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Hail Caesar!

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Wed May 12, 2004 8:35 pm

Sw...evil?! Not possible. But..oh nevermind. Evil is fun though Always on the run, you get to shoot anything you want, and you're extra sneaky and it's fun watching the foolish authoritys go by you. Taw can be a foolish authority next story

Post Wed May 12, 2004 8:40 pm

not possible eh? oh well, if you say so

Post Thu May 13, 2004 12:19 am

the resemblance between Philip the Arab and myself has been mentioned before, but most people think I look more like Gepetto. That big plank on his chest is just the way they wore the toga in his time, looks awful though dosn't it?

A Samurai story would be excellent, but you will have at least 1/2 a dozen regular posters who are well known to you going through your work making sure every detail is correct. There's nothing wrong with the Last Samurai despite what certain people think tis a bl**dy entertaining fillum, but maybe if you did something like Throne of Blood, which was Macbeth translated to 16th Century Japan. Or Rashomon, that's a great story.

and if I can make a request, IF you decide to put me in it, please make me a "swordsaint"

sweetness sweetness I was only joking when i said, I'd like to smash every tooth in your head..

Edited by - Tawakalna on 5/13/2004 11:23:13 AM

Post Thu May 13, 2004 10:43 am

Great story Final I might even stop saying G_d all the time
@Esquilax- I did NOT have it coming. Treasonous fool! Don't you see I am alive and well? I shall lead all of Rome in revenge for the killing of mighty Taw!

EDIT- I notice this story mirrors a certain Shakespearean play in some ways, where a certain group of conspirators are annihilated by counter-revolutionaries (Antony's men). Perhaps I could lead the legions of Rome against the er... other legions of Rome in a sequel

Corsair#01- putting the S.O.B. back into "slob".

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 5/13/2004 11:59:14 AM

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 5/13/2004 11:59:40 AM

Post Thu May 13, 2004 10:48 am

nice story finaldy

I am the Master of Disaster!!!!!!!!

Post Thu May 13, 2004 11:07 am


please make me a "swordsaint"
Hear Hear!! You mean something like Jubei Yagyu

If you do persist, I would like to audition for Ninja-Master or something similar, just make sure I have to use a Shinobi-Gaitana or Ninja-tôh alot.
(And with skill that is)

Post Thu May 13, 2004 12:05 pm

Any sembelance to the Bard, is purely accidental as I have read little of him.

Post Thu May 13, 2004 12:31 pm

I've gotta say, FD, these stories are getting a LOT better as they get grimmer and darker; you're on a roll, chum!

btw the resemblance to Wyllyam Fhakefpear was superficial, there were moments when it felt almost Ibsenesqe, which is a real compliment (from me!) because i worship Ibsen and compared to him Sherksbore is a gnat, a court buffoon. (Sorry sS, I know you'll be appalled, but I've always felt like that. Shakespeare is as dull as f***, Ibsen has the human condition like that )

sweetness sweetness I was only joking when i said, I'd like to smash every tooth in your head..

Edited by - Tawakalna on 5/13/2004 4:00:47 PM

Post Thu May 13, 2004 3:32 pm

No Taw, I am not appalled, I remember our conversation how you suggested I read Kit Marlowe to compare the two. I still haven't done that, but I will and I'll throw in Ibsen as well.

Sir S

Post Thu May 13, 2004 3:37 pm

ive been degrated to esqies aid....

but good work....just imagine what it would look like if i tried to do that?

Post Thu May 13, 2004 3:42 pm

It reminded me of Ibsen because it had a smack of "Emperor & Galilean" but I wouldn't recommend you read that until you've had something of an introduction to the depth of tragedy Ibsen can portray. Most people have some familiarity with the Peer Gynt story, but that's fairly lame compared to the tensions and contradictions that take place in Hedda Gabler, Ghosts or my own fav, The Master Builder, and of course Emperor & Galilean. Have you ever read any Euripedes? if you've read Bacchae or Oedipus Rex, that's got the feel of Ibsen, very much so.

get reading Kit now he's fookin' ace.

every day is like Sunday, every day is silent & grey..

Post Thu May 13, 2004 8:44 pm

SS - I'm with you, but I don't like to criticise writer's methods or the way that they set out their work; they can be touchy .

Post Thu May 13, 2004 8:55 pm

@Esq, I'm the reader, I want to be able to understand who is talking. That is the thing I absolutely harken to be the most important thing on any written work. You can forget a person's feeling by the next paragraph, you can forget a person's internal thoughts by the next chapter, but a character's spoken words last for the rest of the book. At the end we will know if he was wrong or right, honest or a liar.

Sir S

Post Fri May 14, 2004 2:25 am

SS old chum, I know what you mean and I agree but, as I said, some people (especially writers) are very sensitive about that sort of thing. I assume that it has something to do with preserving their writing style and preserving thought process (at least that's probably what they'd say ). I prefer a layout like the following personally;

Taw drew his stilletto, and slowly crept up behind freighter fighter.
"What are you doing Taw?!?" cried Wolfy.
"I'll teach you to sweet-talk my daughter!" Taw cried as the plunged the knife towards freighter fighter's unprotected back.
It was at that moment that...

That sort of thing. I'd TAB at the start of each paragraph but Firefox doesn't like it . That's the way I prefer my stories, but then I'm strange .

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