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Post Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:42 pm

What are you referring too?
You don't make any sense.
That is if you can stop your eyes from rolling around long enough...
Wouldn't want you to get dizzy and bump your head now would we...
Might even damage that mouth of yours.
Now that would be a shame.

Post Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:51 pm

Now, now, take it easy guys...

Post Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:24 pm

People, calm for a second, bp, Wilde.

The forums are a host to a broad range of people. Many want this changed. Many want that changed. I, myself, am fine with everything; I'm not easily offended. I cannot remember when I was last offended to be truthful. But there are many who are easily offended and they don't / shouldn't happen to deal with any of it. But many of you insist that they should just deal with it and remit to your ideals of what a forum should be. If we all respected everyones individual likes / needs we wouldn't need mods. Even though noone will read this, I would just want everyone to try, try , seeing this through someone else's eye, someone with opposite opinions of yours. One of quite a few things that makes these forums good. The variety of opinions. But noone cares. Noone cares about what I am about to post, because you are all going to continue on about wanting all censors removed and want the mods hit the "Anything Goes" button.

Watch the head humpers Gordon!

Edited by - Aravis/eX-Project on 3/2/2005 10:28:20 PM

Post Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:31 pm

aravis, it's been calm for about 2 hours

Post Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:33 pm

Probably cause everyone went to sleep and there have been no additional posts. I'm betting on it starting to stir when people either come back and check, or when they wake up.

Post Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:40 pm

Hmmm, if it wasn't you bp, then who deleted my post .... ?

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:09 am

Stormtrooper, have you never heard the pharse "Its just not funny anymore"?

It doesn't mean the literal sense, it means all of this is getting tiresome. Thats what i meant.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:50 am

What I did say was Eraser does not have to take the blame all by himself.
We [are both equally responsible.

Actually, it looks like Eraser is really a decent bloke, so i have to disagree with your second statement, it seems some are more equally responsible than others.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:56 am

I, like esky, post a lot for a lurker. but this is ****ing absurd.

Might even damage that mouth of yours.
Now that would be a shame.

I would like to see you even TRY and follow through on that threat bp. just try and follow it through. i usually dont lower myself to this, but you're a ****ing sad sack of ****. there are days that i wonder if you are who you say you are, or if you even deserve to have a position of power.

but there is a problem here. this is time where TLR will be forged into a stronger weapon, or destroyed by corrupt, power hungry xxxxx. thats right, i said xxxxx. there are some in the position of power here who are some of the biggest hypocrites (other than certain polititans) of all.

The only thing that i get offended at is hypocrisy. and i'm feelin might mad at this point. Feel free to delete my post, but if you do, more will spring, there is no way to force you''re opinions down someone else's through (short of killing them... You wanna kill me bp? see if your sniper skills are up to scratch)

You wanna revoltion?

Edited by bp...took out the nastys left the rest in to show what a moron you are...

What a moron *I* am. by continuously editing my posts, you only serve to prove my point. I poke to gain a reaction. You have been a fine test subject.

Edited by - bakedpotato on 3/3/2005 2:40:24 AM

Edited by - Love Shark on 3/3/2005 3:11:51 AM

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:30 am

There is a quite simple reason why TLR has to face this kind of quarrel again:
The content and structure of this GREAT site attracts a lot of educated and intelligent people (more more than less ). Modding on such a high level is neither for Kiddies nor for dumb***s.
Intelligent and litterate people have opinions - and they like to discuss with other intelligent people, sometimes they even like to 'fight' with their arguments - just think of what Cambridge students are taught. The chance to meet intelligent discussions and interesting topics on TLR is higher than on most other forums. That's why intelligent people stay here - or come back (hi taw btw).

Now: Moderators are intelligent people too and have therefore opinions. Because they have opinions their standard to judge whether a topic is offensive, political, religious (...) is depending on their OWN moral, political, religious standards.
That's why threads are locked if there is only a very small 'smell' of "leftism" in it. It is obvious IMO that most of the Moderators have a more conservative background. Of course this IS their personal right and they do not have to defend themselves for that. But they should be aware of their own opinion when mixing their task as Moderator with their contribution to a discussion. And this happens here sometimes.

As a "liberal" I had to accept here on TLR that some posts or signatures keep untouched - even if they have strong political or religious content. They stayed untouched because they were close enough to (TLR-Moderators-) mainstream. I once even asked for closing a thread because of strong and offending religious content (I feel p*** off when JC is praised as 'our lord' - my problem). But this was ignored because Moderators participated in the debate and because JC our Lord is mainstream here (and there too ).

That's why myself I took the decision not to participate anymore in (most interesting) debates here because sooner or later one of the Moderators considers it as 'offensive' to some virtual average-TLR-visitors.
Now this is a question of the Chicken-or-egg-first?-type, but interesting enough:
I have seen more flaming about closed threads than flaming because of offensive content.

I don't care a beep beep about my rank

edit: typo

Edited by - zazie on 3/3/2005 1:34:55 AM

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:32 am

sheesh Jake i thought I came down hard on them but that's a multi-megaton supernuke job.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:37 am

(short of killing them... You wanna kill me bp? see if your sniper skills are up to scratch)

um, im not flaming you or anything but, you threaten him......then throw in a joke?

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:01 am

Vamp, i take your comment as a big compliment, is what i was after, but i think those involved know what its referring to.

and taw, there are certain things that tick me off to no end. certain people have been added to the list.

Edited by - Love Shark on 3/3/2005 3:05:39 AM

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:23 am

glad im not involved

and DO NOT capitalize the vamp

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:13 am

So now we are deliberatly insulting people, in order to make them edit out the low, rude and offensive comments and them blaming them for doing so?

Just tell me if I'm wrong here

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