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Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:54 pm

Once again, I am deeply indebted to you Taw. Forums are for public discussion. Emailing one person about a certain subject is different than talking about a subject on a public forum--so it really doesn't work. If you have a problem with your society, what's better? Writing a letter to your Congressman/MP or organizing a protest filled with hundreds of thousands of people? I want change to occur on TLR, so I'm not going to email one mod about it, I'm going to talk about it on the forums. And you can't complain that this thread infringes on the rules and regs.

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:57 pm

Taw, and others, my views, I keep off the forum. A discussion on any given topic will have 2 sides. One for what ever, and one against. In this topic though, it is a hotbed subject, it is more profound and heated. To let a topic ramain open, requires allowing opposing points of view, which you and others would surely flame back. It surves no purpose. Oh, it is allowable to lock a topic that is a flame excellerator, i believe. But, since this one is no longer on topic, and has become one of attacks, I will be locking it. Wilde, or anyone else is welcome to appeal it to Eraser or BP and if they decide, they can unlock it. Till then, *Click*

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:02 pm

Damn taw i love you

I personaly have deep and great respect for FD he is a fine mod indeed but i have to back up wilde and taw.

If we allow 'girl trouble' talk i think that homosexuality should not be a taboo.

Now bp correct me if i am wrong but you want sugestions. Well my sugestion is quite clear dont make homosexuality a taboo. If your saying "Its not that i have a prob with it, its that it can make some feel uncomfortable" well that in of itself cant cause much harm but that sort of thinking is a slippery slope. And that can lead to homphobia (Note the 'can' not does).

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:09 pm

Once again, this is WRONG. Email Finalday, this isn't a public reckoning, and stop trying to make it into that for gods sake. Its bordering on the insulting. If anyone disagrees with any mods actions, it has to be a public shaming, where you demand things, and will not stop at anything until you get what YOU want. Some disagree with your views about the topic being locked, but you will IGNORE what they think because it doesn't fit with what YOU THINK. Don't worry, I know you will not even conceive that point, as it fails every single damned time anyone disagrees with anything.

Wilde, I know its fustrating to have a thread locked, but in all honesty, did you actually discuss this with Finalday? Did you email Eraser and BP as well as Finalday, did you try to have a dicussion saying to BP and Eraser that you found this to be unjust reasoning? Whilst I agree that locks shouldn't be made in anticipation of trouble, that is my personal view........which is why I left it. The fact that one of my compatriots disagreed and locked it is his personal judgment. There is no point in trying to have it out in a public way like this, as what the heck is it going to achieve? His change of stance, his change of view? Not likely - that is done through explanation and persuasion. Putting someone on the backfoot defensive in trying to change their minds will not work - and outright attacking them certainly won't.

As for this part about knowing whats best for topics etc.

Taw, you know whats best qualifies as family material because you have children? I am sure some parents let their kids shoot weapons, swear, smoke, drink, take drugs, whilst their parents do the same, are murders, thieves and worse - but by definition they are much more suitable to be able to guage what is suitable for family orientation content than others........ I don't think so.

Yes, you have children and I do not - but don't for one second make out that we are therefore completely incapable of being a judge of what is suitable or not. After all, I was a teacher - Does that mean in any educational related debate or issue that your POV is null and void in the face of mine?

I get very very tired of this barracking Taw, its annoying and unproductive. Their is your view, and your view only. SOD anyones and everyone elses. Strangely enough, apart from a few posts of your own being deleted, nothing really was going wrong. Admittedly nothing was really going, but there was no contention. If people don't like topics they can explore - then maybe we need to lax the rules up a bit, but that requires input and discussion - not open defiance, beligerance, attacks, provocation to try and twist things to their own end.

Since you keep saying 'your done' and 'never coming back' - its boring to read your latest diatribe. Attack a moderator, have your pop, they cannot say anything because their hands are tied with being polite.

And for everyone else - we do not tolerate attacks on other members that exhibit this voracity, and we will certainly not tolerate attacks on moderators or other staff with this verocity. Because you are complaining or disagreeing with our decisions, it does NOT grant a carte blanche to say whatever you like in whatever manner you like about anyone at all. Simply put - stop it.

If you don't like this post, then tough. If BP or Eraser don't like this post, then they can remove my status and myself from here.

As for Taw, Sir, its time that you simply pissed off for good.

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:16 pm

OK I tried to be nice about this but it seems you're not going to let it go.

I'm about as close as I can get to loosing my patients.

If you want to cause trouble do it somewhere else.

We provide these forums as a community service...You don't pay anything...
But if I have to spend my time with this ridiculous waste of time I will shut down
the Off Topic Forums...

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:26 pm

I'm sorry bp, I'm not trying to humiliate the mods or cause trouble...all I'm trying to do is make TLR a better place, and it seems that there's a problem with it that I would like to see fixed. Please, no one wants to humiliate the mods or annoy them, just change is necessary. And people are feeling that the emailing system doesn't work.

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:40 pm

wilde, lets put it this way:

It's not helping, and it doesn't look like it will help. At all.

Edited by - Wolf_Demon on 3/1/2005 6:41:54 PM

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:44 pm

No one has tried the email system....
The only email I've received is from the moderator's telling me about the situation. Not one member has sent me an email except for a couple of people that could not be reasoned with...
It's draining us and is wasting time that could be spend in productive ways.
In other words we're tired of it...
We provide this as a community service but if it's going to become a community nuisance it will be shut down...
Either that or the posts will be deleted...I'm telling you now if your post disappears you'll know right away, you wont even have to ask who did it because it will be me... I did it and if you don't like it tuff...
And if you don't like what I'm saying that's too bad too...
It's not your site it belongs to me and Eraser and we are tired of having to spend our time dealing with this ridiculous's going nowhere and is a waste of good time.
It's that if that's what you want just keep it up...

We have big plans for this site. We're working on it now.
It will take some time for allot of what we have planned but we are working on it.
And I might add we are doing it because we want to not because we have to or because we are getting paid to do it...

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:50 pm

I'll be honest: There are few on TLR who i respect more then the mods. your job is like the job a milltary enforcement, people give you crap and its harsh but your trying to do whats right. But you are human and you do make mistakes

Edit: i was going to email finalday but we ended up chatting on msn. And you know what im a good person, here is my email (not msn) [email protected] here is my msn [email protected] Feel free to yell at me, or discuss with me.

Edited by - DSQrn on 3/1/2005 6:51:24 PM

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:55 pm

Ok, so now I will try the email system instead of starting a thread. but please keep in mind no one's trying to cause trouble or humiliate mods.

And I am really sorry for starting all this trouble.

Edited by - Wilde on 3/1/2005 6:56:36 PM

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:14 pm

*Emerges from shadows yet again*
I seem to post a lot for a lurker don't I? Hmm, I should work on that. Anyway...

Either that or the posts will be deleted...I'm telling you now if your post disappears you'll know right away, you wont even have to ask who did it because it will be me... I did it and if you don't like it tuff...
While I can understand your annoyance BP, such statements should not be made. Have you already forgotten the complaints of "dicatorial moderators" here on TLR and all of the trouble that ensued? Such a statement does not help matters either and, presumably, will simply polarise people to the opposite side of the fence; the anti-TLR crowd. I would ask that you reconsider your statement, as such declarations will not put anyone's minds at ease and will, most likely, have the opposite effect.
*Returns to shadows*

Nope! Sorry I wont take back any statements...You think I'm kidding, well I'm not..I will edit or delete or whatever it takes but enough is enough...
I'm not going to waste my time worring about it I have better things to do which among other things is to improve this site...

By the way we are looking for some people that might be interested in helping out...If you have the knowledge and skills and what to help out let us know...

Edited by - bakedpotato on 3/1/2005 7:55:58 PM

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:22 pm

I agree with you Esq but it's getting difficult coping with all the "insults", with all the hate-mails and everyone accusing you of everything. Sometimes I just have to press the "clear fields" button because my reaction was to emotional. Don't forget we're only humans, we can take a lot untill we reach the point of "no more". Don't forget we also have personal lifes, where we participate n our own battles. Don't forget we only spend time on this website because we like it, not because we're getting paid.

For everyone, please keep this in mind. All we want is this to be a decent community. Surely, you don't have to like every single one of us, but as you have to do in real life, we just have to live together, so why not make the best of it?

For now, take care of yourself. And eachother.

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:24 pm

Im no going to take sides but guys just CUT THE CRAP.Yes some people do want more "freedoms" but it might be offensive to the uber Christians. We dont want OT shutdown but people do want more "freedoms".Im sure you guys can work this out

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:31 pm

I want to state i have no hate for the mods but respect. And i totaly understand that your human, i have been in positions of power and repsoncibility and it isnt easy.

But sometimes i feel things are unfair. And soemtimes me and other people pick bad ways of expressing that but we should be able to express it

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:35 pm

I see some of the hypo-crytes have returned. Nothing better to do tonight?

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