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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:50 am

oy vey...

the slacker JACOB!! send them the battle judging guide NOW!!!!

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:53 am

Turn 12

This turn I will:

A. Place 7 VHF wings in Omicron Alpha and 1 large base in Sigma 17.

B. Purchase 1 fighter shipyard and 11 VHF wings.

C. To Bretonia: We do not wish hostilities. We will not attack Bretonian bases that already exist, although we do ask that you not expand farther into the Taus. Also we are only attacking IMG bases in the Taus, any other bases of theirs will be left in peace. Hopefully we can come to an agreement. We do not wish to start a war, but for us to survive, the coporate invasion of the borderworlds must be stopped.

D. I still need the results of my battle in Tau 37.

At the end of this turn (pending battle results) I will have:

225 credits, 2 food, 154 H- Fuel, 11 Metals, 0 Oxygen, 59 Water.

6 small bases, 3 large bases, 1 planet.

43 LF wings, 20 VHF wings, 6 bomber wings, 3 transports.

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:37 am

Turn 12?

1. Placement:
- 1 Battleship in Omega-7
- 3 LF wings in New York

2. Purchases:
- 13 HF wings

3. Communications:
- To Herr Van Haalein:

Rheinland has a large food surplus. We would be more than happy to trade with you. If you fursnish us with the transports we will send you food in return for either Metal or H-Fuel. Rates are negotiable.

4. Movement:

5. Income:
- Credits: 875
- Resources: 124/33/46/361/13
- Costs: 130, 0/26/39/13/0
- Balance: 745, 124/7/7/348/13

Ship Stats (FA/CA/FD/CD):
LF – 6/1/3/1
HF – 1/1/8/3
VHF – 2/5/4/5
Gunboat – 9/2/7/2
Cruiser – 1/8/5/6
Dreadnought – 5/5/9/9
Battleship – 5/9/9/9

Specific Ship Postings:
Dresden - 21 LF, 5 HF @ Ingolstadt / 1 Battleship, 5 LF, 5 HF @ Bautzen / 25 LF, 5 HF @ Pirna
Frankfurt - 2 Gunboats, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Mannheim / 1 Gunboat, 15 LF, 10 HF @ Fulda
Hamburg - 5 LF @ Lubeck
New Berlin - 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Planet New Berlin and Oder / 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 5 HF @ Essen and Dortmund / 15 LF, 5 HF @ Brandenburg
Stuttgart - 5 LF @ All bases (15 LF total for three bases) / 9 HF each @ Ulm and Konstanz / 11 HF @ Planet Stuttgart
Omega-7 - 20 LF, 10 HF, 1 Gunboat
Sigma-13 - 5 LF, 15 HF
Sigma-19 - 1 Dreadnought, 1 Gunboat, 3 HF, 1 LF
New York - 3 LF

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:57 am

Hmm...don't have any transports. crap.

How about 5 Metals for 5 F? Just for a few turns.

Also, did you see the email I sent you?

Edited by - Wilde on 1/3/2005 11:03:08 AM

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:33 pm

IC turn 13:

Base list:
Newark Station, New York , 5 LF wings (Large)
Bonn Station , New Berlin, 5 LF wings (Large)
Roppongi Station , New Tokyo, 13 LF wings (Large)
Waterloo Station , New London, 5 LF wings (Large)
Future Station, Hokkaido 5 LF wings (Small)
Hope Station, Tau 29, 7 LF wings (Small)
Freedom Station, Tau-23, 7 LF wings (Small)
Peace Station, Tau-37 ,19 LF wings,19 HF wings,5 VHF wings, 3 Gunboats (Small)
Cash Station, Omega 11, 2 LF wings (Small)
Gold Station, California, 2 LF wings (Small)
Frontier Station, Omicron Alpha, 7 LF wings (Small)
Edge Shipyard, Colorado, 2 LF wings. (Capital shipyard)
Cast Station, Dublin, 2 LF wings (Small)
Stockholm Station, Tau-31, 2 LF wings (Small)

Ship stats:

LF: FA 3, CA 2, FD 3, CD 2 (8 points,2 free points)
HF:FA 4, CA 1, FD 4, CD 3 (12 points)
VHF: FA 6, CA 4, FD 5,CD 3 (16 points, 2 free points)
Gunboat: FA 5, CA 5, FD 5, CD 5 (20 points)

1: I place 9 HF wings in Tau-37 and 1 in New tokyo. I place the small base in Leeds.
2:I buy 20 LF wings
3: as agreed


60 F, 5 HF, 18 Metals, 0 O, 69 W

Edited by - The Creator on 1/4/2005 5:32:07 AM


Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:44 pm

To Herr Van Haalein:

The Rogues have a large amount of surplus food. We will trade for credits, metals, h-fuel, or oxygen at 1 for 1. We will provide the freighters if you don't have any.

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:46 pm

Very well. Thank you I will need 5 Food per turn, and in return will trade 5 Metals. You can send the freighters over as soon as possible.

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:18 pm

To Wilde:

Perhaps you are slipping in your own supposed "Duties" to the rhineland people enough to bother liberty, and turn her against her own people. And I have to wonder why... Perhaps you are trying to get my people's spoils, perhaps you are trying to get rich, either way, you're not helping your own people. I've managed to get a spy into your group, and ever since you have gotten in charge, you have lavished yourself far more than you claim I lavish myself. In fact, my biggest indulgance ever was once having a party on Detriot that lasted for 4 days with all of the workers involved, for the unification of the DSE and Agiera. Of course, that party ended abruptly when you began killing innocents and convinced Liberty to do the same. One day, should you ever manage to achieve your goals, rhineland will be in ruins, and I will be able to point the finger at you. Documents showing your forgery and deception and lies have been dispersed throughout sirus, proclaiming your guilt in the burdening of the rhineland people. And also the people of liberty. I may not win the battle, but you will never win the war. Go ahead, finish your little scheme to finish me, you'll only be condemming all to warfare and strife. Oh, and by the way, I've never met your guy in my life, and he's kinda hard to belive, considering that: A, I've never had a personal shrink, and B: He sounds exactly like you.

To liberty:

I applaud you, you've made the biggest blunder in liberty history. How does it feel to be condeming the people you lead to a dark age of poverty and ruin? I guarentee that you will destroy liberty, as I will not let you harm my people, or benifit from our downfall. If you do manage to land troops on our stations, they will nova like a dying sun, taking your fleets with them. And, you will have defeated the last line of defense against incursions by other houses, like what has happened with bretonia. Goodbye, president gunblader, I'll see you in hell.


Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:32 pm

Come on guys, could some of you join in 2.0 on GB's site? All houses are open except Liberty, and the only other factions taken are Corsairs, Outcasts, Zoners, GMG, and Hessians. Rich, this is your chance to be a House. People won't be able to push you around as a house .


Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:03 pm

To CEO Richardson of Ageira:

Your recent statement proves you care NOTHING for the citizens of Liberty, despite your claims. How could you care for their safety as you claim, but still want to kill innocent soldiers that come onto your base? Not every Liberty soldier wants to attack you, you know. They have been commanded to attack, so they must. So please annoy us no longer with your claims of "I only want to do what is best for Liberty and it's people" as you obviously don't.

Apocalypse, Rogue Supreme Commander

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:16 pm

The Red Hessians no longer recognize CEO richardson as the head of Ageira. We will not recieve any more of his lies and propaganda.

To CEO richardson:

This is the last transmission you will recieve from us. Any others that you send will be ignored and you will subsequently be castrated with a rusty spoon. (Assuming of course someone else hasn't done it already). Your attempts at propaganda concerning my income are actually quite pathetic. If you hadn't pissed me off beforehand I'd feel sorry for you. Also--you must not have noticed this difference between us...but being the leader of a rebellion isn't a job. I don't get payed. You on the other hand are a CEO, you do get payed, and like any other capitalist dog lavish yourself with over half of your company's profit, leaving your workers to starve and toil in insufferable conditions with little compensation. I pity you.

To all factions except Ageira: I have placed a bounty of 200 credits (sorry, I'm poor) on CEO richardson's head. Alive, preferably.

Edited by - Wilde on 1/3/2005 4:16:44 PM


Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:28 pm

Rogues Turn 10

Buffalo large hidden base in New York
Alcatraz small hidden base in California
Dawson small hidden base in Hudson
Montezuma small hidden base in Cortez
Padua large hidden base in Gailileo
Severn large hidden base in Hudson


- New battleship from the Corsairs placed and named The Black Pearl .
3 LF, 3 VHF, 2 Frieghters at Buffalo, The Black Pearl
3 LF, 1 VHF at Alcatraz
3 LF, 1 VHF at Dawson
3 LF, 1 VHF at Montezuma
3 LF, 1 VHF, 1 Bomber Wing at Padua
2 LF at Severn
24 LF in Colorado attacking Pueblo
4 LF attacking richardson's personal fighter wing in Shikoku

10 credits + 35 turn money + 90 base money = 135 credits

Collect Commodities:
15 food
0 h-fuel
5 metals
6 oxygen
13 water

1 small base
1 Freighter

Pending Results:
Attack on Pueblo Station
Attack on richardson's personal LF wing

24 LF attacking Pueblo Station in Colorado
4 LF attacking richardson's personal LF wing in Shikoku

10 credits for 5 h-fuel and 5 metals from Corsairs

Hidden Bases Found:
Barrow Base

Bretonia - Alliance
Corsairs - Alliance
Red Hessains - Non-Agression Pact
Junkers - Waiting for answer to Alliance and Prtotectorial Promise offer
Liberty - Temporary Alliance
Unioners - Waiting for answer to Alliance and Prtotectorial Promise offer
Corporate Alliance - Non-Agression Pact
Ageira - Hostile
Everyone Else - Neutral

Ship Stats:
Minotaur Class LF - 5 FA, 3 CA, 3 FD, 1 CD
Manticore Class HF - 6 FA, 4 CA, 4 FD, 2 CD
Chimera Class VHF - 8 FA, 5 CA, 6 FD, 3 CD
Tomahawk Class Bomber - 1 FA, 7 CA, 1 FD, 5 CD

Final Amount:
15 credits
150 food
1 h-fuel
1 metals
33 oxygen
136 water

Hessians - next turn our food trade will start

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:38 pm

to Richardson- you can't selfdestruct the bases if we capture them sorry.

To Wilde- he hasn't got anything to casterate

I'm going MIA until Jacob resolves the battles to study.

Edited by - red_dude on 1/3/2005 4:40:33 PM

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:41 pm

Liberty 12th turn:
24(O)/ 196(M)/ 30(W)/ 508(F)/ 10(HF)

I can't do anything until the battles are resolved

7(O)/ 17(M)/ 6(W)/ 50(F)/ 4(HF)

31(O)/ 213(M)/ 36(W)/ 558(F)/ 14(HF)

Post Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:13 pm

@ roc: Very good.

@ red_dude: heh heh it's funny cos it's true

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