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AC2 ClanWars MOD

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Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:05 pm

Hmm it is also possible freakzilla to make the voyager buyable from manhattan en what Shawn said to change the mission money so you have enough to buy it.
Another solution is to make the price of the ship way cheaper, be aware that this way you can only use in sp. On other mp server you can get kicked when buying a ship that isnt exactly on the wright selling place and also with different money. I can mail you the modification.

Also Shawn thank you for solving the into the sun mission problem i think blackassimilation wil be very pleased with it.

I also want to ask what ship suggestions people have to add to the mod. I hear many times an andromedia ship or someting like that, but im dutch and i dont know that game/serie or whatever it is??

Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 5:36 pm

Thanks for the suggestions guys, I appreciate it. I had thought of moving Voyager to Manhattan but then I'd have to move the shields and guns also. That would be a pain I imagine. But I'm still trying to find this Bini thing and figure out how it works. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 9:23 pm

I guess I've given up on using this mod to replay the SP game. EVERY single time I try it, it crashes when I try to launch and meet King for the first time. I've tried deleting all previous save games and I've unistalled then re-installed FL twice. Neither thing worked though for me. I guess I'll have to wait for a bug-free version to be released before I can try it out.

Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:31 pm


PLEASE,i am a BIG TIME babylon5 fan, i..NEED my starfury!

thats all i ask, and sir..for your hard work "for no money" i *salute* you.

Thank you very much, it is because of players like yourself that i plug on day to day makeing my mod "not for freelancer"

you rock dude.

keep on keepin' on.

Also, i am a model'er if you need ANYTHING please ask.

i for one would LOVE to help you out. "and see my ships in freelancer"
anytime, anyday.
Aim# BaDkaRmA158Th

PLEASE message me for anything you need.

this is for all other mod makers as well..if i can help, i will.

BaDkaRmA of the Mighty 158Th, out.

Edited by - BaDkaRmA158Th on 3/3/2004 10:34:42 PM

Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:32 pm

OK, @freakzilla, like I posted earlier.....
across the top are "date" , "file" , "catagory", etc.
click the blue word "catagory".
this will arrange all the files on tlr according to type.
page forward to files in the "editing" catagory.
scan alphabetically and by date for these files(took less than 5 min to find, write info down, get to this forum and start typing)
"changing default ship in SP" 12/6/2003. it briefly tells you how to do it.
"FL ini editor" 6/27/2003 518.52mb, I haven't used this one but from the description it sounds easier to use than BiniQDU 'cause it lets you change stuff w/out decompiling.
"FL save editor" 7/3/2003, selfexpl.
I haven't used all of these, some might have a how to/help file.
other than that you'll have to rely on your own native intelligence.

Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:41 pm

I got the prez mission to work as previously posted, but now walker and the others won't follow me into zone 21 to the alaska gate. that I think is the problem, there is no gate, but a jumphole, I think the problem is the game is calling for a 'gate' tobe there to activate a trigger. no gate, no cue to go forward.
Assimilation, I tried adding the gate AND zone. following the example I saw in evoloution 1.27 mod but it crashed. I suspect the two zones caused the conflict.

Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:49 pm

By the way, i have some of the best looking ships you will ever see.

and thats no lie.

trust me.

and NONE go over 3,000 polys "even with a full 3d cockpit..and 1,000 poly player model inside. "my player model is only 1,000 polys BECAUSE he is for a 3d shooter game im makein'"

most ships without 3d cockpits/player are like pppfft..1,000 1,500 max
AND thats still with full seeable 3d weapon load outs "guns, rockets, 3d cargo bays for iner wepon bays.

some cool stuff.

just things i think of in my head, and have to put it onto a drawing so i dont forget..then i make em 3d.
simple, yet effective.
again..if ANYONE would like to see em' gimmie a knock, via the post above.
i do not hate, and im friendly..even if yah just want some one to talk to, im here.

BaDkaRmA158Th, out.

Post Thu Mar 04, 2004 1:08 pm

@badkarma: do you have any other means of contact? personally I despise anything to do w/ AhOl. (the internet for dummies). msn messenger or yahoo messenger? e-mail? a geo-cities site so we can see your ships?

If I'm not here accepting the things I cannot change, I'm off somewhere ranting and raving about not being God.

Post Thu Mar 04, 2004 4:55 pm

Sorry, i only have aim, and icq.

you can reach me at [email protected]

tho if you wanna email me.

right now my "other computers" network is downed, so i cant get my ship "files" to be sendable.

but time will tell, drop me a line.

and ill see what i can do.

by the way, i like icq/aim and anything else because it allows me to have "nerreal time" contact with the ppl i work with.

somethin' about e-mails "hurry up and wait" piss's me off! = D

but uh, yeah..get ahold of me and ill send some ships your way, be advised tho..i use .3ds file format.


Post Thu Mar 04, 2004 5:21 pm

1 am trying to play Ac2Clanwars mods v-2.22,2.31 after playing v2.0,2.1 as a single player. in v-2.22, as juni and all the athers leave the buffulo base to destroy the "sattelite", the waypoint to the sattelite is in the sun and when we get to the sun naturally the game hangs up. altough i have deleted and downloaded this mod three or four times it still shows the sun as the waypoint. in v-2.31 after i downloaded it into the freelancer/mods/Ac2Clanwars folder. i cannot get it to unzip and install in the FLMM B10. i've tried to delete this mod and download it again three or four times it keeps giving me the same error " the central directory was not found in the archive."
i shall be grateful if some kind hearted person would inform me how to solve these two cases. thank you for your prompt replies.

patience is a VIRTUE bestowed on humans only USE IT.


Post Thu Mar 04, 2004 5:35 pm

shawn barry
could you please be more specific as to what to do and how to add the X into which fie and how to find that file to solve the sun dilemna. thank you for your prompt replies.

patience is a VIRTUE bestowed on humans only USE IT.

Post Thu Mar 04, 2004 9:42 pm

@ yil. thank you for your polite request. I'll endevor.

I used BiniQdu but any .ini editor will do, especially if it allows you to open 2 or more files and view side by side or flip between them as BiniQDU does.
1)open the file AC clanwars mod/data/universe/systems/Li01.ini (make a backup for quick use if you screw this up)
2)In Li01.ini scroll down 'til you see this bit of script...

nickname = ZONE_Li01_vignette60_exclusion
pos = 24272, 0, 37928
shape = SPHERE
size = 600
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000

3)In BiniQdu(or whatever you are using), in another window/pane/viewing area, open up MIcrosoft games/freelancer/data/universe/systems/Li01.ini . scroll down 'til you run across(using a key word in the find/find next function, I used 'alaska'. got me there quicker.)this bit of script..............

nickname = Li01a_to_Li01b_hole
ids_name = 260622
pos = 36040, 0, 76380
rotate = 0, 50, 0
Archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 128
goto = Li01, Li01b_to_Li01a_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Li01b_to_Li01a_hole
ids_name = 260622
pos = 68033, -5000, 36720
Archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 128
goto = Li01, Li01a_to_Li01b_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia

highlight the above script , right click, select 'copy'.(or you could just type it out, or maybe even copy/paste from here.)
flip to your opened Li01.ini file from the AC clan mod, put your cursor in the line right under........

sort = 99.500000
! <where the exclamation point would be>

right click, select 'paste'.
make sure there are no open lines between........

goto = Li01, Li01a_to_Li01b_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia .....and....
nickname = Zone_Li01a_to_Li01b_hole
pos = 36000, 0, 76363
shape = SPHERE
size = 800
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000

so goto = Li01... and [zone are together, just like above. without the ....and...
following the _bretonia.

the lines of "X's" are there just to bracket off the comments and to seperate the stuff inbetween (comments,stuff to add)from the existing .ini file.
I hope this makes sense for y'all/make it easier.

word of warning ....this fixed the sun problem but then I ran into everybody not wanting to go into zone 21 right after that. will take a shot at that Friday morning. the jump hole might need to be eliminated and I would really like to hear from Black Assimilation for his Imput/feedback on all this. and to say thank you for making a beautifully/artistically done mod.
by all means Xil, try this and let me know how the zone 21, off to alaska part goes.
Shawn Barry, [email protected]

If I'm not here accepting the things I cannot change, I'm off somewhere ranting and raving about not being God.

Edited by - Shawn Barry on 3/4/2004 9:48:10 PM

Edited by - Shawn Barry on 3/4/2004 10:01:34 PM

Edited by - Shawn Barry on 3/4/2004 10:04:46 PM

Post Thu Mar 04, 2004 10:16 pm

@Black Assimilation:

any way you could make it so Augers ship pack would work w/ your mod?
it seems most of his ships are sold in the standard systems so it wouldn't conflict w/ the ships/systems in your mod.
just wondering.

Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 2:52 am

@Shawn Barry - you do not need the BiniQDU, but the Freelancer SDK, which is a set of over 1300 decompressed INI files from which you can edit them more easily, plus it removes some known errors in the game!

If BLACKASSIMILATION accepts, there will soon be an AC2 ClanWars section over on my forums (pic in sig)!



- The home of Freelancer: Rebirth, the prequel to Freelancer!

Edited by - [ca[rd[amn[e on 3/5/2004 3:38:46 AM

Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 8:58 am

I played the previous version of this mod and really enjoyed it until it crashed when i was on the 2nd to the last mission. Damn that pissed me off. I've played so many mods and have not found one yet that didn't fail at sometime or another. Thankfully I'm now playing this new version now with Xerx Open Sp so it takes out the story and what a blast. I'm so sick of that story. I've been through it 8 or more times. Anyway thanx for putting everything cool in this mod(like the Starfleet ships). I'd like playing MP but was told that performance would suck because i'm using Directway. Has anyone played Mp with a Satillite connection?

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