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Darkstar One Discussion

This is a open discussion forum for Darkstar One. Development team members will try and answer all your questions.

Post Wed May 31, 2006 2:13 am

That would be one of the terran pirate vessels

Post Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:14 pm

now what is the odd looking turtle base? is it a base or an odd looking battle ship? cus if its a ship than you can count on me getting the game the first day it comes out. and how many times a day do you check the forum? or is it like every other day?

cant see me

Edited by - gecko on 6/2/2006 4:16:08 PM

Post Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:52 pm

The "Turtle Thing" is a Mortok heavy fighter. Filled with turrets and has a special boss attack than can actually hurt a LOT if you are unfortunate to get hit by it


Post Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:05 am

Well, I like the game. It's pretty nice. I went through several missions yet.
The one thing I really dislike is the fact, that we are not able to create any
mods like in FL. Can't get the reason for that! That makes Freelancer still the
number one space sim worldwide :-)

PS: Isn't that the reason a game is being bought and played over several years,
if you can make your own mods (look at Half-Life, War Craft, Freelancer,...)?
Well, I guess Ascaron has not THAT target in his eyes...

Post Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:17 am

I beg to differ. It is very well possible to mod Darkstar One. There are already some out that enable you to fly different ships. I am sure that there will be people that will expand on that.

It is also possible to mod the ships themselves, interchanging them to use your own designs. We are currently looking at how much support we can give as well as modifying the tools we use in order to give potential modders a helping hand.

As for missions, those are very well possible as well, this will require the original missions (unencrypted) as well as an encryptiontool so the missions can be imported into the games missions.bin.

The possibilities are certainly there, but there is still hesitation as to how far the higher ups are willing to go ^^

Besides, there is still time, the English release is not until August and who knows what can happen until then.

Anyway, those reading the book on my webpage? How is it? Crap? Good? Would love to hear some feedback on that front.


Post Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:22 am

I abandon my statement in that case. Sorry for this one :-)
Which book do you mean? And where do I find the "mods"
you told me about? Guess the only thing you can mod yet,
is the looking of your ship. Didn't find any relevant data
(except the .lua files which - I guess - won't show any
effect, if you change them).

Well, hopefully the time will elapse a bit faster due to my
thailand holiday coming soon. That makes waiting a bit
easier :-)


Post Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:25 pm


And any others who may be interested.. you will find them: Here

I have read about 60% of it so far and I quite like it..


Post Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:06 am

weird,my post didn't show up lol

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:56 pm

I think I might have found an error in the demo. When I enter a couple of systems I get 'pulled over' by the military demanding my cargo. My cargo is Carbs, or animals. Nothing illegal. This only seems to happen when I've got more than 20t of cargo - ie there's one of those annoying cargo drones slowing me down. I can't remember off the top of my head what systems I was entering, but one of them is the only one in range (at least in the demo) of the system that is/was held by the pirates. I'm playing with the english subtitle mod if that makes any difference.

(This site is best viewed with your eyes open)

Post Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:19 am

That is not actually an error, as weird as it may sound. This situation happens at random in either rebel, pirate or dicatorship systems.

This is because a few (corrupt) cops suddenly claim that your cargo has become illegal and that you are to immediatly drop it (so they can claim it and make money out of it).

This is actually a feature and because it is there to simulate some unforseen situations and because corruption is not always identified as such, players (especially the german players upon the games release a month ago) also thought it was a bug.

Post Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:02 am

Oh! I suppose that would be mentioned in the manual that's not distributed with the demo

Weird thing is that the systems I had this problem in weren't dictatorial systems. They were Mesehkane and Kalima, Federalist and Democracy respectivly. Oh well, corrupt cops can be anywhere

I must say that I'm really impressed with this game. I've had problems running demos in the past, since most companies ship demos as an afterthought. Yours seems rock solid! The graphics are good, and it runs well even on sub-par hardware. This is FL should have been.

For those trying the demo and not getting good performance, turn the TEXTURE detail down. I'm running on a Pentium M 2Ghz, with 1GB Ram, and a Radeon 9700 128MB in my laptop and the game is decently smooth with everything at high except for the textures (medium). It also helps to run the game at lower resolutions; my TFT panel has a native res of 1400x1050 which my card just can't handle for this game at proper detail levels.

My sole complaints are that the fog in a couple of the systems is _too_ thick and that the reflection of your chair in the viewscreen gets annoying after a while. I like the idea of nebulae, but my card starts to choke with that heavy fog. It would be cool to have a slider that could control just how opaque the nebulae are for those with weak gfx cards. The reflection is distracting: I frequently end up attacking it in a dogfight and it gets frustrating to try to cut inside the turning radius of something that's not actually out there. It would be cool if there was an option to turn it off.

Great work!

(This site is best viewed with your eyes open)

Post Sat Jul 01, 2006 1:42 pm

Awesome demo, I really wanna buy the game now!

IMO it is the perfect blend of Freelancer and Tachyon, you guys have really done your homework. Needless to say, there are a few little things that are bugging me.

Firstly - translations. I understand this was made in German first and formost, and I can happily live with the slightly off lip-synching, but some of what the voice actors say doesnt seem to go with the text below. For example, the woman on the trading post saying "Here is the base" as opposed to "This is the base", or words to the effect. Just a minor niggle.

Secondly, there does seem to be an issue with the trading. "Corrupt cops" cant explain why I was pulled over EVERY TIME when carrying completely legitimate cargo, in seemingly legitimate territory (government owned democracy). This should really be fixed or at least looked at before the final release

Other than that, im really looking forward to DSO, huzzah!

Post Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:33 am

Translations will, I imagine, be fixed before the final release. Even if they're not, who really listens to the station lady anyway? I'm usually running full afterburner into the station with the cops on my tail

As to corrupt cops, the wierd thing is that I've never been pulled over - except for when smuggling - since I've installed the English demo. It is really annoying tho, especially since sometimes they demand the cargo that's INSIDE my ship and can't be dropped...

I also have a question for the devs: These wonderful turrets, which automatically fire at enemy ships - are they going to be on both sides of the DSO? I've upgraded my hull in the demo and have the one turret working, but I've found I need to be at an angle to the enemy so that the turret can fire. This makes sense since they turret is top mounted and should not be able to fire through my ship, but I would dearly like to have some of the turrets on the bottom of my ship giving ~360 degree coverage. Is this going to happen or are we going to have to mod it in?

(This site is best viewed with your eyes open)

Post Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:57 pm

Have a possible Glitch/Problem with the Demo.

Totally at random irregardless of Settings the game will freeze and go to the loading screen 2-3 times before permanently going to the loading Screen.
Happens more Regularly when i enter the Asteroid after the 3rd training mission.

Computer & Specs:
Sager Np 8887-v
Pentium 4 HT 3.06 GHZ CPU
1GB Ram
ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 128MB
Windows XP Pro

Running the game at Lowest Settings has no effect on the Problem.

Also as a Suggestion, I currently use a Logitech Wingman Cordless Gamepad
Link to Review with pics
having to use the right stick for the throttle which is always stuck at 50% is a little annoying, I can't find a way so-far to remap it to the Throttle Slider built into the Gamepad, so it might be a good idea to do that.

Post Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:50 pm

Hi there,

So far I've played the demo for a good amount of time and I love the look and feel of the game.

- What I have bad feelings about though, is the artifact hunting. Will this consist of continuously searching every asteroid you find? Or are they also hidden in other places? I wouldn't like seeing the game getting turned into a Gotta-catch-em-all kind of game.

- Also, will the systems be more interesting in the full game? Right now about every system I saw has a trade station, a planet and an asteroid clustered together, with nothing interesting to explore nearby. I really loved exploring in Freelancer, and there was a -lot- to explore, but DS1 seems a bit empty in comparison.

If anyone knows the answers, I'd be happy to know them.

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