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consider taking the "Esquilax" route

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:09 am

consider taking the "Esquilax" route

...and heading into the shadows of TLR. It seems, though we have all made a collective effort and successfully brought up the standard of the topics here in OT, the mods' undemocratic and unwarranted censorship of certain threads is still running rampant, and quite authoritarian in nature. The myserious deleter once again deletes a series of inoffensive posts and does not offer his/her name. This simply isn't fair to TLR members!

Another thing. My "bigotry running rampant" post had absolutely NOTHING to do with Freelancer, politics, or religion. What is the Off Topic forum for? Anything except freelancer, politics, and religion. So why was the thread locked? Because, apparently, it was close to those issues, and might possibly become a sensitive issue for some. As I said there, no one would call a post condemning the KKK "politics" or "religion". Just because it's in the news doesn't make it any more so connected to those issues. And no one had started flaming on the thread yet. Deleting as a pre-emptive measure makes no sense.

It's paranoia and dictatorship

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:14 am

Wilde, so you and others have a clearer picture of why I locked your thread, it did indeed border on political aspects and Adult themes that are not appropriate for a Family Site. If you wish to "Disapear into the shadows" that is you choice, but, you do not have to. As a site, some decoreum must be maintained. As I noted to you in e-mail, such subjects that are adult themed or political, could be handled on MSN or e-mail. Other family type subjects are indeed welcome here. So, with that said, hang in there.

Edited by - Finalday on 3/1/2005 5:14:27 AM

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:01 am

*Adds paranoia to his list*

No-one has used the word paranoia in reference to TLR before! You're the first. However, using dictatorship is quite unoriginal. It's on the bottom of the "How to refer TLR as" originality list.

<end of sarcasm>

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:05 am

Wilde, please, could you first calm down a bit??

OK, heres the story, what you think is happening, is that every mod is on a nazi-like censorfrenzy, and Delete posts just for the sheer fun of it, in other words, Policing factions of a wanton dictatorship/policestate.

There have been problems in the past, I won't deny that, but the whole staff is working in a joint effort to clean the past up and move forward, there are also people you won't see around here that much anymore, that is because in the past, they had private conflicts wih moderators, that have been dealt with, and they just don't see the fun in visiting anymore, so they left. (sorry to those if I oversimplify, or show a false representation of the nature of the conflict).

now I won't close this thread, because the mod that posted before me didn't see any problems either, but please understand, to make errors is only human, so errors happen, errors in judgement or otherwise, they cannot be helped, the rumour that there are boards with no moderators and all is done in harmony are true, I have visited a few of them in the past, but however the only reason they work, is that the scale of the community is much much smaller then what we have here, please understand that we (the staff) try to moderate a community counting a few 10s of thousands of members, and if we do that unmoderated, people will think we are an easy target to pick on. Now, im not condoning what has happened in the past, and the reason I stay silent is because I feel my main function is to observe and act only when absolutely necessary, but not everyone feels like that, we all differ in our ways like a giraffe differs from an elephant.

so please, could you calm down?? if you ahve any more questions, mail me at [email protected] and ill be more then happy to answer them for you

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:35 pm

<sniff> do i detect more than a touch of homophobia going on?

funny peculiar isn't it? There can be any number of threads about girlfiend problems or not being able to get a girlfriend, or not fitting on school etc etc but when someone openly discusses attitudes re: homosexuality the thread is locked on the basis of *politics* (yeh right) and *not family friendly* (please) - but we've discussed homosexulaity and related issues before and it wasn't locked, and one of the more enlightened and tolerant moderators is openly gay (That one up there, that there Locutus who keeps hanging around docks propositioning sailors.) Why should one aspect of sexuality be more *family friendly* than another? it isn't of course, but you forget there are certain prejudices inherent in certain members of the moderating team that come to the surface all to easily.

so what's the goddam problem? unlock the kids thread, if I'm not mistaken you *could* be leaving yourselves open to civil action if you persist in censoring this topic. Just cos some (or a lot) of people don't like discussion of homosexuality especially the religious element, doesn't mean it's an unmentionable subject and this matter is protected under the Constitution of the country in which the server resides, i believe.

and frankly FD you have a bit of a nerve lecturing people about what's family friendly when you havent actually got a family of your own, guy; sorry to be rough dud but I do have a family and have had for nearly 17yrs, I think I know what's family friendly better than you do, and I'd have no objection to my 10yr old reading Wilde's post. Those were your own prejudices coming out guy and don't pretend they weren't, you're on very shaky ground there - bad call.

although no doubt *someone* will dlete this post of mine like all the others. yeh great idea, if you dont agree with someone no matter how right they are, just pretend they dont exist and delete all their posts, surefire policy for success that is.

Edited by - Tawakalna al-Fedayeen on 3/1/2005 12:37:28 PM

Edited by - Tawakalna al-Fedayeen on 3/1/2005 12:42:29 PM

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:41 pm

I dont know man... i dont know. Taw has a damn good point. I have felt a few cases of unfair modship but nothing real importent.

But i have to point this out, this aint canada, usa or whatnot its TLR. I mean they COULD ban people for posting to many five letter words. I can see where FD and the other mods care comming from locking that thread. What bugs me is this random deletion of post. i can understand censorship of swear words but deletion seems extreme and makes me think of 1984.

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:03 pm

There will be allot of changes coming...some soon and some will take us some time to complete...but there are new things coming and changes will be made...

But there is no reason I can see for all these negative posts...they will go nowhere. This is not helping us or you the community...

We are trying the best we may take some time to fix everything including the problems some people are having but there is no excuse to disrespect yourselves and others...and that's what I see here...

If you don't understand what I'm saying think about it...

I've asked before and I'll ask again...if you have a problem send us an email and we will do our best to find some kind of solution that is beneficial to everyone.
You can get any of the TLR's staff member email address from the Staff page.

If you keep making negative comments in the Forums it will not help the situation...believe me what I say this...We don't have time or the energy anymore...and no this is not a threat...I'm just trying to find a solution to the problems...

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:36 pm

Taw, sorry you feel that way. As to the topic of homosexuallity versus boyfriend/girlfriend, the homosexual topic does draw more heat and flames. It is senstive in many areas. As to discussing it in the past, yes I remember it and I also remember members giving heat and attacks to others posting here over it. So it belongs on the "not for public conversation" list. As to unlocking it, nah, I see it being an attack on those that don't support the view.

I personally look foward to change that are coming.

As to not having a family, maybe not my flesh and blood, but I do have neices that I would not want to see things get passed around. One day, maybe I will have a family, old and gray.

But, There are still a lot of things for discussion, just use a little imagination.

Edited by - Finalday on 3/1/2005 2:38:00 PM

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:18 pm

Ok here's my position: I do understand Finalday where you're coming from and I understand your concern for keeping this site open to all family values. It's part of what makes you such a good mod. On the other hand (thanks Taw for backing me up ) there is a touch of homophobia in that. Not everything discussed on here is "family friendly"--Freelancer, the game this site promotes, has you killing off thousands of people a day to make your living...and not only that, but also generates chilling screams of "I don't wanna die!" before enemies' ships explode. We talk about Girl Trouble all the time, some mormons might be offended because it doesn't fit in nicely and cozily with their views.

And what is that, "an attack on those who support the opposite view"? Honestly, someone writing a thread about neo-nazi uprisings in Germany wouldn't have their thread locked. This was exactly my point in the thread: It's alright if you hate gays, but it's not alright to hate Jews, blacks, or deny rights to women . It shouldn't be. And you've just bought into that by claiming that bigotry and segregation has a place inside a free society.

How about this solution to the issue: if someone writes a hate-filled, bigoted post about homosexuality/race/etc., you delete THAT. I don't see why complaining against blind hate isn't alright, but blind hate is. You aren't cutting off the root of the problem, you're compounding it.

Edited by - Wilde on 3/1/2005 3:22:00 PM

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:43 pm

calm down,
sometimes things can be taken the wrong way some ppl take offence to something that other ppl wouldn't look twice at it's all a matter of attitude

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:05 pm

>>Other family type subjects are indeed welcome here.

No, I will not calm down. A mod that I respect, trust, and like is showing what sounds very much like homophobia. Why should I calm down? I want FD to give me a reason why it isn't homophobia that he's displaying, and why it wasn't homophobia that he locked the thread down.

Also, the other issue at hand is that of the "mysterious deleter". And that has to stop.

Question: A lot of people start threads on "Girl Trouble". What if I started a thread on "guy trouble"? Would that get locked, simply because it involves a guy going after another guy? Because certain people may become sensitive over that?

Edit: Well, I guess I could calm down a bit .. Sorry, it's just that being bisexual homophobia becomes very personal.

Edited by - Wilde on 3/1/2005 4:24:39 PM

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:23 pm

No, I will not calm down. A mod that I respect, trust, and like is showing what sounds very much like homophobia. Why should I calm down? I want FD to give me a reason why it isn't homophobia that he's displaying, and why it wasn't homophobia that he locked the thread down.

This isn't your website Wilde. Finalday doesn't need to justify anything to you. Maybe that's hard for you to accept, but there it is anyway.

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:25 pm

I have to agree with Taw and Wilde here, I think theres something very very wrong with the top brass (moderators) on this forum. Its actually part of the reason I decided to make my posts and replies minimal here. You can deny it all you want and talk about "changes" but "changes" can never "change" a persons homophobia.And IMO i think the "mysterious deleter" is a load of **** and a blatant cover-up. There... I said it, gonna get banned now or what?

"Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks. "

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:25 pm

Sorry, I didn't try to make it seem like I owned the site or anything. I was requesting.

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:32 pm

nieces schmeeses. we're talking about direct parental responsibilty not one step removed. that's a rather lame appeal to the emotions. I do have direct parental responsibilty for someone else who is a member here (although not actively posting) and I completely disagree with your actions, I saw nothing in that thread that I considered offensive or potentially so for a 10yr old child to read. As our good friend Stinger always says "if you wouldn't say it to your mother dont say it here" by the same token, "I'm a parent and it's up to me to decide what my kid(s) can or can't read" And i have more grounds to say that than you, Mike, but you have the *clicker* - Do NOT try to hoodwink ME, it will not work, you should know that by now. Frankly I'm disgusted with your behaviour and your stance in this matter and I thought your reply trifling to say the least. You might think I'm being too rough but you chose to end a topic that someone felt strongly on the basis that YOU didn't like the subject, not that you found any genuine infraction of the rules and regs in the content. You just whipped that justification up quickly and it's clearly threadbare from the off.

Keith, your counsel of despair rings even more hollow everytime. *please email us* just isnt working anymore is it? RATHER LIKE I WARNED YOU MONTHS AGO. face up to the issues, bow to the will of the community, for the day of reckoning is fast upon you. I told you this would happen ages ago and you mocked me and insulted me and drove me off the boards, now see where your pride and arrogance and steadfast refusal to listen has got you. You thought this was a popularity contest for my ego? You couldn't have been more wrong. Everything i and others predicted has come true.

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