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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:02 pm

Damn. Richardson hasn't posted his turn yet has he? Oh well.

1 battleship to go to Goethe, Vaulkan (Omega 11's new name now ). I move 10 MC VHF wings from Yama to Bering, and the rest from Yama to Vaulkan. The 50 MC VHF wings and the battleship Wotan will become the Hessian Southern fleet.

1 battleship, the Valkure, to go to Bering. That and the 50 MC VHF wings are now the Hessian Northern Fleet.

I build 10 MC VHF wings.

I'll fill the rest in later...

Oh yes. And IC must evacuate or destroy their base in Vaulkan. Sorry, no corporate development into Hessian/Corsair systems now.


Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:19 pm

Wilde, richardson (his character at least) is dead. I destroyed his personal wing, which means I killed his character . But the second in command of Ageira could take over.

Renegade News

Ageira CEO Dead!
News as just reached us that our 4 Rogue Light Fighter Wings sent to engage Ageira CEO Richardson's personal wing have destroyed it. Which means the the CEO of Ageira is dead! In addition, we have taken over Pueblo Base in Colorado. It is unknown if we will keep the base, as it is right on the trade lane and an easy attack target for Liberty.

News Back Online!
We apoligize of Renegade News being offline for a while. Repairs were needed to the set and equipment but we are back on air and we plan on staying that way.

New Battleship!
The Rogues have obtained a new Liberty battleship from the Corsairs. Supreme Commander Apocalypse has named it The Black Pearl, and it will be the official flagship of the Liberty Rogues.

The Rogues have developed new Bombers to use in raids and attacks on bases and capital ships. The ship has been named the Tomahawk after a ancient Native American Weapon on New Earth.

This has been Renegade News.


Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:21 pm

Corsairs Battle Results:
Victory Corsairs lost 1 LF and 1 HF

Other results:
Gunblader Ouray Search Results: 3 (GB before I can decide how you did I need you ship stats)

To Everyone:
Would you guys mind posting your ships location, base location, systems owned, and ship stats every turn? You can just copy and paste from your last turn (thats what I do and it makes it a lot easier). Thanks.

Edited by - roc on 1/4/2005 2:31:29 PM

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:34 pm

To Wilde- please remove the battleship from Liberty space. Unless you are attacking something or passing through. Nothing more than a Crusier. This is to ensure Liberties saftey.

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:45 pm

Wilde can you get me your puchasing logs, my records kept on everyones forces indicates you only being in posession of 60 VHF wings not 100, also how much do you make per turn.


Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:53 pm

I have a question. GB's battle is 5 Xenos LF Wings + 10 Liberty Bombers. How do I determine the Xenos LF stats? I need those to decide the battle and all of Chessalavakia's posts were deleted so I can't just use the stats he chose. I guess either way GB will probably lose because his bombers only have 1 FA and 1 FD.

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:19 pm

Liberty turn 13:
31(O)/ 213(M)/ 36(W)/ 558(F)/ 14(HF)

I'm moving the Vengence fleet from Texas to Magellin to attack Horizon base(Ageria base)

the Retribution fleet will attack Baltimore shipyards in New York

I build seven VHF wings for 70 credits/21 Metals/14HF/ 7 O
leaving me with:
24(O)/ 192(M)/ 36(W)/ 558(F)/ 0(HF)

I offer a non-aggression pact to the Liberty Rogues

to ALL- Liberty is willing to trade anything for Oxygen and H-fuel

7(O)/ 19(M)/ 6(W)/ 54(F)/ 4(HF)

31(O)/ 211(M)/ 42(W)/ 612(F)/ 4(HF)

Edited by - Gunblader on 1/4/2005 7:33:24 PM

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:39 pm

Attacks: Northern fleet (50 MC VHF wings and Battleship Wotan) to attack Planet Pittsburg (Agiera, 20 LF wings). 10 VHF wings to be armed with EMP missiles and get down the shields of the Ageira ships. 10 VHF wings to be armed with non-EMPs, and take down the ships once their shields are dispersed. 10 VHF wings to barge into the battle, firing with normal guns at the Ageira ships. 10 VHF wings to guard the battleship, which will remain at the back of the battle shooting down any ships that come in range.

@ Triyun: Check my ship records. I had 30 VHF wings at Vaulkan and 30 VHF wings at Yama last turn, plus the 40 away in attack. I'm pretty sure my ship records add up to that much (and more, considering I have a few wings stashed away at a base); I've calculated my commodities carefully every turn and they at least support that number. If my ship records don't that means I've typed in the wrong number in several occasions.

@ Gunblader: I will remove the fleet once Ageira is all deadness.

Roc: all NPC stats are what they were last game (or at least that's what jacob said about corporation NPCs). Use the pirate stats.

Red Hessian/Bundschuh Turn 13

Red Hessian Ship stats:
"Blade" class LF: 6/1/4/1
"Demon" class HF: 1/7/1/5
"Firelord" class VHF (MC): 6/8/3/5
Hessian Bomber: 2/8/1/5
Rhineland Battleship: 5/9/9/9

Bundschuh Stats:
LF: 4, 4, 1, 1
HF: 5, 5, 2, 2,
VHF 8,8, 1, 1
Bomber 1, 2, 7, 8

Base and Ship locations:
Ronneburg, Omega 5 (l, h): 5 H. LF wings, 10 B. LF wings.
Kali, Omega 7 (fs): 10 LF wings
Yama, Sigma 13 (fs): 15 LF wings
Freital, Omega 11 (l, h): 10 B. LF wings
Goethe, Omega 11 (l, h): 10 H. LFs
Agni, Sigma 19 (s): 10 LF wings
Indra, Omicron Gamma (s, h): 5 LF wings
Bruschal, Frankfurt: 15 Bundschuh LF wings

Northern Fleet: In Bering. 50 MC VHF wings, Battleship Wotan
Southern Fleet: In Vaulkan. 50 MC VHF wings, Battleship Valkure

Systems controlled:
Red Death
Sigma 19--shared with Corsairs
Omega 5--Shared with Corsairs
Omega 7--shared with Bretonia
Sigma 17--shared with Corsairs (basically we do control it...we control all jump access to it at least )

Building: 10 Bundschuh Bombers

Movements: Already stated.

credits: collect 120 credits...+ 660 left over: 780 left over.
commodities left: 127 M/ 57 HF/ 104 O/ 22 F/ 77 W
Income per turn: 30 M/ 22 HF/ 7 W/ 16 O/ 7 F (5 M traded for 5 F)

Edited by - Wilde on 1/4/2005 4:06:34 PM

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:41 pm

Since that attack was 5 turns ago I'm going to post what I'm buying with the money for those 5 turns:

Moving the North Fleet from Sigma to the Rheinland-Liberty Border to replace the South Fleet

1 R. Battleship
2 VHF Wings
1 HF Wings

Edited by - Triyun on 1/4/2005 3:43:54 PM

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:43 pm

I'd like you to post a full list so I won't get confused later on.


Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:36 pm

Ok sorry GB but none of your forces escaped to report where Ouray is. The LF's have 4 FA and 2 FD and you only have 1 FA and 1 FD. So Ouray is still hidden to you. Sorry .

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:03 pm

@ wilde- when you capture pittsburg, to keep the planet, pay me 20 credtis and 10 O and HF. Sorry but you woud probably do something similar to me if the situation was reverse, and I need O and HF

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:25 pm

in a lump sum, sure. Per turn? Don't think so

Edited by - Wilde on 1/4/2005 6:25:06 PM

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:38 pm

@ Finalday- I will be happy to create a second thread tommorow afternoon, which will be the first chance I will get.
(Poop, I wanted to go to 1000. )

@ Vorticadwarf- I was simply following what the calc had said, and was generally accepted in this game and the last one. If no one else was doing that, please let me know.

Post Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:42 pm

I'm dead anyway, and the policy was still in effect, ba-boom for Detroit, and pueblo when lost, and you're gonna need to pick up the pieces of Baltimore, and Pittsburg.

As far as I know, the base in magellen is still intact, and it's time to see if I can break Interstellar commerce's neutrality...

To IC:

We are in desprate need of re-enforcements. Liberty has struck at us, and will likely strike at you too. We need enough metal to build 2 small bases, and preferablly a wing or two of fighters. We need help in this dire hour, help your partner in trade!

Oh, and it may be his personal wing, but I never said he was with it..... He's currently hiding somewhere in liberty, with a false face on waiting for a chance to get out.

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