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New Zero Tolerance Policy ----- REVISED EDITION -----

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:32 am

Cassy, that was your first post. You are not exactly experienced enough to make any kind of call over what has happened in the past months. BP does a lot to run the site, and I'm thankful for it and--get this-- I was NOT trying to start trouble. Ok???

I have said I am sorry for causing the trouble half a dozen times. And I am. The mods aren't fascists, but there are problems with the administration and they certainly aren't saints. I emailed Stinger a set of changes that would improve the site, and I hope they will take it into account. And I fully respect that they feel attacked, and considering the incredible amount of work they put into the site it wasn't fair to them what ensued as a result of my threads. So I'm not going to respect their wishes and if I have a problem, email it to them instead of whining about it here.

Edited by - Wilde on 3/3/2005 4:35:46 AM

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:35 am

There is just no pleasing some people is there. You seem to have an attitude that is one sided. I'm reading through these forums now and I cant for the life of me see where this bakedpotato person has offended anyone. All I see is the great work he has done in making this site what it is and your complaining about him. Just seems to me you should appreciate the fact that a person like him takes the time to keep this site running but instead your insulting him. That makes no sense to me at all. I for one appreciate him and this site.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:37 am

I haven't insulted BP at all. And I really do respect and thank him for putting these forums up, AND AM SORRY FOR STARTING THE TROUBLE.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:38 am

Cassy - Spoken like a true moderator

Edited by - slartifartfast on 3/3/2005 4:38:32 AM

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:42 am

oh wow....

Firstly i dont think any doubts that bp does hard work, so we all get that bp and the mods work hard.

Now i dont think swearing/threats/insults will really help, even though were all riled up.
I do agree there should be some changes but we wont get them. Besides a revo in arms wont work cus all our arses will be banned, if we want change maybe we should conisder a ghandi method as oppose to a joan of arc method

EDIT: as for newcomer, and so of the newish people here. infact me wilde as well. there was a big delete of alot posts so i am told, so its possible to miss certain things that happened.

Edited by - DSQrn on 3/3/2005 4:43:53 AM

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:01 am

Looks like this site is labeled with ICRA and has been. Here's the info on ICRA.
The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working to make the internet safer for children, while respecting the rights of content providers. ICRA has long believed the best approach to protecting children online is through "user empowerment" - giving families the tools to control their online experience. When used voluntarily, tools like ICRA's empower families to match their online experience with their values, without compromising free expression or undermining other users' access to information.
Key word here seems to be children which is what some of you are acting like.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:07 am

lol. oh you are sooooo a moderator. Whats the matter, to afraid to give your opinion under your normal name? LOL. sad man, real sad.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:15 am

I could understand why you got mad in the last hours here on TLR but - as you already did here - calm down please. Debate instead of attacking people.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:17 am

That is my name. My real name is cassy and by the way I'm not a man I am a girl. Is your name slartifartfast? Who's the one with the fears. Like I said before children is the key work here.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:21 am

Welcome to TLR, Cassy
As there are not many girls around here the tone and attitude may change after your last post

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:40 am

Cassy - point(s) of order. whoever you really are.

there is a strong push by certain staff elements to misrepresent things that have happened recently and in the past. selective deletion and editing to present a different version of events to anybody reading for the first time. These alterations make the staff look like little angels beavering away on *our* behalf being treated like crap by troublemakers like me. This isn't actually true, nor is it what happened.

children. i have children, 2 of them, 16 and 10. the 10yr old occasionally has posted here. don't presume to lecture me or any other parent about children. have you got children? I doubt it. neither have certain staff members who keep wittering about *family site, family site* whenever they want to shut anyone up because they don't feel comfortable themselves with the subject being discussed. and we've uncovered some pretty nasty prejudices amongst certain staff members, which, bearing in mind that the host of this site, the Almighty Micro$oft, bound by equality legislation, perhaps ought to hear about?

(and going back to a point the lovely Chips made, your argument holds about as much water as a ripped Tesco bag, chum. don't be silly.)

and for the lovely Keith, well you can always ban me my friend, rather like you've obv banned your conscience from your mindset, but do you think that will stop anything now? ban me, ban anyone else who's stood up to be counted, close the whole OT section that your m8 that Glock fella can have the modding section to himself (oh yes) and it will not make a jot of difference, will it? a bit of peace and quiet for you for a few days or weeks then it will all start again with another bunch of disgruntled posters because the problem is systematic to the management of this site and NOT just a few *pigs* as you, Robbie and Douggie and the Glock monkey like to pretend. YOU are the problem, not the posters.

one of the reasons i and others disappeared last year was the teens being allowed to run rampant, Wilde and DSQrn amongst them. Surprised by that news? now they've had enough of you as well. And I 100% support Wilde's position, not because I like him, not because I enjoy giving you a hard time, but because he's right. absolutely right.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:03 am

Taw, its interesting to see your once valid and thought out points have just turned into INSTAFLAME!~
Firstly, you are continuing to ***** about the moderators when even a young man like Wilde has done the civil thing and apologised for any trouble caused and tried to change it the way he was told, via email. Btw Wilde, this REALLY impressed me that someone of your age has the maturity to do this, you really do give me hope for the teenagers of the world
Secondly, whats your problem with Glock? He hasn't posted here, he hasn't involved himself in any way with this discussion, he has left it to the other mods. Again, its trolling INSTAFLAME!~ bull****. Now, I actually know Glock obviously unlike you. I've played on his server and spoken to him on Ventrilo for hours on end. He is THE most helpful man I know when it comes down to modding the game. Why don't you do a search on all of the files which list him as a valuable help?
Thirdly, I'm actually getting irritated with your posts here. I didn't 'pick a side' during this little debate because I can see both points. I'd love to know your point though, you don't seem to have on anymore, your just flaming. How constructive. You want a reveloution? Goto Invision Power Board, setup one of their forums and call it Shmancers Reactor. There you can post all the stupid pointless posts which you like, but while your in essence 'visiting somebody else's home' why don't you just respect the rules?

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:04 am

Tell you what Taw "my friend" I have no intension's of banning you or anyone else nor do I have any intension's of closing down the Off Topic Forums.

You do what every you want, knock your socks off, I could care less.
Beat each other all you want, call each other names, belittle each other, show all the disrespect you want.

But I'm done with it...It's a waste of time. I tried but it's going nowhere.
Have a nice life. I wish you all well and good fortune.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:12 am

Devineman -
Bizarre. That wasn't the reaction I expected from the person who just posted to me in another thread. Just goes to show its difficult to understand a person's personality by reading a couple of his threads. I don't know what politics has gone on here in the past - and I have no idea who Glock is - but Tawalkana does have a valid point in my eyes. There is no way on this earth that a) cassy is woman and b) cassy is a valid new member to this site. I've been around long enough to recognise the rants of the likes of Stinger and Bakedpotato, to know full well that this "creation" is their work, or of someone of a similar nature. They obviously don't believe that they have a strong enough argument to put across, or are too inept to do so, and therefore have to create themselves imaginary friends to back them up. Its really quite sad.

But I will say this. Tawalkana, it appears to me that you have a lot of issues with the people here...understandably so from what I've read...would it not be a good idea to go and set up a forum of your own? Leave these kids to wallow in their own ****? I doubt its that hard to set up a website - especially one that would be more appealling than this place (lets face it, this place looks rough, feels rough and is riddled with amateur touches, its hardly a picasso now is it?!).

Bakedpotato - bye.

Edited by - slartifartfast on 3/3/2005 6:13:26 AM

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:17 am

@slartifartfast - Hey, I just pick my sides when I see peoples argument.

@bp - Damn

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