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Darkstar One Discussion

This is a open discussion forum for Darkstar One. Development team members will try and answer all your questions.

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:28 pm

Hehe thanks alot

I'm looking forwards to more updates about this!

EDIT: I just thought about it... Last question : Are there any plans for a demo anytime before the game is released, when it is released, or later on its lifespan?

Edited by - FriendlyFire on 3/6/2006 5:28:43 PM

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:13 am

The plan is to release a Demo before the actual release. When that will happen I am afraid I cannot even begin to speculate...

Post Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:45 am

Okay, I dont think this has been adressed yet or avoided or whatever but the one blazing question on my mind is:

will there BE multiplayer over 1.Internet, and 2. LAN

Sorry if its been answered, I havnt seen it...

Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:20 am

Hi great looking game, i like the freedom dynamic but theres actually a story line to fall back on if you get lost.

and enmac, 3 posts up that question was answered.. and it wasn't the first time it was answered.

and i quote
"7. Asked many times and answered many times. We are aiming for an exceptional single player experience. We currently have no plans for Multiplayer before the official release of the game. Please note, the decision concerning MP is final for the release version, it is not final for future decisions."

Post Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:07 pm

OK, thanks, Im sorry I didnt notice it before

Post Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:43 pm

I can't wait to get my hands on a demo of this gem of a game.

Post Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:49 am

I also managed to get someone else into this form. He is a scripter and open to all your suggestions. I shall let him introduce himself though ^^

Post Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:52 am

Hi all,

like Eerazor, i am a member of the DSO Team from Ascaron.

I am part of the scripting team involved primaraly in translating peoples ideas into some form that is understandable for the game ^^ So if you have any really cool ideas for game missions feel free to share them so I can steal em and look good *muuuahahahahaha*

Just kidding of course... on the stealing part.

I am looking forward to answering (all) your questions...

so just ask away

Edited by - SpaceSurfer on 3/13/2006 8:54:05 AM

Post Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:28 am

Nice to have you here SpaceSurfer, welcome! I've taken the liberty to give you the same tag (Darkstar One design team) as I gave Mirko. That way people here can easily recognise you guys as part of the DSO team

Enjoy your stay here!

Horseman of The Lancers Reactor
E-Mail/MSN: [email protected]
"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class...specially since I rule."

Post Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:35 pm

Ahoy over there,
i was just askin myself...where there any special reasons to handle a "possible" mp part of the Game like u did? I mean (i´m from germany and my english s***) why didnt u just say "Eh what the heck, Mp is a must so see yer guys online..."?
I personally wont buy a single player Game again cause of the fact that i dont think the bots will talk to me about things exept like "Darkstar one, i´m scannin cargo...dockin allowed". Let´s face the facts, the only reason why Freelancer is still alive is cause most of us made friends out there on other servers. Thats the way a Game creates a community...but hey whatever happens, u made a customer over here anyway because of "I am a fan of Freelancer as much as the next guy here..."
At least one question consearnin the joystick thing...will it support gamepads like the PS2 pad or issit not possible because of too many funktions?

I´m glad to see someone out the community bein a part of such a great lookin Game, givin us hopes to play another great spacegame beside Freelancer....go on this way.

Best wishes,

Post Sat Mar 18, 2006 6:43 am

Why did you let out planets (as in dockable) and nebulae (only now you're considering it) in the first place?

"But then something happened, something
wich no-one could have Ever imagined... They, arrived."

Edited by - BmB23 on 3/18/2006 6:45:00 AM

Edited by - BmB23 on 3/18/2006 6:45:31 AM

Post Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:39 am


We felt there was no need to provide another enviroment where you could do the same as on stations.


Well we wanted to make sure they looked good and now they do! In fact I might obtain a screenshot or two just to show you how great it looks now... stay tuned!

Post Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:05 pm

How many Items as in Weapons, Ship Equip, and Misc. Upgrades are buyable with credits in the game for the player, not including the Artifacts?

Is it possible for the player to just buy the buyable upgrades and be a force to be reckoned with? Or do we need the Artifacts no matter what?

"It don't matter what universe your from. Thats got to hurt!"

Post Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:07 pm

I've just found this article on Gamespot. It looks like Darkstar One made it to GDC ... id=6146375

Post Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:11 am


The artifacts are a requirement to buy bigger and better weapons.

Take the beginning of the game as an example. You start with a very small Darkstar One, armed with one laser cannon, no missiles, standard shield, afterburn module, standard cargo drone module etc.

You have 2-4 tutorial missions to complete. Once you arrive in your second system you are rewarded with a "secret" location to an uncharted system. There you will find your first artifact which enables you to upgrade one of the 3 main systems. Upgrading the Wing for instance opens the door for another laser weapon so you now have to fore weapons.

Artifacts not only increase the ship level but they also open up doors for other pieces of equipment that you cannot buy if you do not upgrade your ship.

@Gamespot preview

Someone beat me too it I was just about to post that here.

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