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A new RPG(as in each person makes posts about his/her char s

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Mon Aug 30, 2004 2:21 am

OOC- I see everyone is getting back into it, good job.
As for me, sorry for being away for so long, ive been on another world, fighting Diablo...
+ I couldnt think of a better term for a monster in a prison world so i though Diablo was fitting...

The gate snapped shut, its ominous sound ehoing around the barren plain.
Diablo reared himself up to full height, about 30 feet, and roared.
None of them flinched at the deafening sound, although beneath the apparently unfaltering exterior, Arania was scared, for the first time in a long while.
"Prepare to die, mortal" Diablo roared, in his echoing voice.
All evidence of Fear vanished from Arania's face, and Araminta decloaked on his shoulder.
"Never" Arania breathed, his voice able to drown out even the sound of the universe ending "Assume anything, Diablo"
Diablo stepped back as Arania floated into the air, his robe flowing around him, a long Staff held in his right hand, glowing.
A red mist axpanded from Araminta, engulfing the floating Spectral and forming a shield around him.
Diablo rose on his haunches and threw a flaming ball of fire at Arania.
Arania swung the staff, parrying away the fireball easily.
He started muttering.
"Caril moristen" Arania said "Aiim selforminta formeikanser til"
Diablo threw another ball of fire, this one impacting against Araminta's shield
"Arenistem kalsiro marikin iseneax irosale" Arania's voise grew louder
Diablo started to summon a meteor
"Alsomistar insew altam" Arania was almot yelling
Diablo rose his hand just as Arania swung a massive bolt of blue energy from his staff, right into diablo's eye.
Diablo roared as his soul was ripped from his body, screaming, as his body collapsed to the ground, almost splitting the rock below him.
Arani looked around, feeling a presence of human life somewhere. But it was hard to believe anything could survive here, it was so...

Post Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:34 pm

OOC:good going guys i just got back from school(didn't even have time to read it before i left)Viator what's this idea of yours you were talking sounded interesting, not to mention my character is getting bored doing cargo runs all the time

Post Tue Aug 31, 2004 12:20 am

OOC: w00t! im back in the swing of things... Now I wont do a storyline with Anatoly for a while, so do whatever with Claire, its just basically to fill the hole jake left.

-:Jacob 'Viator' Langley, Ishatsu Citadel, Avalon, Centurai Sector:-

My time here on Avalon was a rather blissful one, with no real conflict between myself and the Ayans, and I had become rather fluent in their language, and had begun to teach Tiamat english, a heroic endevour in itself, but nonetheless, enjoyable to say the least. The majority of Ayans lived on in the main city, the majority of their population wiped out by the Ikshions about 100 years ago. They still retained their technology, but mythology had risen hastlily within the Ayan society, leading to a slowing in their research and development of new technologies. They had cloaking devices small enough to cloak major buildings, and had a power generation system similar to cold fusion, but which still generated heat, sort of like 'warm' fusion, It was still capable of burning, but was cool enough to mount in metal frames. Many of the heavier metals were more prevailant on Avalon, and many of their buliding materials reflected this.

The Ayans were grateful for their world, but still wanted to leave, in fear of the Ikshions return. Long before my arrival, they had planned from the last attack, to begin to move their remaning civilisation to another sector, far from the Ikshion threat. Initial scans of the heavens had chosen the Sirius sector as a viable location for their new civilisation, and were preparing a colony ship to send the majority of their population to start anew, while the remaining few would sustain a meagre exsistance, waiting for the day that the Ikshions would return. The Ayans had developed a jump drive, similar in construction to the Nomad variant, using similar physics and mechanics to the nomad variant. The misaligned parts in my Daedalus could be aligned with Ayan machinery. I had a way home, and after a month on the Ayan homeworld of Avalon, i questioned whether i should head back to earth or learn all i could about the Ayans, and eventually explore the Centurai sector with some of their explorers, returning to earth within a couple of years, along with some of my Ayan buddies, and any other species we might come across that are friendly. It was times like this I wished that I had not left A.K. behind, his electronic circuits could have proven useful, but I decided to make an Ayan version of the loyal little droid that documented my previous journeys.


After about three weeks, and an exhaustive schedule, I had constructed the second A.K. droid, using the Ayan's technology, which seemed to focus more on fluid motion rather than strength, using mostly hydrolics as the main way of manuvering the little beastie around. Although the Ayan computers were not as advanced as their human counterparts, but the nanites flowing in my blood helped to catch the fumble.

I had completed the base AI program, hoping that it would be able to write the complex parts of its programming by itself.

I hit the switch, and the power surged through the intricate systems throughout the droid, and I hoped my weeks of work would not be in vain.


Post Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:14 am

After seeing a frieghter desend from the lunar supply outpost, the pilot known only by his call sign of Omega Chief had followed it down. Using his captured cloaking device, a handy peice of salvage from sirius, he had entered the base undetected and landed his ship in an unused corner of the hanger. While the people were all talking he sneaked into one of the storage bays and looked around. It was mostly ship building apparatus, Omega noticed it had the Z-axis logo on, ship parts and crates. he knew he couldnt stay long so as he was leaving he took a last glance to make sure he had not missed anything, when he noticed a small glowing object he retvived it and hurred back to his ship and piloted it to a small clearing in a forest.

After he had scouted the area, leaving the ships scanners on to identify the object, he investigated the results and was very suprised. The scan results seemed to indicate it was a jump drive after learning this omega hurried to install it leaving the hatch open. 4 hours later and in orbit he was charging the drive for a test run when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck, as he spun round he was hit in the face and now saw his attacker. It was a group of 5 birds that had sneaked on board, two were attacking him while the other three pecked at the controls activating the drive and flinging all of them to the back of the ship.

He remaned concius just long enough to see a forest world out of the window, slowly he crawled forward and as his vision swam he collapsed on the console activating the auto-land sequence. Luckaly his advanced titan could cope with non-docking ring landings. With no landing coordinates the computer simply locked onto the only human enery signiture on the planet, a large structure in a clearing. The ship swooped down and landed next to the structure causing a large amount of commotion among the wild life............

Post Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:36 am

Sorry bout the delay...

After another Avalon month, I had ironed out the bugs in my new companion, and was showing Tiamat what it did. The Ayans had not been able to create a full artificial intelligence program yet, and had only basic processing algorhythms, used in most of their software systems. The new Ayan A.K. was similar to the old A.K., but had vastly different programming language, using Ayan logic programs as well as some Human programming. It almost showed a different 'personality', which was impossible, because it was programmed without a true personality. It would provide a handy tool on my journeys.


A week had passed since the new A.K. was fired up, and Tiamat had given it a nickname in Ayan, Yitsuka, roughly translated to 'Little P'. From my time on Avalon, I had learned a lot about myself, about Humanity, and of course about the nature of life in the universe. Not all creatures alien to humanity were as violent and bloodthirsty as we were. On my final day on Avalon, I had received a 'Michia Tsashi' (translation = Individual Honour) from the Ayan High Council, and they bestowed upon me their finest warrior's lance, the Hyobajan, rumored to be able to pierce a Phoenix's soul, and stop it's eventual rebirth, and it seemed to be held in the same regard as the Longinus Spear on Earth. Tiamat had decided to join me on my journey, He too was curious about what was in his own sector, eager to see what lied beyond his home system. I set a goal on Avalon, embedded in the stones of my landing site, in the tradition of all pioneers, I left a trace that future generations of Humans and Ayans could read and be inspired by.

"From here, Earth is but a distant glimmer, a dim flame burning against a quilt of brighter entities, but I can find it, and now, as I stand on Avalon, I finally have a perspective that no other human could comprehend, having lived in three different sectors; Sirius, Origin, and Centurai. I am grateful for the instinctual desire to keep moving, if it was absent, I would be dead, stuck in the Sirius sector as a corpse before my time. I wish I knew what man said when he first walked on the moon, the first tremendous first stage in the exploration of other worlds. I feel that I have done something similar, but on a smaller scale, only stepping a small way out, not the tremendous leap for the first time to step on a world other than my own for the first time. I leave here, on a journey, never ceasing as long as my body will take me, and when it begins to fail, I will return to Earth, and share my findings with whoever wishes to listen. So long, and the one flame will be joined by another, the star of which Avalon circles. - Jacob "Viyatsor" Langley"

It was long winded, but there was enough room on the stone for both Tiamat and my messages. Tiamat's was more simple.

"Tsiu k michia? Michia k Tsiamats uo Avalion, Naimak, Zaiyan. Tsiau na michia bona? Michia kakai uni ukashi aintsa menai."

(translation = Who am I? I am Tiamat of Avalon, Soldier, Traveller. What have I done? I took one step toward freedom)

And with our legacy set in stone, Tiamat and I left Avalon, to see what the Centurai Sector had to offer.


"You're joking, right?"
"No joke bro, some bastard cleaned out the doomtrain"
"Including the meds?"
"Everything, even the jump drive."
"I'd say find the punk, but with a jump drive, he could be anywhere."
"Well, I think you know what to do"
"Anything else you want from Luna?"
"Meds and a stiff drink"
"Ethanol it is. be back soon"


POST SCRIPT: if anyone wants to look into it, check the names of Jake's droids. They coincide with the basic KBots from Total Annihilation. now A.K. is obvious, and the other TA KBot was PeeWee... Little P? Anyhoo, I don't know if mr Chief was planning on crashing Avalon, but I made it clear that a lot of time had passed between jake's departure from Sol, and his departure from Avalon. to be correct, Anatoly's story is in Jake's past, so crashing into Avalon would mean I would have to edit a lot of my storylines. which i cant be stuffed doing. (cos I'm lazy, plus im approaching exams atm.) So i hate to say this, but you might want to change the human life sign thing.

sorry bout that, just had to clear it up.

Edited by - Cosmic Viator on 9/15/2004 4:43:34 AM

Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:30 am

OOC: Alrighty, new post, new story. I would have done this before, but ive only just gotten over a bout of insomnia. But all will be good. Now I wont be using Jake for a while, the majority of posts will be about Clair Mathews and Origin space. However, there will be a few cross overs to jake and Tiamat, usually for a bit of comic relief. So i hope people dont mind be controlling both of the Langleys.

IC - Claire:
I missed Sol at times, the rolling hills of Denver, and the house I grew up in had been eradicated, without a trace, and the people here could not care less, they knew that they had won that war over 800 years ago, and that we would eventually would come crawling back to the original cradle of humanity. The way of life here was restricted moreso than Sirius, and travel was difficult. I had taken Mr. Korenchkin up on his offer of accomodation on Earth, even though there was no permanent bases on the surface.

Again, I, Claire Mathews, have been made obsolete again. Turns out the base was not on the surface, but a subteranian lair, which Anatoly kept referring to as the Nexus. There was a small population of Sirius survivors down here, and they each served a purpose, there were medics, bartenders, escort pilots, engineers, shipwrights, along with a small population which worked outside Nexus.


Living underground is okay, but I enjoy walking on the surface, through the pristine forests, and over the grassy hills, which gave me some comfort; a small peice of Denver in Sol. I had become close friends with the Korenchkin brothers, they never cease to amuse me with their petty squabbles at times, the latest one over who was going to go to Luna for supplies next, as the bartender was running low on booze. There were many people who seemed to know something that I didn't, something about a man who used to live here, but had left for unknown territories. Erin, a waitress from the edge of Sol, had told me about him. His name was Jared Tyers, but he was known as Jacob Langley, or Viator. Erin told me about how he had saved her from her father in the run down bar in the Kuiper Belt, and how he just dissappeared. Jennifer Aida told of how he saved her from a Rheinland Schwartz Kommando, and how her father had travelled with him, but he had undergone some procedure, and become younger or something. The Korenchkins told of how he would lose every prototype ship they lent him for 'testing'.

And then there was the Escort Pilot Dragonborn...


IC - Jake:
"Remind me to beleve you when you say that the radiation is dangerous"
"Good plan Viyatsor."
"Now, pull that thing when I say so."
"Tsis tsing?"
"Sorry... I'll tsry again."


Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:45 am

OOC: sorry for no input of late kinda got a writers block if you know what i mean.I'll try writing something this afternoon since i've only got 20 minutes before i have to leave for kind of made it impossible for me to use my original idea of a confed raid on nexus with weapons that were made to kill 'us' and part of it had to do with one of the korenchkins sacrificing himself to stop a bullet (for no better word).I got the feeling that you wanted to have both the korechkins stay in the story so i'll try and think of something else during scghool today.

Edited by - Dragonborn on 9/15/2004 5:45:30 AM

Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 9:09 pm

Well, Dragonborn, if your msn wasnt busy all the time, id talk to you on there, but I don't mind if you take out one of the Korenchkins, its i just wanna keep some readers on their toes. and yes. i'm giving you something to do.

IC - Claire:

Something about him made me a bit nervous, whether it was that eagle he had or not, but he was... different. I knocked on the door of his quarters, and a somewhat slury reply came from within. The door opened to reveal a rather hungover Dragonborn clutching a bottle of unlabeled booze. His official job title was as an Escort Pilot, but it looked like he hadn't had any work for a while. I introduced myself, and asked about this Jacob. I waited for his response, however hungover it may be.


Edited by - Cosmic Viator on 9/15/2004 10:41:04 PM

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:52 pm

OOC: hmm time for the drunk mans walk j/k i guess this will work.... quite well!

"Jacob? whos Jacob? oh you mean Viator, yeah i knew him prety nice guy bout blew his brains out once tho" i muttered slurring my speech terribly.

"oh? and why did you do that?" she asked questioningly.

"I used to be a special ops commando for the Alliance, well actually i found a scouting party of theirs in former sirius that was conducting surveillance to see that nothing happened to the colonies, but don't tell anybody i said that" i said slurring it even worse than last time.


Just then the intruder alert went off.I hurried over to my console which with i could survey the entire station with since i was the veritable harbormaster since Viator was off exploring and Arania was missing.It appeared that the Ixions, for that was what they called themselves we found out in a intercepted transmission.Had infiltrated the base with a commando squad that had personal cloaking devices.

With all remnants of a Hangover gone due to one of my many implants that were located in my cerebral cortex that could prevent me from feeling pain among other things.I proceeded to pick up my twin Ravager tachyon rifles and strapped my widowmaker lasersnipe to my back.

"What's going on? whats happening?!" she said starting to panic.

"The Ixions have somehow infiltrated the base and are headed for the antigravity generators,if they destroy them the entire base will fall into the lava below us, come Trinity we have work to do"

"wait! let me help you, you can't kill them all on your own" she pleads.

"Very well but on two conditions" i respond.

"Yes?" she ask feafully.

"one that you stay out of my way, and two, that you not come unarmed" i said handing her a Devastator gattling laser rifle.

"well don't stand there gawking at it like it's a new trinket for you to wear" i said irratibly.

We proceeded to the lift and head for the lowest level where the generators were.When we arrived the level was in utter chaos, the security personnel were going down everywhere with no casaulties to their forces.Apparently they also have personal shield generators.
We both opened fire on the commando's, concentrating our fire on one at a time and overloading their personal shields, which made them easy prey for Trinity's beak, it's a gruesome way to die if i do say so myself, being torn apart by a giant gold eagle.

Claire came around a pile of storage crates and reported to me.

"All the commando's have been eliminated"

"good" i replied.
"now lets go up and see if we ca-"i was beginning to get irritated at these stupid alarms.

We headed for the command deck where Anatoly was at keeping an eye on things.Trinity flapped around a pile of crates and joined us on the lift for the command deck.

"Report Anatoly" i said right after i got off the lift.

"The confederacy has launched a surprise attack against us and is currently bombarding the shield erected around the opening of the shaft to Nexus" he stated matter of factly.

"Are the cloaked weapons platforms in place?" i asked a young officer at the weapons console.

"affirmative" he replied.

"activate them and destroy the confederate fleet" i ordered him.

"Activating now sir" he replied bluntly.

Somewhere in earths orbit 5 missile cruisers, 3 Ion battleships and a Leviathan class Juggernaught were destroyed, well the juggernaught was still holding together.Barely.A communications signal came up from the Critically damaged Leviathan came through.A Russian looking man with the insignia of a rear admiral came up on the screen, his uniform was in tatters and there were consoles around him smoking and letting off sparks.

"you may have *cough* destroyed my fleet but *cough* you will never be able to destroy all of *cough* us, you see we have made a deal with....with...."

"who? Damnit!! who?!" i yelled frustrated.

"the *coughs blood* Ixions...." he breathed and then slumped over.Dead.The connection then died because there was no longer someone alive that the console could detect.

Up in high orbit above earth the last ship of the confederate-Ixion alliance's glorious 45th fleet exploded.

OOC: sorry but i always seem to be in a game or something when your online.B
TW pretty exciting chapter no? i know i know not alot of action but i'm not good with that kind of stuff.

EDIT- I'm not feeling too well i probably won't post tomorrow since i can't just think of anything to write.

Edited by - Dragonborn on 9/16/2004 8:06:13 PM

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:34 am

sorry, i have a bit of half life fever, and i cant stand writing in third person any longer

I am Arania, the Specral, the son of the Ancients, and the Nomads Bane, my dæmon is the phoenix Araminta. I had never known that i was the offspring of a malevolent race of humans bent on domination, and i have taken it upon myself to right these wrongs, even if results in my destruction. Death is nothing to me, i have died before, and i will again, should the need arise. - Inscription on the side of the Gaia AI module, Nexus, Sol.

I looked around the barren wasteland before me, as far as the eye could see. No penetrating landmarks, no irregularity, not even foortprints, just solid grey rock from here to the horison.
I stepped over the dead body of Diablo, trying not to touch the rapidly decomposing flesh on his, now broken, bones.
I froze, there was someone here.
"Show yourself!" I yelled, my voice echoing around the landscape like i was inside a 4 by 8 prizon cell.
Nothing moved, not even Araminta, who stood stock-still on my shoulder, feathers held tight against her form.
I moved forward an inch, and that is when i noticed that this landscape wasnt barren after all, there was a small bunker, far off, but, what is distacne to an Ancient?
Walking down towards the fortified bulkheads of the bunker, i marvelled at how people could have survived against the hostile environmet here.
Walls were scorched and broken, the floor was not so much a floor as a graveyard, bodies scattered everywhere.
Nobody answered, so, letting my curiosity get the better of me, i walked through the bulkhead.
That was a mistake.
At least 30 people turned and stared, the remaining 10 grabbed weapons and pointed them straight at me.
Not wishing to reveal the full extent of my powers as yet, i simply said three words:
'i am Arania'
A person lowered his rifle
"Arania, the Arania? the hacker? the one that hacked The confederate command system?

Post Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:00 pm

Wow... Been a while since anyone has posted... I wanna keep this thing going, gotta keep the one that started off most of the other RPGs. It aint dead yet!

IC - Claire:
A couple of months had passed by, and I finally understand where the days and nights come from, why there were 365 days in a year, It all came from this one small satellite, in it's 365.25 day journey around the sun. Despite some objections from the Nexus people, I set up a small home outside, on the surface, as the cramped quarters underground were beginning to suffocate me. Even though some thought it was a bad idea, the Korenchkins helped me in construction, their shipbuilding skill put to good use for once, instead of some really petty thing like automating the coffee machine. And then having the coffee machine demand equal rights, ending with Anatoly having to buy a new coffee machine because the bartender smashed it to pieces. Serves them right.

Ever since the Ikshions, or whatever everyone calls them, nearly everyone has been on edge, almost waiting for them to return. There are a lot of people waiting outside the infirmary, waiting to see a doctor, but now that a psychologist moved in, his office has been packed out. I've never seen anything like this, there are some people who have requested transfers to Ganemede and Io, almost living in fear of what could appear. It scares me at times, I just wish that we had more protection from them, some form of defence...

IC - Jake:
After almost a year travelling, we stumbled across something, something rather intriguing. We had been following a trail of clues which began on a lush forested world extinct of all intelligent life, however, grand ruins stood in the middle of the jungles, and warranted a closer inspection.
It was worth the closer inspection, a massive relief was carved into on of the walls of the ruins, telling a similar story of how violent gods rained down fire and brimstone, that most of their society had been eradicated by these gods, whose appearence mirrored those in Ayan folk legends. The Ikshions had claimed another race, the remnants of this one building a temple to honor their dead and leave their mark on the world they knew best. The trail came from the line we drew from Avalon to this lush world, and they lined up with Earth as well. I prayed that Sol was okay, as I could not reach them in time.

We left the emerald gem behind, tracing the vector back to the source, hoping to find something to stop these rampaging angels of death from ending more civilisations.


After 2 months, and many desolate and destroyed worlds, we came across our answer, the one single entity that had the answers. It was a large gas giant, orbited by 12 moons, each the same size, but each with its own unique characteristics. There was something puzzling about the main gas giant however... It seemed to be a gas giant, but there was a detectable surface underneath, Almost like a building surrounded in a smog, but the smog was similar in compisition to most life on Earth...

"Tiamat... What the heck do you make of that?"
"Michia... I donts know... Its's like looking into the face of Marduku..."
"Ayan creatsor god."

I pondered this thought, thinking back to an ancient manuscript I had read in my youth. It was about Genesis or creation, something like that, not the true story of evolution.

"Whats you thinking, Vi?"

I hesitated no longer. I hit the throttle to the full and hit the thick golden clouds. There was very little pressure going through, and little turbulence, almost as if we were expected.

"Viyatsor! Crasy fool, Tsiu ya baradai nai nassau!"
"No creator bull**** for me Tiamat! you either in or out!"

I got a reading that Tiamat had followed me into the atmosphere.

"Closing on surface... Light intensity increasing..."

The light had brightened to a point where it was almost unbearable. The surface we detected came out of nowhere, forcing some fancy landing, and a glad reminder from Yitsuka that we were about to hit something was also appreciated. I checked the atmosphere for life support capability. Yitsuka gave the affirmitive to leave the cockpit.

"Little P says that theres a breathable atmosphere, I'm preparing for evac."
"You sure?"
"Yes. Now watch out for the surface, it's kinda hard to see."

Tiamat's ship came down, similar to walking in the dark, slowly and cautiously feeling its way to its destination. It landed with a dull thud, suggesting that the surface was comprised of something other than dirt or metal. I knelt down to see what I was standing on, brushing the fog away from the ground. From what i could see, there was an almost organic compound beneath us, but from the scanners in my head, there was no detectable life signs. Something else was distracting my attention in the distance. The scanners in my head were detecting something large and metallic about 500 metres away.

"Tiamat, that way." I said, gesturing toward the structure
"Whats there?"
"Something... I don't know yet."

We approached the structure with trepidition and fear, not knowing exactly what it was. The adrenaline in my systrem was becoming too much for my augmentation systems to supress, and my anxiety went through the roof as the adrenaline flooded throughout my system. Through the fog and cloud, the structure took form. It was an elevator, similar to the one found at the Nexus. I approached the door and found familiar switches, so I opened the doors. Tiamat was obviously shaken by my fearlessness, and by my lack of hesitation. We stepped inside, where only up and down button were to be found. I hit the down button, and we began to decend. Tiamat broke the silence between us.

"Do you know where we are goings?"
"No idea."
"What if we do find Marduku?"
"Aren'ts you scareds?"

Tiamat ment silent again. The elevator reached its destination with a gentle thud. The metal door rolled open silently. What stood before us was almost heavenly. Well, you could almost describe it as heavenly actually, white clouds, a golden light bathing everything in a warm glow, not a single offensive thing in sight. We walked along what seemed to be a path through the clouds. After about a kilometre, we stumbled upon something incredible. the throne of a past ruler, which lay empty, stood grand and tall surrounded by the clouds. Without warning however, we were shaken from our reverie.


Both Tiamat and I were stunned into paralasis.


I finally got the nerve to say something.

"I do not believe that YOU are God. The thought of a single supreme being controlling every single random variable is prepostorus!"
"I have no god!"

Another voice came from a pair of figures in the clouds.

"Calm down Cain, these are just visitors. Their beliefs are not in question."
"Who are you?'" Tiamat asked, puzzled by everything.
"My name is Adam."

Adam stepped forward. He appeared as he had been born. Completely naked. I paused for a minute.

Adam... no... it can't be... that's not THE Adam... or can it be?

I decided to put my theory to the test

"Are you The Adam? Father of all mankind?"
"This is not true. But you are close. You were spawned from a fallen angel, and my first wife."
"So it is true. We are demons."
"Your internal desire to destroy comes from your lineage. But there are a few who are pure, who lead mankind to greener pastures."
"I understand. I should be destroyed for setting foot in Adam's paradise, Eden."
"Perhaps not. You may be the one who could save mankind. You are familiar with the Fruit of Life, and the power it wields?"
"I understand that it can be used to destroy all if misused, reverting everything to a primordial state. I do not wish this."
"Understandable, but have you considered what would happen if you fused the Fruit of Life and the Fruit of Knowlege?"
"Hmm... I'm not sure."
"Find the other pure soul, within him, lies the fruit of life, if you find him, have him return here. Then, and only then, can the ritual begin."
"What about the Fruit of Knowlege?"
"Have a look in the mirror."

This shocked me to know that my soul was one of the pure. I turned and began to leave when Tiamat began to speak.

"What of me?" he asked. Adam responded.
"Your race is not in need of repairing, it was been born pure with the mergeing of Eve and Marduk."
I had one last question.
"The Ikshions, Adam. What are they?"
"They are shadows of Lillith, the same as humanity, yet were without pity or remorse. As long as humanity exsists in its current form, so will they. They are humanity's dark shadow, servants of Lucifer. Normally they steer clear of humanity, but something enraged Lucifer, something was lost, something close to him. I will strive to find what has happened."

Tiamat had another question

"Then why were my peoples tsargeted by the Ikshions?"
"Because the Ayans were born pure, unlike they were, so the seek to destroy that which is superior. Do not underestimate them. They may appeal to some of your dirtier brothers, and make alliances with some of the more despicable examples of humanity. I charge you, Jared Tyers of Earth, Evolve Humanity so it may survive the Ikshion attacks."

EDIT: There is a big influence from Neon Genesis here

The Shark
I used to be a guy called Cosmic Viator, jake_langley, Griffin, raz0r_j@ck, jade_falcon, joker2015, starfox... Jared Tyers was in there somewhere too...

Edited by - Love Shark on 10/31/2004 1:49:03 AM

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:08 pm

OOC- so whos the other pure guy, me?

"The Hacker, the one that the Confederates captured"
I felt a slight twang of recognition in my head, and a great dizzyness.
"Um, what is that?" The Guy said, pointing at my shoulder
Araminta was sliding in and out of focus, partially by her going in and out of cloak, and partially because i couldnt keep my eyes focussed.
Thats when i noticed the floor was going awfully fast towards my head...
I was in a massive room, screens covered every wall, and a large spike was i the back of my head
"Arania, weve been detected..."
The scene shifted to watch a small child, sitting by himself in a massive room full of children
The it was a chapel, then a prison cell, a torture chamber, a gun shop, a stargate.
Then i realised i was watching my life, and suddenly everything made sense. The desire to help, the inexplicable urge to wreak vengeance, the hermit-like life, it all fit!

"You shall never take me alive!" I watched myself say, as i was strapped into a chair, quite violently in fact...
I watched in horror as a doctor administred a small vial of green liquid to my other self's arm, one that i could tell was lethal.
"Shif his conciousness, NOW!" Someone yelled, and my other self convulsed in pain as his mind was ripped from his body, I watched in horror as the ECG displayed much like a CPU usage graph.
I extended my arm to his, and it made contact, i felt the pain, and he looked into my eyes.
The last memory, the one that never made it.
Although it was quite tattered now, i had left it behind that moment, the moment of my first death, and even now, i did not find much use for it.

I turned around, pure hatred coursing through my veins.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!" I screamed, and dove towards the nearest confederate.

I awoke in a sweat, in a dark room.
Araminta was lying on top of me, and barely had the energy to lift her head
"What was that?" I asked her
"Our life" The Phoenix Responded

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:19 pm

Well i'd post something right now but i don't have time i'll try and get something written tommorow sometime, suffice it to say that if i write it right it could be prety interesting, maybe i'm still not sure how exactly to write it.I had begun to think you had forgot about it evendent i was wrong

Edited by - Dragonborn on 11/2/2004 5:41:28 PM

Post Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:41 pm

OOC:ummm could the above post nonsensical be deleted and the poster warned about spam.

Me and my new "advisor" Claire were walking down the corridor discussing regular station stuff, the supplies, what do we have for reserve backup power etc.

"Well the Korenchkins are going to have to be forcibly restrained from even entering that new shipyard you had built that has capital ship class capability or else they might start rusting the equipment before we even get to use it" she said with a grin.

The Confederacy had been sending more attacks and now they didn't even ask for a surrender.We had had to build a orbital shield also as now they just stayed outside weapons range.We eventually fixed that by building a massive military complex that had 6 massive LRIC's or long range ion cannons.We had started expanding the Nexus as more and more people were seeking refuge from the e research station where i was headed today with the Korenchkins as they could help with the confederate attacks,it was the only Alliance base they hadn't found and they agreed to design some capital ships for us.My Avenger XL-17 was already in production so now all we needed was a good sized capital ship to aid in our defense, and eventually a counter attack.

"Nexus control this is DT one requesting clearance, over"i said, the name DT or Dragon's Talon stood for the elite squadron of fighter pilots i had formed and also since it took so long to build the XL-17's the only squadron with them.

"Roger, safe flying commander"docking control replied and we were on our way.

Not only was Claire a good marksman she was also a very fine pilot and second in command of the squadron.The research station was in a nearby nebula that was very radioactive on the edges so scanners couldn't penetrate it but hospitable enough when you got farther on that it was feasible for a base.

as we approached the edge of the nebula we were abit daunted at the prospect since the nebula could be very volatile at times.

"I'll go first you" told the squadron which you had decided to bring with you just incase.

I carefully inched my fighter into the edge of the nebula keeping a steady eye on my radiation scanner.There were occaisional jumps but nothing harmful, our fighters had very good resistance to such things as radiation.Suddenly it started to pick up drastically, it was off the scale.

"All pilots charge cruise engines now!", i yelled.

"set course for the research center" i continued.

We set off at a fast pace for the research station.We arived and quickly requested to dock which they granted.

"What the hell just happened captain you said the radiation was only on the edges and that it wasn't lethal" i said fuming at his supposed incompetence.

"It's never been like this i don't know why its doing it now but its almost reached an intolerable level even for the station we have to evacuate, oh here are the capital ship plans" he replied in a hurry looking at a nearby console.

"if you would allow us to escort your evac. ships to our base on earth i'd be more than happy to" i said.

"Yes that would be great" he said absent mindedly.

All this time Trinity sat on my shoulder placidly not even taking an interst in her surroundings but after this statement she said.

"I do not beleive this is fom natural cause"

"what? who could it be? the coalition?" i scoffed.

She seemed to become translucent for a moment but then she was solid again.

"Good guess, theres a coalition vanguard class battlegroup just outside the nebula bombarding it with the Andromeda particle which was used in nuclear missiles during the Coalition/Alliance war, at this rate we have less than 20 standard minutes to get out of the nebula"she replied with a satisfied expression.

"got anymore bad news Trinity or should i ask for some good news" i replied sarcastically.

"Actually i'm glad you asked, they have the nebula surround with battle groups,we're going to have to fight our way out"she said looking much less happy now.

OOC: well.. i'd write more right now but i'm getting a headache so i'm gonna try and finish it tomorrow.

Post Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:43 am

OOC: Actually Arania, i havent decided yet. its gonna be a secret, and im gonna stop using claire as a character, do as you wish with her.
to the Moderators: Can you truncate that last post? its screwing me up big time.
and ariliassux, get the **** out if you're gonna do that.

IC - Jake:
It felt strange standing in the Paradise of Eden, but my cynical side began to take over.
"That can't be the true Adam"
"Why?" Tiamat responded.
"That was just a kid's story, used to scare children into behaving."
"Perhaps, or its maybe sometsing more."

I pondered Tiamat's words.

"So he wants me to find the Fruit of Life, contained within another pure soul."

Tiamat was silent as we approached our ships. Indigo de-cloaked.

"Pardon me for interrupting, but if you combine the Fruit of Life and the Fruit of Knowlege, you create a creature with the powers of god, correct?" Indigo asked quizzingly.
"I think so... but there is a problem. It was theorised that when you controlled both the Fruit of Life and the Fruit of Knowlege, tha you would have access to the Tree of Life, and then have the powers of god. You would have the powers, but not the ability to sustain them."

Indigo paused fo a moment, as i continued.

"Supposedly mankind is burdened with the Original Sin, while races like the Ayans were born of pure gods, for lack of a better word, and so became more enlightened than humanity. However, to free ourselves from the Original Sin, we need to atone through a ritual sacriment. Adam lied, he's not trying to evolve humanity, he wants to correct the mistake of someone else."
"So what do we do?"
"I don't know..."

Tiamat interrupted.

"We find Marduku."

Both Indigo and I were astonished by this idea.

"Marduk? How could he help us?"
"Marduku, in Ayan legends was a kind and all knowing god, who would help all tsose who wantsed help. Its just a idea, is all."

As Tiamat finished his explination, a figure emerged from the fog.

"Who goes there?" I called out.
"I am Eve, I was with Adam inside."
"What do you want?" I said with a small amount of trepadition on my words
"Adam is not as pure as he says he is, you see, he too was born of Lillith, and she never was considered his wife. He felt contempt towards her, thinking that she was inferior to his greatness."
"Why woulds Adam lie?" Tiamat asked with a child-like innocence.
"Adam is very vain, but unlike humanity, he was born of the fusion of God and Lillith, not of Lucifer. Adam plans to use you, Viator, in his plan of vengeance against God, to find the Fruit of Life, and exploit it to it's fullest."

I was struck back by this.

"Adam wants to become a god? or to better god in the creation of a better human race?"
"Adam wants to destroy Lillith's creations, to limit their spread, but he does not realise where he came from, and he will not listen to reason, or the truth."

Tiamat interrupted again

"What of Marduku?"
"It is true that your race is the product of Marduk and my fusion, but Marduk has grown impatiant with Adam, and wished to breed a race, more pure than Adam, even though I am born of Adam."
"Where can we find Marduku?"
"I will show you, but be warned, Marduk is untrusting of humans, but I will explain who you are."

Within an instant, we had transported light years away to the home of Marduk. The planet was like Avalon, temperete climate, thick forests, and endless blue skies. The entrance to Marduk's palace was covered in vines, almost showing disuse. Eve went inside, instructing us to wait outside.

"I wonder where we are?" Tiamat asked
"I'm not thinking about that."
"Well whats are yous tsinking of?"
"Whether Adam will realise that his wife has betrayed him? Or whether Marduk will speak to us."
"I beleive tsat Marduku will speaks wis us"

Indigo flew down from a branch in the trees, and landed on my shoulder.

"I gotta agree with Jake on this one. This has go to be one of the weirdest things that has happened, ever."

Tiamat was interrupted by the opening of the massive stone door.


Again, a booming voice commanded us to do something, and we blindly obeyed.

"Best if you cloak Indigo."
"Can do."

Marduk stood tall, with his arm around Eve. His clothing was similar to that of the Ayans.

"What bring you mortals to the Court of Marduk?"

Tiamat got in first.

"We are seeking knowlege, oh Mightsy One!"
"Very well, I will help one of my children."
"Whats do yous know of Adam?" Tiamat didn't beat around the bush.
"Adam is not to be trusted. He wishes to destruction of all forms of sentient life other than those created by him."
"What life has Adam created?" I asked.
"Normally, I would punish such an inferior creature for speaking out of line, Lilim, but Eve has told me of your purity, so I will be kind to your soul. Adam was the creator of the Ikshions."

Now I was stunned.

"Adam said that the Ikshions were dark shadows of humanity, born of Lillith and Lucifer."
"This is only a part truth. The Ikshions were the product of the forbidden fusion of Lillith and Adam."

Again, I was shocked.

"So, the Ikshions are dark shadows, born of an impure process, which Adam beleives would do what?"
"Adam wishes to eliminate all connection with Lillith. Through the fusion, he hoped to cancel out the Lillith within his offspring. He succeeded, and created a race without emotion, and without personal will."
"So Lillith is responsible for the better qualities of humanity; hope, love, and compassion?"
"Correct. Eve here contains mainly Lillith's blood, but it there is still Adam's prescence within all Ayans, a lack of fear."

The Shark. More to come.

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