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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:28 pm

Paying 35 more credits to xenos as per our agreement.

Formally allied now with the xenos, and they have agreed to halt agression between our two factions, and inversely, the DSE.

Also sending neutrality offers to the BHG, IMG, and all other corperations. Perhaps we can band together to protect ourselfs should the pirates get rowdy.

Edited by - richardson on 12/21/2004 4:30:42 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:29 pm

I find this very amusing,ya wanna know why? two words,The Corsairs.Right,there is not two but three in this alliance.And soon many more,so Chancellor,i would advise to watch your back

Hello i am a signature, i am as anoying as this in real life.Blahbotyblooooooootycanstatytalitee tadooo

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:40 pm

I need to speak to the other members of the league over email. Check your inboxes.

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:57 pm

Commander Wilde, as we have made a non-aggression pact between us, and since my ally is Ageira, that non-aggression pact affects Ageira as well. Just lettin you know.

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:26 pm

Herr Von Stelner:

Oh. I see. You fear the Outcasts and Corsairs so you join them. This I can understand. I really can. But their mere presence in this so-called Pirates League should indicate that the only desire of that group is total destruction. While the leader of the Red Hessians spews his virulent and dogmatic neo-Marxist bafflegab the true motives of the Pirates League are kept secret. Do not believe what you are told in whatever "secret" communications you may share either. The Pirates League has a triumvirate and you are not part of it. Their ultimate plan is not to create a Sirius for all people but rather a Sirius for none but their chosen. And the lies about sharing power are just that, lies. They will not share power. They will use you, keep you servile and then, when they have no more use for you, they will wipe you from the face of Sirius as well. Please do not make their job easier.

Even if you do not wish to ally yourself with me do not give up your honour. The Bundschuh have long been opponents who have valued human life. I have great respect for your cause in that way. Do not defile the memories of your fallen by allowing yourself to be swayed by the terrorists and criminals of the Pirates League. You are too good for them.

To the legitimate factions of Sirius:

Why do you allow yourselves to be cowed by the terrorists of the Pirates Guild? They have little power now, and few resources to call upon. If we strike now we have a good chance of severely crippling this burgeoning monster. If we work together and share our hard earned resources we will not have to worry about them being stolen from us. Please, do your part and attack members of the Pirates League and their allies wherever they may be. The fate of Sirius depends on it.

Edited by - Codename on 12/21/2004 5:59:10 PM


Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:32 pm

Rouges Turn 1

Buffalo large hidden base
Alcatraz small hidden base
Dawson small hidden base
Montezuma small hidden base
Padua large hidden base


10 LF at Buffalo
5 LF at Alcatraz
5 LF at Dawson
5 LF at Montezuma
10 LF at Padua

200 credits + 35 turn money + 70 base money = 305 credits

Collect commodities:
15 food
0 h-fuel
5 metals
3 oxygen
10 water

2 Freighters
1 Explore Party
1 Small Base

Outcomes undecided from previous truns:



We accept Xenos alliance
Send alliance offer to Lane Hackers

Ship Stats:
Minotaur Class LF - 4 FA, 4 CA, 3 FD, 1 CD
Manticore Class HF - 5 FA, 4 CA, 4 FD, 3 CD
Chimera Class VHF - 8 FA, 5 CA, 5 FD, 4 CD (used 2 free points)

5 credits
15 food
0 h-fuel
5 metals
3 oxygen
10 water

The Rouges are a large faction, right? They have 5 bases and are a pretty big faction.

Also, Richardson I am going to be a lawyer. My dad is a lawyer. Lay off the lawyer cracks. Especially the ones about lawyers lying all the time. My dad NEVER lies during cases and neither will I.

Chessalavakia, you do not need to research VHF anymore. You did in 2.0 but not anymore.

Renegade News!

Greek Heritage?
Strangely enough, a recent servey has shown that half of the Rouges actually have a Greek heritage. This is believed to be because that there were some Greek-Americans on the sleeper ship and by complete chance many joined the Rouges. Supreme Commander Apocalypse has decided to name any new systems found after places in Greece and the new Rouge ships are named after creatures in Greek mythology.

New Ships!
The Rouges have completed some new, powerful ships for their armadas. These ships, the Minotaur, Manticore and Chimera, are some of the best ships in their classes. All members of the Rouges armada will get one of these powerful ships for their own. The ships will also be sold to other members of the Rouges at low prices. So if you're in the Rouges, lose the Bloodhounds and Wolfhounds and get a brand new ship at the nearest Rouge base.

This has been Renegade News.

EDIT: Faction stats changed to small faction.

Edited by - roc on 12/21/2004 5:56:50 PM

Edited by - roc on 12/21/2004 6:07:48 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:01 pm

Rogues are small. Sorry roc

peace treaty offered to the Rogues. If you long as Triyun allows it you too can join in the Pirate's League.

Message to Chancellor Codename from Hessian Lord-in-Chief Orion van Haalein:

I would advise that you stop insulting my faction in this manner. We are a band of idealists and philosophers, seeing the potential in Rhineland of becoming free from poverty, free from death, free from degradation. Free from you and your band of murderous CEOs. We do not spout revolutionary garbage, rather we truly mean what we say and all of our efforts are made to heal Rhineland from the scourge of the capitalists. Furthermore plans are already underway to increase our commidity harvesting by a huge amount.

@ DSE: of course, we are at peace with both you and ageira technologies. However, I would advise CEO richardson to lay off the insults (not to mention the crack!). And he really should stop sleeping with his executives.

I am not neo-marxist, I am a socialist inspired in part by the great Che Guevara. GO CHE!

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 6:11:23 PM


Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:04 pm

Well if I am a small faction so is DSE. On DSE's turn they said they were a large faction that got a 250 start bonus and 40 credits pur turn.

I'll edit my post to be a small faction but is it possible to upgrade to a large faction? Because I figure if I make the Rouges a major threat then they should become a large faction.

Edited by - roc on 12/21/2004 6:05:43 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:07 pm

yeah, DSE is a small faction too.

THESE ARE THE LARGE FACTIONS*: Red Hessians, Corsairs, Outcasts, IMG, GMG, Zoners, Junkers, and Hogosha.

Every other faction is small and small only.

*info taken from CYOF 2 definition.


Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:10 pm

I will try to judge the researches and explorations but I may not be able to today. Also the rules say that the no attack period is 3 turn was this changed?

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:19 pm

"I am not neo-marxist, I am a socialist inspired in part by the great Che Guevara. GO CHE!"

I see that we are all doomed then. I know of this Ernesto "Che" Guevara. If he is your role model then my worst fears are true. You are truly mad and will stop at nothing to destroy those you claim to be protecting. If you wish to be a true revolutionary try following the example set by real leaders, people like Mahatma Ghandi and Nelson Mandela. Try the path of non-violence. History has showm, time and again that violence is not nearly as effective.

You probably don't believe me. Examine, if you will, the facts. The French Revolution was a bloody affair. There were countless beheadings and power shifts until Napoleon Bonaparte took over. The Russian Revolution was a bloody affair. This led to Stalin taking power, and we all know what a terrible man he was. Your hallowed Guevara, what did he accomplish? Nothing, really. He murdered his political opponents and died in Colombia after failing to start a revolution there. Compare those to the acts of Ghandi in India and Mandela in South Africa. Mandela and his organization, the ANC never attacked their opponents physical person. Admittedly, they did carry out raids on infrastructure but that is totally justifiable. Similarly, I would have little problem with your miguided attempts to overthrow this government if you restricted your acts to simple equipment raids. The example you should really be following is that of Ghandi, though. Passive resistance is the single most effective way of acheiving your goals. Violence serves only to drive a wedge between us and alienates our two factions. It won't do you any good.

And, for the love of space, change your title! "Hessian Lord-in-Chief" Orion van Haalein, indeed. How can you in good conscience claim to support the values of equality while labelling yourself with that ridiculous title. My opinion of you continues to decline.

Edited by - Codename on 12/21/2004 6:26:11 PM


Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:20 pm

Research and Exploration Results

5 LF looking for Vogtland - 1

Exploration Party - 4
Exploration Party - 7

Captain Kill2:
Explore Party - 8

Explore Party - 10

Tell me if I forgot anyone .

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:22 pm

I would normally agree with you, but history has also shown that democratic protests and peaceful disobedience do not work in a dictatorship such as the one Rhineland has become. The only response is through strength of arms, old man.

Edit: crap. Oh well, nothing for it. all fighters recalled, moving 25 LF wings to Dresden. I attack Rhineland for control of the system.

40 Hessian LFs
25 Rhineland LFs, 10 HFs, 1 Rhineland battleship.

all technology researches for me and Codename take effect after the battle.

Edit: @ Codename do not dare defile the name of Che guevara. As DSQrn would have it, "Che is my hero he died in order to try to get his people to see they were comrades and bring freeedom and end capitalist opression if that is not a good hero then no-one is." hail comrade Che!

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 6:44:01 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:26 pm

A PLNN Presentation

Rumors have sprang up in the League that one of the factions may be a traitor which has caused unrest in some of the pilots.More on this 11:00

This has been a PLNN newsbreak

Hello i am a signature, i am as anoying as this in real life.Blahbotyblooooooootycanstatytalitee tadooo

Edited by - Stormtrooper110 on 12/21/2004 6:28:07 PM

Edited by - Stormtrooper110 on 12/21/2004 6:28:37 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:36 pm

no, you cant. battle is joined, you can't move into or through Dresden until it is resolved...but I also maybe cannot attack you until the grace period is up. damn.

You had 100 LFs, so that should be 25 LF wings.

This is not a politics thread, this is an rpg. So I will not respond to the comment about Che any further.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 6:38:29 PM

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