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Hail Caesar!

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Mon May 10, 2004 3:39 pm

Hail Caesar!

Just to see if any are intersted, a TLR adventure along the lines of Tawsburg, but gritter.

As always, no offence intended.

Hail Caesar!

The story is complete, enjoy. sw, for you, enjoy.

Edited by - Finalday on 5/12/2004 5:58:22 PM

Post Mon May 10, 2004 3:39 pm

We drop you into, History........

The Emperor, Tawakalna the first was just leaving the Senate forum. His praetorian guard fell into place, two fore and two behind as he set off for his chambers.

The senate was a buzz with conversation. One senator arguing with another. “My fellow senators, please” Senator Esquilax began “Let us resume our business”. A calm began to move over the forum. Caesar had caused quite an uproar and disrupted the business at hand. But gradually, Esquilax was able to get order restored. He had a way with people, perhaps that was why he held such influence in Rome. He and Caesar had many “discussions” about the military. But the Senator would never give in to allow the army in side of the city walls. He believed that was what the praetorian were for.

A senior Tribune, one Sir Spectre, was busy about the Appian Way, near the tomb of Caecila Metella. He was in search of fossers who were known to be in this area. He knew the fossers dug the graves and tunnels to get the sand needed to keep building Rome. But he also knew they were hiding people. His Captain expected him to have news soon. Captain Stinger of the praetorian guard was a man you did not fail.

An senatorial aide approached Esquilax, “I beg your pardon Senator”. “What is it Jagged” Esquilax replied, turning his attention to the young man. He was an able aide that served the senator well. “I was wondering it you wished to have a meeting with some of the other senators this evening, to discuss the matter further” Jagged asked. “No, No not yet, I think I will let the others reflect on what happened in the forum today and then, maybe two days from now, seek their “Counsel” on the matter, then things should begin to fall into place” Esquilax replied.

The social life of Rome was not with out its roses. The beautiful and fair maiden sycho_warrior was out on her families porch that over looked the forum. She could see many things that happened in the city, but was privy to only a few. She was said to have her eye on a suitor, but would not name him. Some thought it was a ruse to keep other, less desirables at bay. But, she possessed much wisdom for one so young. She was well versed in reading and sought out the more popular works published and found them informative and entertaining. “Sycho_warrior, do come inside” her mother called to her. Her last glimpse was of one of the new Senators, one Corsair, who it was rumored to side with the emperor in most matters.

The Centurion, one freighter fighter, had been sent with a dispatch from the army camp near Gades, and was to give the dispatch to Senator Esquilax. He headed toward the forum, as the guard at the main gate pointed him on a route that would lead him over the Capitoline Mount. Always a beautiful site, so busy as well.

The Coliseum was in full roaring attendance. The gladiators fighting lions and each other. The “Hero” of the day was one of the Gauls called Stormtrooper. He had survived many adversaries but was now up against a Batavian of great strength and stature. Stormtrooper moved about with ease, his short sword held to his side. He watched the Batavian, paceing his moves and looked for an opening. One was all he needed and he would survive the day. The Batavian was armed with a trident, a deadly weapon in the right hands.

The Emperor was just entering the palace. The servants knew from his expressions, that silence was in order. “I grow so weary of the senators with their disputes” Tawakalna exclaimed to the walls, his rage growing. He slammed his fist on to a marble table and turned, pointing to a servant. “Bring me Senator Corsair” he spoke to the chamberlain, “but do it discreetly, do you understand me” the threat direct. “Yes, O Caesar, it will be done” he replied and hurried off to attend the errand. He knew the back ways so as not to be seen. Failure with this would mean his head. But as he moved past the market area, a face watched, and nodded.

The dawn came over the grand city, the doves soared into the light of the golden sun, yet there was unrest below them. It was growing, this discord. This was a time of peace in Rome. Not as the time of Commodus, or Nero. But this peace was beginning to crumble. Unless providence prevailed.


Senator Esquilax had just met with the Centurion and received the news he had awaited. But he had to conceive of a way to “share” the news without it appearing that he orchestrated it. He had a deep love for the people of Rome, and it often created difficult situations for him. “Begging your pardon, Senator” his aide spoke. “Yes, Wolfy, what is it?” he replied. “There is a....stranger that wishes to see you, but would not give his name” the aide replied. “I have no time right now, send him away please” Esquilax answered. “Sir, he did ask me to say a word to you if you declined to see him” the aid added. “And what word is that”, Esquilax replied, now turning his full attention to the aide. “Praetorian” answered the aide.

The market place was abuzz with buyers and merchants. Each trying to barter and each not wanting to yield. Many people wander the market and are never noticed. A shadow crossed the street and into and alley. No one seemed to care. A ship builder kept a area, strange as it seemed, and displayed models of three ships that he could build. He had found a few customers that were interested in buying a boat, even if it took many months to build. His name was Chips. He and others that worked with him built several fine ships, including the one the Emperor himself used when he traveled.

At the temple of Mars, one Kimk was just coming out of the main hall. Even though he was considered a priest of the temple, his interest was in the stars. He believed they were what guided the empire, not the gods. He loved to spend hours every night studying them. But he knew that he had to keep his “Findings” to himself and a select few who thought as he did. He wanted to prove his ideas, but now was simply not the time. So he waited, knowing the day would come.

“Senator Corsair” the aide announced. Caesar was meeting him in an anti chamber rather than the main hall. “My Emperor, you sent for me” Corsair spoke, with his head bowed . Caesar motioned for the others to move closer and instructed the aide to leave the room. A large table was positioned in the center of the room adorned with all manner of delicacies. There were goblets and pitchers of wine, fruit in abundance. Tawakalna knew how to win them over. He had a plan, but it required the help of these present and a few others, but craftiness, was a must. To remove a “Thorn” in his side, he must wield the knife with skill and cunning. But, he thought, I will remove that thorn.

Edited by - Finalday on 5/11/2004 5:25:35 PM

Post Mon May 10, 2004 3:42 pm

Well, my character sounds like me .

This is going to be good.

Post Mon May 10, 2004 4:35 pm

As usual,"whatta bout me?" a quote from me during the Western Tawburg

Celso,is there a cushion glued to my butt?!not glued,super glued!!

Post Mon May 10, 2004 4:41 pm

Do I get to be one of the mischevious youths again? Throw stones at the Christians? Fight the lions?

Post Mon May 10, 2004 4:44 pm

Ooo make me Brutus.

Post Mon May 10, 2004 4:49 pm

How about having SS or Indy as Cicero?

Post Mon May 10, 2004 4:55 pm

Sounds good, and will most likely get better as it goes along. Feel free to include me in any capacity, if you want to....

Post Mon May 10, 2004 5:58 pm

..I invite the Senate to meet the next day and tell them i will attend in person, promising an end to all strife and woes. That morning, I surround the Senate with loyal Praetorians, and execute the dissenters and untrustworthy in the Senate Chamber (Curia) itself. I also have their families executed and appropriate their lands and property for the State. I reconstitute the Senate with loyal and sufficiently cowed Senators, if I find myself short of Senators i can make my own from loyal soldiers and supporters. In the meantime there's another round of games to please the people, a Triumphal procession with a legion from Helios knows, somewhere far away, Judaea someplace like that. Oh and i use the confiscated funds from the wealthy Senators and "donations" from the survivors (i have their families held hostage) to distribute largesse to the people, the mob of Rome.

Senator Esquilax i keep alive and a very miserably kept prisoner. We're leaving Rome, I'm taking the Army off to Persia to emulate Alexander. Esqi's is going to have a little trip to India!

interesting choice of Imperial portrait bust, Philip the "Arab" who may possibly have been a Christian (and still a backstabbing murderous tyrant)

Edited by - Mullah Tawakalna-i-Jamiat on 5/11/2004 4:38:38 AM

Post Mon May 10, 2004 5:59 pm

Oh oh! Can I be one of the Germanic barbarian tribes?

Post Tue May 11, 2004 3:30 am

As per usual I'm not in it. A man could get a complex ya know. Aaah f*** it

Post Tue May 11, 2004 3:34 am

you got to put Decius Maximus Gromitus in to the story, FD, he's commander of the Northern "Crayola" Legion from Colonia Etchasketchium. And I promise I won't ask for him to be out to death, because he brings with him a rare herb with mystical qualities.

Careful with that spliff, Eugene..

Post Tue May 11, 2004 3:38 am

Northern "Crayola" Legion from Colonia Etchasketchium

lol. aaah how true

Post Tue May 11, 2004 3:57 am

Grom, will see about it tonight.

Post Tue May 11, 2004 5:01 am

dawwww shucks, thanks FD

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