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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:59 am

or he grew so big so fast that he cannot now be extracted from his hole in the ground, dooming him to a subterranean life...

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/21/2005 8:04:25 AM

Post Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:03 pm

Bah! Indy once again cites his baseless assertions about the Esquilax first being imagined in "The Simpsons"! In order to combat his views, I'd like to invite my colleague, Dr. B. Collett a Professor at Melbourne University to provide some input.


Esky: Thank you for coming Dr. Collett.

Dr. Collett: Not at all my good sir.

Esky: Professor, can you please provide us with your insight in regards to Indy's statements regarding the origins of the Esquilax?

Dr. Collett: I'd be happy to. *Ahem* Well, most scholars agree that the "Esquilax" became known to the mainstream crowd due to its presence in "The Simpsons", a popular and long-running animated series. This is not to say however, that the Esquilax did not feature in the mythologies of other cultures. Indeed, many scholars assert that the Esquilax appeared in Greco-Roman mythology which, of course, traces its origins back millenia. The Esquilax may have simply been a "Chimaera" used in storytelling and dating back from the oral tradition, but it may also have held a more prominent place as an agricultural icon or perhaps even a physical representation of agricultual prosperity. Such suppositions however, are difficult to credit without dedicated research.

Esky: So you are effectively stating that the Esquilax has its roots in Greek/Roman mythology?

Dr. Collett: That's correct.

Esky: And that despite the fact that "The Simpsons" publicised this rare "Chimaera", it in no way definatively states that the Esquilax did not exist prior to its inclusion in the aforementioned series?

Dr. Collett: Yes, that's correct.

Esky: Thank you very much for your time Professor Collett.

Dr. Collett: My pleasure.


Well, there you have it people. Proof from a reliable source, as well as the assertions made by the Rabbit-God himself. Hard data will be provided, if possible in the future (time and suitable resources (not the internet) permitting).

Grom - I appreciate the support my canine friend! We animals must stick together in this humans' world .

Post Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:01 pm

I will concede that there is a Professor B. Collett at the University of Melbourne.
And that said Professor may have some qualification in the study of the antiquities. Although currently only delving into 11th to 17th Century Europe.

But I submit to the members at large all that we know:

A mythological being that swills a ginger based carbonated beverage made by process of the fermentation of sugar that denies origins most easily documented by a cartoon tv show, circa 1989 and denies that any alchohol passes his lips while drinking such fermented beverage.

Oh and whose physical description has it that it has the head and body of a rabbit but also has horse traits which traits are not expressly detailed (horse legs and feet perhaps? and tail?).

And, of course, the so-called interview with the good Professor is not subject to authentication or corroboration by any disinterested third parties.

Oh yes, while the Grand Mullah and I may differ on many points, or at least a few, it would seem that we are pretty much on the same page when it comes to one Wascally Wabbit.

Post Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:59 pm

In regards to the GB, you cannot definatively state that my preferred brand does indeed contains traces of alcohol, especially considering the fact that there are techniques for removing the aforementioned traces, and the fact that the beverage in question is sold to minors. As for my lack of "equineness", that is due to the limited views of anti-rabbit constabulary. They continually mock my rabbit characteristics on TLR and elsewhere (ie. email) and ignore my equine characteristics for reasons known only to them. Hence, for the sake of clarity and simplicity, the equine aspect of the Esquilax remains unstated but nonetheless present. As for the lack of pictures which, I imagine, will be your next assertion, that is due to the wiles of the elusive Hare-Horse and his intense dislike of cameras and recording devices. And of course Barry is real! He was my lecturer once upon a time...

You and Taw? In cahoots? you're in his corner and not mine?! Ah well, I guess that it is up to Grom and I .

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:13 am

Dr Collett eh?! lol. blimey, small world.

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:59 am

lol o lol o lol o lol. everyone ignores your horsey attributes? that's because of those long ears and your burrow-dwelling habits; not very horse-like really.

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:04 am

I like rabbits.

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:05 am

I don't!

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:08 am

Rabbits are ok, you feed them as cheaply as you do a cat, easy to deal with. But, with certain "People" who impersonate rabbits, that is a whole nother deal. They are high maintenance and exspensive to keep.

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:30 am

and unlike normal rabbits...their poop has to be scooped by a industrial sized pooper scooper

Does Esqi' have any outstanding fines for not cleaning up

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:40 am

How could someone not like rabbits. They are so cute.

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:54 am

no they aren't. they're evil bloodthisrty monsters. the cuteness is just an act!

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 2:49 pm

Taw - Hey, *you* were the one who coined all of the rabbit references! The lack of horse jokes is entirely your fault! Hmph!

Fleish - I appreciate that .

Grom - Small world? Why? Were you educated by Barry too?

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 2:56 pm

maybe not so much educated by him, but rather an uncle or otherwise relative of him

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:01 pm

Ah yes, of course. I forgot about that, thanks Loc.

Grom - "Uncle Barry" sends his regards .

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