyes with back of paw*

Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:50 am

"he fails to distinguish between you and I"


"you anti-rabbit lobbyists are all the same"

point to you, Id Out of the Bunny's own mouth doth he condemn himself....

Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:59 am

All I know is that I'm alone in Esquilaxitavia

@esq: so me and my positron collider count for nothing? great way to encourage your troops and followers, or in my case, voluntary mercenary.

Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:49 am


@Arania: Well I did show Jask how poor an ally the flopsey one is, no respect or grattitude unfortunately. I really do worry about the horrid condititions inside the Digtatorship for his citizens considering how he treats outsiders. BTW: Mercenary eh? so you would not mind working for a bidder with rather deep pockets then? A company car is on offer as part of the over all package, Lada Samara 1400 convertible.

Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:54 am

it's a better offer than mouldy carrots, potato peelings and a dank burrow with smelly straw for a bed, Arania, and just look at the overcrowding...

Edited by - Tawakalna on 12/6/2005 3:29:56 PM

Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:59 pm

That picture is propaganda! It is many years old and shows a cell full of dissidents who felt antipathy towards the old administration. I, of course, freed them as soon as I ascended to power. As for you anti-rabbit types all being same, you are! After all, you are united in your efforts to extermine (and consume) the industrious and enlightened Rabbitfolk of Esquilaxitavia. You all share the same penchant for rabbit-related cruelty, and constantly belittle and abuse Esquilaxitavia. In any case, you humans all look the same to us rabbits.

Arania - I have not forgotten ye, but you live outside the borders of Esquilaxitavia as I recall. "Esquilaxitavia" usually refers to the region of "Victoria" as you humans call it, and its borders meet Jaskatoria on the north. To the East, West, and South oceans surround it, so you can see that I lack other friendly countries to work with.

Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:33 pm

why's it got *TYPHON* scrawled on the side in rabbit blood then, eh flopsy mopsy and fluffytail? eh? the camera never lies... this is investigative journalism at it's best! now we see what goes on in the slave-state that Esqilaxativland, the predominant and indeed almost only export of which is rabbit-pooh.

Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:46 pm

*Waves paw dismissively* Looks like a crude "Microsoft Paint" job to me. It's unfortunate that the Tawakalnic propaganda machine does not have the funding to use a *real* image-editing program such as Photoshop. And I thought that Esquilaxitavia was poor!

Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:13 am

how dare you suggest any of my pictures are faked. typical. it's clearly genuine - distoibed wabbits, mud floors, and a creaky old piece of junk for a computer. anyway it wasn't Paint, it was ACDSee Photo Editor, so there. You're still on DOS Harvard Graphics for WWG3.11...

Edited by - Tawakalna on 12/7/2005 2:40:21 AM

Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:46 am

@esq: My current residence is shortly north of Jaskatoria's nothern border, and i might remind you, i have significant resources at my disposal. Unfortunatley, most of the country in which i live is significant desert, but i do enjoy being able to dissapear into the sands.

@druid: 'Voluntary' being the key word there. I do not work for money or material value. Mercenary is a rather crude word to describe my work, which, 99% of the time, does not involve weaponry of any sort, but rather a type of advanced corporate esponage. I am, however, looking for a new plane, as my current, model, is rather insufficent for my work. (Cessna's to not have NEARLY the fuel capacity or Flight ceiling that i am looking for, and, unfortunatly, everything else has been the subject of a number of, inquiries, by rather shady groups, and i have been forced to liquade my more suitable stock)

@taw: Although i must agree with the overcrowding problem, i must debate that 'Typhon' is wirtten in blood. it loks more like it was written on the side with spray paint. What does 'Typhon' MEAN, anyway?

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