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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:58 pm

Gentlemen, a minute of your time please!

I regret that it is my duty to inform each and every one of you as to the particulars of the terrible plot which we have of late uncovered. An Esquilaxativian hoperative, Mr Tors Denneti, was aprehended on the boarders of Tawakalnastan. As there are certain silly rules and convention thingies there it was considered diligent to transport Mr Denneti on an unmarked plane to to Craggy Oiland off the coast of Swissdrulandia, a location where a fair and thorough investigation free from the constraints of silly rules could be effected.

It became apparent that Tors Denneti was infact sent to Swissdruland in order to kid-nap the Nobel Prize winning Dr. U. Id. The doctor had been briefed by our intelligence division regarding a form of biological weaponary known as Chimaeroid. Tors aim was to discover whether or not the doctor had discovered a cure for the debilitating effects of Chimaeroids before Esquilaxativia deployed the "Space Hopper" weapon which carries it.

Exhibit A: The Space Hopper Prototype---

These simple devices were to be filled with Chimaeroids and issued to toy stores around the world in an aim to attack the most innocent, weakest and cherished of all our people, our children.

Exhibit B: Esquilaxativian Artists Impression of Mission Code Name "Space Hopper"

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Before long it would even infect our live stock,

Further evidence captured by our hiht-tech spy planes, some of which shall be allocated to the Aranian Air Corps as per their request, subject to terms and conditions of course, can prove that the evil Dig-taitor used animal testing prior to the weapons' completion.

Exhibit C: Animal Testing

Finally these weapons would be mass produced and shipped into the stores by Christmas.


After the weapon destroyed our live stock and killed our children, the Esquilaxativians with their rapid reproductive rates would quickly over run our land all the time impervious to the devistating effects of Chimaeroids as their Laxative gene-ancestry posesses a strong natural immunity.

We did not release this information earlier as it would clearly have caused a global panic. Also, we had to fabricate all of bad...corroborate all of the evidence prior to making such bold accusations. It is only on receiving the Grand Mulla's coded message

cramped hole
that I knew our troops were fully prepared to combat this latest Weapon of Ass Destruction, Chimaeroids with our counter ofensive Operation Mixupmetosees .

I thank you for your time, gravely apologise to anybody on diall-up. I trust that you will treat this with the maturity and gravity which it deserves.

Edited by - druid on 12/7/2005 4:08:24 PM

Edited by - druid on 12/7/2005 4:10:13 PM

Edited by - druid on 12/7/2005 4:12:13 PM

Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:39 pm

Animal testing? Me? *That* is propaganda! The Rabbit-God does not believe in animal testing for obvious reasons, and the very insinuation fills him with righteous indignation! As for the rest... I will neither confirm nor deny the "evidence" that has been presented. I will however, confirm that the Rabbit-God does not think very highly of children, as they are expensive, disruptive, messy, and cannot be depended upon for a decent conversation. Leverets on the other hand, are far superior.

Orillion - Welcome to the side of Right! Your support is appreciated, and together with Arania, our reluctant ally Jaskatoria, and the others who will soon join us, we will destroy the infidels of Tawakalnistan and Swissdrulandia. And of course you are welcome in the Burrow! You will however, be escorted at all times by the Esquilaxitavian Temple Guard, and your generous contribution to the Esquilaxitavian economy will be tested for pathogens, poison, myxomatosis, and of course, Ph balance . These safeguards are not to be taken personally, but are necessary in order to protect the people of Esquilaxitavia. After all, spies and betrayal are part of Esquilaxitavian history, and precautions *must* be taken.

Taw - The Burrow is a natural marvel! You remember the description that Gimli gives of the Caves of Aglarond in LOTR? Just like that! See? Better in fact, as there is even a back entrance (very heavily guarded) that provides docking facilities for the Esquilaxitavian Navy. Here is a picture:

"Taw Towers"? Bah!

Edited by - esquilax on 12/7/2005 4:39:19 PM

Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:46 pm

You guys are starting a war? The NGSE will not stand for it.We will stay nuetral at all costs!

Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:59 pm

I'm not even sure if this counts as war, it seems more like a day at the UN!

Well, at least now i wont have to bother with the space-based aresenal, unless i change sides... cant be bothered anyway. despite the sheer number of them, i must say that rabbits are very effective heat conductors and blankets. athough you really do need some air conditionaing in this hot weather Esq!

Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:17 pm

@Dirty rabbit thingy: Neither confirm or deny? These weapons could destroy the entire future of the Jaskatorian nation! These weapons were tested in a prototype form in the the Jask/Rabbit war, and as part of the Melbourne treaty were banned. Normally, as a nation, we would stand back and let you destroy each other, but a weapon of such... extremely fun yet horrifically destructive weapons could be spread into Jaskatorian territory.

National Jaskatorian News Service: Free of bias since burdensome government restrictions!

As of today, the nation of Jaskatoria announced that if the neighbouring nation of Esquilaxatvia were to be engaged in a military conflict, that the Jaskatorian Self Defence Force would in no way assist Esquilaxatvia with wounded, diseased or with any form of arms or petroleum.
Such a bold disregard for the Melbourne Treaty has shock a lot of Jaskatorian citizens, but the majority agree with the President's decision, and in an even stranger poll, 95% of Jaskatorians professed a love for GB, a potion produced in Esquilaxatvia. If there is a conflict, this precious national beverage could be in short supply.

In related news, the trade embargo placed on Swissdruland by the Jaskatorian government has been lifted, and petroleum supplies have began to flow back into Swissdruland to power thier large fleet of Russian Automobiles. This move, will hopefully end the current crisis involving the poor quality whiskys which have flooded the Jaskatorian market.

This has been Brendan Wheeler-- *muffled talking in background*

Hold on folks, we're being handed a major story!

Jaskatorian President Jake Langley has denounced the Esquilaxatvian nation and declared open war on the Rabbit-God and all his followers! In a bold move the Jaskatorian Self Defence Force (JSDF) has begun to send infiltrators and ninjas into the Rabbit-God's outer strongholds! This is a dark day, but we must be strong in the face of this enemy!

Once again, this is Brendan Wheeler, NJNS news.

I'm Rick James, *****.

Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:08 pm

Pah! Your do not scare me with your "ninjas" and "special forces"! My Tawakalnic-inspired rabbit Mujahideen (officially unsanctioned) will blunt any forays into Esquilaxitavia! Furthermore, the Esquilaxitavian government would like to annouce that it has long expected such a betrayal from Jaskatoria. Due to this belief, ginger beer exports to that region for the last three months have been watered down by as much as 60% in order to punish the people of Jaskatoria for supporting their despotic leader who, it is believed, seized power in a bloody coup several months ago. In addition, the Rabbit-God (all praise His name!) would like to state that he personlly washed his paws of Jaskatoria long ago after reading Jaskatorian internal correspondence laced with teenage angst and "emo" oratory. It was then decided that Jaskatoria was one "ally" Esquilaxitavia could do without, especially as no support had ever materialised from Jaskatoria despite numerous promises. Attack Esquilaxitavia at your own peril heathen!

Arania - Air conditioning is not currently available in the High Temple of the Rabbit-God due to cost cutting measures. Fans however, are available if needed .

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:23 am

@Stormtrooper: Neutral eh? Now that is interesting. The Coalition of the Mud-slingers could do with some "neutral" allies. Helps legitimise our cause on a moral level and all, you understand. Any chance we might use your air bases for refuelling our totally non-military jack-boot and fatigue wearing, completely legitimate rabbitarian aid workers type-people-transports? Those guns you see them carry are actually tranqualiser rifles for helping sedate panicked and injured bunnies who have attempted to escape the Esquilaxativian Guard.

No preassure mind but those large Swissdrulandian Multinational technologies based companies that employ one third of your total workforce would see it in good light.

@Jask: Be careful with the GB stocks, if Esquilax has contaminated it with 40% filthy water *spits into spitoon---ping---"Water Pah!"* there is no telling what else might be in there.

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:31 am

that'd be the rancid sewer water that seeps into the Burrow. it's so contaminated it's no wonder he's a chimAEra...

Edited by - Tawakalna on 12/8/2005 3:10:27 AM

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:19 am


.... Come worship at the altar of the Profit ...

Edited by - Indy11 on 12/8/2005 6:19:08 AM

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:49 pm

"What else might be in there"? Only Freshness! And natural Goodness! Mock my GB will ye?!? Don't make me turn you into a pillar of sodium-chloride ID! *Raises paws threateningly*

Indy - The Altar of the Rabbit-God is also available .

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:39 pm

*sniffs and notices a smell*

Oh. Hi there Rabbit, been hitting the sauce again, I see.

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:45 pm

Don't make me turn you into a pillar of sodium-chloride ID!
Is Esq getting delussions of grandur?

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:53 pm

Is this thread STILL going? That freaky rabbit-thing just can't get enough can he? Why don't we just rename this site "The Esquilax Reactor" and be done with it?

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:36 pm

Hey, don't blame me! *I* didn't start any of those threads! It's my animal magnetism I think; it draws people to me. The only problem is that these people are not usually awestruck by my majestic presence, and instead mock the Rabbit-God's value system and his penchant for GB. As for your name change proposal, how do you know that I am not already in deep discussion with the Management about that very issue?

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:50 pm

yes it's a shocking example of attention seeking isnt it Ogh? and here's arecent picture of the interior of the burrow, showing the Rabbit-thing and his followers busy plotting their takeover of next doors dustbin..

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