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Darkstar One Discussion

This is a open discussion forum for Darkstar One. Development team members will try and answer all your questions.

Post Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:21 pm

This looks like its going to be a great game. Keep up the great work. I still cant believe that you will only have 1 ship, but in the end im sure ill get used to having one ship, although I thought it would be cool if you could have a type of garage where you could have different ships...

Post Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:08 am

Looks like a great game, unfortunately it's not a game I would spend the money to buy for myself unless there was a multiplayer feature and mod support. The mod support doesn't need to be freelancer quality, just something better than the complete waste of memory that Halo PC's editor turned out to be.

Single player can only keep you occupied for so long, at some point you want something a bit more social.

Post Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:10 am

First i was thrilled ....

Yay finally a new space sim bring it on!

The reality hit.....

NO MULTIPLAYER! (just some vague talk about the future and the importance of current release and all)

SO I'm disappointed....
And a lot of players with me.

I think the the game had great potential and i still think it is a great accomplishment to create it. I think the potential was destroyed when SP only was decided.
Too bad all that time and effort all that brilliant talented people that must have worked so hard to create the game will never get the reward they deserve becoz the most imporant part was tossed aside :'(.

Of course this is just my (sorry if it seems harsh) opinion and i'm sure lotz of players will enjoy SP. I hope the release goes well and the players have lotz of fun!

Post Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:17 am

Have a couple of questions for Erazor

1. Will the galaxy be balanced unlike freelancers single player?
Or will certain races be somewhat superior to the race you recently visited?

2. Since it's been some time since someones asked (to my knowledge) do you have a release date yet? getting kinda eager and I need to factor the game into my games budget

On the topic of multiplayer I believe that it is a shame that their will be no multiplayer but hey that's what expansions are for eh?


Best of luck

Post Mon May 01, 2006 9:33 am

Will the game support widescreen resolutions?


Post Tue May 02, 2006 7:29 am

Yes it does support Wide-screen resolutions

Post Tue May 02, 2006 3:47 pm

Just wanted to put in a congrats to E and the crew at A for an incredible achievement, the game looks fantastic and I can't wait to see it. I am in the USA and only do buisness in the EU so sorry i cant be a beta, i will have to wait for the release. All the details sound very well thought out, and if this is anything like some of the other titles in A's line, I love Patrician and Fable and Port Royale, by the way, this will be a classic to join the WC series, FS 1 and 2,
and SL and FL.

I dont humbly agree re multi player, I have been playing and researching
games of all types for years now, and have never yet played a MP nor do I plan to, I love people and sharing but NOT in my game experience, nor do I enjoy the similistic plots available in MP. BUT I hurry to say I am an odd ball and that is only personal opinion, I mostly wanted to reassure E that I for one am just fine with no emphasis on MP, and can't wait to see DS1 in all its glory. Congrats and I em enjoying your writing by the by, a SF reader and editor for 35 years, I really think you have some good work there, and will post there on your site about it.

Thanks for sharing with us here, I am new to this forum and found your posts and this thread very interesteing indeed, and a great sign of the openness of
the gaming design community! thanks.

Post Mon May 08, 2006 3:06 am

My writing? You mean my "Ascension" book which I kinda neglected to update on my website? Or am i missing something here? ^^

NOTE TO SELF: Must find time to actually do something with personal website and upload rest of book.

Post Mon May 08, 2006 2:51 pm

Yes your book on your site, I really enjoyed it, being a fan of Niven, Pournelle,
Heinlen, Voigt, Herbert, H. Bean Piper, Azimov, Jack McDevitt, Jack Vance,
Grodon Dickson, Ursula Le Guin, Arthur Clarke, Gregory Benford, L.E. Modisett Jr., Frederic Pohl, John Dalmas, Clifford Simak, Orson Scott Card, Kim Stanley Robinson, Paul O. Williams..........i look forward to more installments, and thanks for your hard work on Dark Star, I wonder how many remember the movie with that name, that was a LONG time ago...good luck with it all, and the screenies look very very nice indeed.

Chris G.

Post Tue May 09, 2006 12:42 pm

Glad you like it. Seriously, an honour being named amongst those authors, although I personally think the story could use a complete overhaul.

However, if I do that again, I will never finalize Book I (as I am eager to continue writing Season 2).

You might be interested in knowing that 9 additional episodes have been added.

For those interested in my humble attempts at a gigantic Sci-Fi story of epic proportions with enough plot twists to make the boogy dance look slow, check out my really in need of GFX site:

Post Tue May 09, 2006 3:22 pm

i got a question!!! is the second to last screen shot stonehedge from "nexus: the jupiter incadent"

"attention unknown ship! this is the battlestar galactica. identify yourself or we will fire apon you."

Post Wed May 10, 2006 1:10 am


Great game!

and I want to ask few questions:

(1) any further extension and new systems / story after the game being launched?

You know for standard single player game, most player will finish the game sooner or later and explored all the systems quick.

(2) What kind of different "bar missions" available? You know for FL those bar missions are BORING because I can conclude them right here and write a mission generator for that:
it is either "Go A destroy B, Go C destroy D, or pick the escape pod of X and return to base"...... repeat and repeat

Both of these two questions are concerning about how replayable of the game

Edited by - plchung on 5/10/2006 2:13:39 AM

Post Wed May 10, 2006 3:20 am

hi pich,

well the term "Bar Mission" is what we call complex military engagements inside Darkstar One. There is at least one hidden in each cluster. These missions are HARD, fun and present the player with a larger scheme of things outside the main plotline.

As for what happens after the game is released:

Well we have a lot planned. There are a couple of things we want to extend, try out, experiment with etc. Also of course Addon talk, Sequal talk, basically the usual talk. Nothing is set in stone as clearly the game has had no impact yet... not being released as of yet and all. Plans and ideas we have plenty, if they will amount to anything is up to the buyer of the product ^^

Post Thu May 11, 2006 9:57 am

Thanks E i will look for the new episodes. i dont know how you do all that work on the game plus writng! your days must have 48 hours in them, maybe in another galaxy connected by a phantom wormhole!

cheers and good luck on the game release etc. we are eagerly looking for it, and I plan to buy multiple copies!

Post Fri May 12, 2006 6:28 am

Finding the time is easy, especially considering the fact that I had done the draft of the book about this time last year.

I have actually re-done all episodes up to 14, changed 16-20 about a little and finalized the changes for 21 and 22 in preparation for episode 2x00 which I had just finished writing.

Currently I am sitting on the re-write of episode 15, as this is the only episode i felt I could use to deepen my main 3 characters further, without feeling the need to continue developing the plot along (as I feel it happens fast enough anyway). It helps me develop and explain the characters better for season 2, which, compared to season 1 is a little more complex (if season 1 was not complex enough). I have only found one person who has considered the story to be a little hard to follow because it is hard to make out what is actually happening, but that is actually the whole point. A lot of misleading, trying to have the reader ponder on his or her own theories until something new happens that might change their theory or show them that they are correct. The website now contains the complete first half of season 1, that also includes the kinda-cliffhanger ending for 1x11 - Dilemma (Part I). Things really get going after 1x12 until about 1x14. 15 slows things down again and 16-22 step up the pace once again, a pace that gets quicker in season 2 as the "set-up" was completed with season 1. Season 2 is using that setup, adding a few new essential elements and really trying to change the way I used to look at sci-fi as a whole.

One tries to be serious, but it all depends on the reader if the deeper meaning of the book is seen or not.

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