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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:55 pm


I am deeply sorry about the battles. The guide has been taking FOREVER to write, and now that my free time has turned to nothingness, I will have to put it off indefinatly.

As a temporary solution, I am hereby giving the judges the ability to judge battles the CYOF 1 way. They can look at the units, and determine an outcome on their own. They may only do this if they are not directly involved in the battle. If both sides agree, then they may also send strategies to the judge via email for the judge to review and use in the descision.

Hope this works, and once I find time, I will finish the guide so we can do battles the right way.

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:02 pm

What do you mean your free time has "turned to nothingness"? Are you back at school or something?

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:04 pm

Yes, back at school.
Strange, I had forgotten how much time school takes out of your day.

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:30 pm

Roc you need to judge my battle:

Battle against Spa&Cruise + GMG versus the Corsair Northern Fleet

15 Corporate LF's vs. 48 Corsair VHF's and 40 Corsair Light Fighters and 2 Heavy Fighter Wings

(I'm placing the VHF's in front as a screen for the other units to fly behind. I'm encircling and wiping them out in the first pass with precision fire.)

All right lets see:

Frankly with the Richardson Battles, one pass and he's dead against the forces he's facing

All right roc's battles:

24 LF Wings vs. 10 LF Wings at Peublo Station Victory Rogues (3 Wings Lost)
Richardsons Wing vs. Rogues attacking forces (2 wings lossed) Victory Rogues

Wilde's battles:

40 MC VHF Wings versus 19 LF Wings, 2 HF Wings, 1 Gunboats Victory Hessians
(3 VHF Wings lost) Sorry Richardson all his units are stronger than any of yours

Gunblader battles:

Victory at New York 2LF Wing lost by gunblader due to the fact there are just so many forces on one side they'd get killed quickly

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:36 pm

Oh I forgot Vortical Dwarf:

Outcasts versus IMG in Tau 37

10 VHF Wings versus 10 LF Wings

1 VHF Wing lost, victory Outcasts

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:46 am

Yay. Victory is mine!!!

Sending 3 MC VHF wings Goethe-- Bering (4 jumps, but they've got trade lanes). And 15 LF wings. Attacks to be posted later (I can't post them now...grr...), but it doesn't look good for Agiera...

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:10 am


2 Dreadnaughts with the Southern Fleet in Hamburg
13 rendevousing with the Southern Fleet in Hamburg

Building: 20 VHF Wings

Moving the Southern Fleet to Omega 7

New York:
13 VHF Wings
10 VHF Wings
Sigma 19:
Northern Fleet:
48 VHF Wings
2 HF Wings
40 LF Wings
Omega 7:
Southern Fleet
1 R. Battleship
1 L. Battleship
2 L. Dreadnaughts
1 R. Heavy Cruiser
61 VHF Wings

Total Forces:
2 Battleships, 3 Dreadnaughts, 132 VHF Wings, 2 HF Wings, 40 LF Wings

Rheinland (sort of)


Interspace Commerce

Open War:

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:59 am


As this thread is gettin long, you may want to plane to start another thread when this one reaches 900. Like you did with the other one. Thanks.

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:47 am

To Interspace Commerce: Please edit your turns. Even if I didn't mind you can't have a base in Omicron Alpha because it is a hidden system. In this case i do mind. Get it out now!

Turn 13.

This turn I will:

A. Place 11 VHF wings and 1 fighter shipyard in Omicron Alpha.

B. Purchase 1 small base and 3 bomber wings.

C. To IC: the terms you offer us are acceptable for the time being. We may wish to renegociate once our conflict with the IMG is concluded. Since you are unwilling to provide us with H- Fuel we would consider Oxygen a suitable substitute. I propose a fee of 5 Oxygen per base per turn. Please let me know if this is acceptable.

D. I attack the IMG base in Tau 23 with 10 VHF wings, 15 LF wings, and
6 Bomber wings. My strategy is to use my fighters to engage and destroy any enemy fighters outside the range of the bases weapons while my bombers use precision strikes to take out any base defenses and take over the station.

At the end of this turn I will have:

285 Credits, 2 food, 179 H- Fuel, 22 Metals, 15 Oxygen, 68 Water.

1 base in dublin (S), 1 base in Sigma 13 (S), 1 base in Sigma 17 (S), 1 base in
Sigma 19 (L), 3 bases in Omicron Alpha (1 L/ 2 S), 1 base in Omicron Beta (L),
1 base in Tau 23 (S), Freedom base in Tau 37 (S).

1 Planet and 1 Fighter shipyard in Omicron Alpha.

43 LF wings (28 in Omicron Alpha, 15 in Tau 23 [battle), 30 VHF wings ( 20 in Omicron Alpha, 10 in Tau 23 [battle), 6 bomber wings in Tau 23 [battle.

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:57 am

To ww2jacob: I noticed in your turns you are collecting 20 credits per planet. Is that the amount of credits generated by planets this game? Since the rules did not mention a change I assumed that the amount was the same and never updated the calculator. Please let me know one way or another.

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:52 am

Sry missed that part about Omicron Alpha being hidden.

IC turn 14:

Base list:
Newark Station, New York , 5 LF wings (Large)
Bonn Station , New Berlin, 5 LF wings (Large)
Roppongi Station , New Tokyo, 13 LF wings (Large)
Waterloo Station , New London, 5 LF wings (Large)
Future Station, Hokkaido 2 LF wings (Small)
Hope Station, Tau 29, 7 LF wings (Small)
Freedom Station, Tau-23, 21 LF wings (Small)
Peace Station, Tau-37 ,34 LF wings,19 HF wings,5 VHF wings, 3 Gunboats (Small)
Cash Station, Omega 11, 2 LF wings (Small)
Gold Station, California, 2 LF wings (Small)
Frontier Station, Magellan, 2 LF wings (Small)
Edge Shipyard, Colorado, 2 LF wings. (Capital shipyard)
Cast Station, Dublin, 2 LF wings (Small)
Stockholm Station, Tau-31, 2 LF wings (Small)

Ship stats:

LF: FA 3, CA 2, FD 3, CD 2 (8 points,2 free points)
HF:FA 4, CA 1, FD 4, CD 3 (12 points)
VHF: FA 6, CA 4, FD 5,CD 3 (16 points, 2 free points)
Gunboat: FA 5, CA 5, FD 5, CD 5 (20 points)

1: I place 15 LF wings in Tau-37,5 In Tau-23
2: I buy 5 VHF,1 small station, 20 LF wings.
3: as agreed.
4:3 LF wings from Hokkaido to Tau-23


68 F, 0 HF, 0 Metals, 0 O, 80 W

To Outcasts:

We are currently having a shortage of Oxygen, would Food be acceptable?
A friendly word of advice...The IMG are allied to Bretonia and Jacob has never liked it when someone has attacked one of his allies...

To All the Houses:

IC is looking to buy a Battleship or a cruiser from one of the Houses (The best offer wins)

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:07 am

I'd highly discourage you attempting to seriously arm IC. Also Wilde, did you authorize a corporatebase in Omega 11, it needs to go.

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:24 am

Turn Thirteen

1. Placement:
- 5 HF in New York
- 3 HF in Sigma-19
- 5 HF in Suttgart

2. Purchases:
- 1 Small Station
- 2 LF Wings
- 5 HF Wings

3. Communications:
- To The CEO of Interspace:

Rehinland will gladly allow you access to our shipyards. In exchange we would ask only that you give us - permanently - your station in Tau-37. We are currently building a station of our own and will gladly give it over to you to place where you wish in exchange. As far as building the Battleship itself, it will be up to you to finance it.

Should you have an alternate offer, or wish to negotiate terms, please do not hesitate to contact me.

4. Movements:
- 4 HF from Stuttgart to New Berlin

5. Income:
- Credits: 1085
- Resources: 140/40/39/395/19
- Costs: 160, 10/14/39/17/3
- Balance: 925, 130/26/0/378/16

Ship Stats (FA/CA/FD/CD):
LF – 6/1/3/1
HF – 1/1/8/3
VHF – 2/5/4/5
Gunboat – 9/2/7/2
Cruiser – 1/8/5/6
Dreadnought – 5/5/9/9
Battleship – 5/9/9/9

Specific Ship Postings:
Dresden - 21 LF, 5 HF @ Ingolstadt / 1 Battleship, 5 LF, 5 HF @ Bautzen / 25 LF, 5 HF @ Pirna
Frankfurt - 2 Gunboats, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Mannheim / 1 Gunboat, 15 LF, 10 HF @ Fulda
Hamburg - 5 LF @ Lubeck
New Berlin - 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Planet New Berlin and Oder / 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 9 HF @ Essen and Dortmund / 15 LF, 5 HF @ Brandenburg
Stuttgart - 5 LF @ All bases (15 LF total for three bases) / 10 HF each @ Ulm and Konstanz / 10 HF @ Planet Stuttgart
Omega-7 - 20 LF, 10 HF, 1 Gunboat, 1 Battleship
Sigma-13 - 5 LF, 15 HF
Sigma-19 - 1 Dreadnought, 1 Gunboat, 6 HF, 1 LF
New York - 3 LF, 5 HF

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:17 am

To Rheinland:

Your offer is acceptable, next turn we will place a new base in Tau-37 and moving our forces to it.
As soon as this has been done you are welcome to take over my base.( Im gonna keep the name for my new base)
Our new base (The one you provide) we wish you to place in Cambridge.
We would like however to get a gift from you as a sign of good faith... (hint hint Oxygen)


Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:08 pm

Yes victory! Triyun I will judge your battle as soon as possible.

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