Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:28 am by ko''top-ih
it's about time you people did have a public reckoning. you're unaccountable, unanswerable, corrupt, and hypocritical.
for the sake of this *united front* rubbish you defend the indefensible. as a body you make decisions based on personal prejudice and then pretend its just enforcement of the rules. why don't you just come clean about it? just say *it's our site we can do what we want and you can s*d off if you don't like it?* at least that would be honest.
don't give us any rubbish about *we argue like hell in private* as its what's in public that counts, as the current situation clearly demonstrates. i reckon this is make or break for you now. there's been too much *inner-circle* and *we're the moderators* you desperatley need to restore credibility by a more open decision making process and a lot more honesty and a lot less patronisation. or just continue to degenerate
into a private club for 1/2 dozen middle-aged Americans and one 15yr old.
as to the family site waffle? examine your standards and criteria, because while you may be steering the site towards 8 yr olds, you're promoting ESRB 17 rated games. Do you actually have any idea what you're doing? Do you even know what your standards are? seems to be whatever certain moderators decide at any given juncture, with no uniformity or rationale other than personal prejudice.
*negative* and *offensive* - how very very sad. On what basis is *negative* and *offensive* decide? not the rules and regs, but on BP/Stinger/FDs reactionary say so. Why even bother to deny it anymore?