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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:12 am

Suprisingly light and comfortable for what you so often refer to as a "dark, dank hole" eh, Taw? Besides, that picture was taken during the last conference on the Esquilaxitavian economy. Unfortunately, little was resolved but a lot of GB was consumed.

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:23 am

Wabbit - it's a tent.

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:48 am

"Tents"? We don't need no stinkin' tents! *Hops off sadly*

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:44 am

It's about two days since posted about the three million liters of GB in order to support the rab gods folie and I am still waiting for the news.

News ? What news ?

Just think: what is the shortest connection from "volvo"-land to Esquilaxative-istan ? The most direct connection ? Diretissima ?

It must be only a matter of minutes or few hours until a GB-wave will flood all rabbit holes from below and 'wash ze wabbits' out. Drowning they will not even feel that they consume alcohol - what will close the doors of 'rabadize' (spelling ? ).

And you thought would really help ?

Information warfare is the key

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:03 am

What the **** was that, zazie? Why would I flood the Rabbit-God's holy home?

Anyhow... I won't be participating in this for a while. One of my dogs died and I just can't go on. See you...

Edited by - on 12/9/2005 8:03:20 AM

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:15 am

won't the Gb get hot as it passes throught he Earth's molten core though, scorching the bunnies to death instantly as it erupts in a fizzy geyser in the antipodean Burrow?

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:46 am

Hmmmmmm. Waiter, exactly how is in #79 - Ginger Steamed Rabbit In Skin made?

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:40 pm

Bunny propoganda beamed directly into the livingroom of innocent citizens.

Very troubling indeed!

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:31 pm

Highlander and Alien were particularly entertaining. The large death toll of bunnies is most heartening

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:23 pm

The Rabbit-God does not believe in propaganda; it would not be ethical. In ay case, that page merely showcases student films porduced at "UniRabb", the affectionately named Esquilaxitvian University. No rabbits were harmed in the making of those films... or so I am told.

Orill - My condolences.

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:24 pm

/\__/> -_- <

My young kitten sleeps
Sleepy from overeating
Global Bunny lost

Edited by - Chupa on 12/9/2005 7:23:55 PM

Post Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:13 am

rabbit haiku! wonderful!

"The Rabbit-God does not believe in propaganda; it would not be ethical"

or believeable, either; who's going to swallow the assorted sayings of a 6'6" rabbit-thing with delusions of grandeur and a god-complex?

Edited by - Tawakalna on 12/16/2005 9:55:36 AM

Post Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:22 pm

Hey, people tend to believe *your* propaganda, and you are a towel-enshrouded megalomaniac with shifty eyes and a rabbit fetish!

Post Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:28 pm


Post Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:03 am

Yep. You're always speaking about them, insulting them, hunting them, cooking them, or eating them, and they seem to dominate your every thought. In fact, I have heard rumours that rabbits are being kept in the backyard at the Royal Palace in Tawakalnistan as pets. Next, you'll be telling everyone about your extensive collection of rabbit-fur coats...

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