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A new RPG(as in each person makes posts about his/her char s

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:23 pm

You should read my posts. the amount of hidden references in there is insane. nods to pink floyd and nine inch nails, pop culture of the 21st century...

Post Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:03 am

Double post!

IC - Jake:

I met a man, locked away for things he hadn't done. Innocence on a ball and chain, he'll never feel the sun again on his face or roses in his hands. But when he smiled at me I could understand. He was a man who had a face that looked a lot like me. I saw him in the mirror and I fought him in the street. And when he turned away, I shot him in the head. Then I came to realize that I had killed myself.

Arania had collapsed from exhaustion, something I thought was impossible, considering his components.

"Erin, keep an eye on him, can you?" I asked Erin, hoping that she could keep him stable.
Araminta had flown into the cockpit, nestling down on one of the consoles, falling asleep quickly. The Dyson ring was fast approaching, and it was clear that there was life on the bright side.
"Holy--" My voice trailed off suddenly.
Indigo was in a similar state of marvel. I began scanning for large energy readings on the ring. Larger than the already massive readings on the ring itself. There was a small spike on chart, on the exact south axis of the ring.
"There, possible location of the Tree, if it is a tree or something else altogether..."
Indigo was gleefully looking out the window, taking in the beauty of this creation. I took the fighter down towards the signal.

On the surface, I left Arania in the ship, in fear that he might be a burden on us. I set the auto-defences on the ship, and headed with Erin and Indigo toward the spike on the energy meters. The landscape was very similar to that of earth, with familiar sounds registering on my brain. Indigo was the first to comment.

"This place is incredible..." There was no attempt by Indigo to hide her amazement.
Erin was cautious however; and quite rightly so, after her ordeal with Adam. She was almost permanently attached to my left arm, holding on tightly, not wanting to let me go again.

"This place is creepy, almost as if we're walking on graves..."
"We probably are," Indigo said, "It looks as if a great civilisation lived here, and their remains are buried underneath us."

I jumped a mile high. I had very little irrational fears, but walking on graves was still something that made me freak out. Indigo started laughing. The prankster in me had obviously been replicated in Indigo.

"Don't DO that... I still hate the thought of walking on graves."
"I couldn't help it. You would've done the same."

Erin had stopped dead in her tracks as we were arguing.

"What is it?" I said, searching my pockets for my PDA.
"Its here." was her frightened reply.
Indigo looked around.
"There isn't a tree in sight!"
"Its possible that it isn't a real tree, Indigo."

Erin was as stiff as a board, almost to the point of straining her own muscles. I walked over to her and I realised what she had found. A complete revisiting of my sins, almost as if they were being purged from my system. Every man I killed in cold blood, every girl i screwed whilst drunk, and every impure dream I ever dreamed. Erin was experiencing the same thing, re-living every time her father had beaten her, every moment that had caused her pain, and every moment of misery spent in the cold dank quarters of the bar in the Kuiper Belt.

I reached out, attempting to get to Erin before the overwhelming emotion destroyed my mind. The contact on her skin gave me a new sensation, it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Her pain flowed into me, all the repressed emotion pouring into my being. She had also received my emotions, feeling what I had been feeling. I drew her near me, through all the pain, and held her tight, not wanting to let her go again.

In the distance, A faint rumble had begun, growing louder with every moment in time. Beneath us, the ground began to crack, with pure light filtering through the cracks. We were glued to the spot, unable to move, as a black charred tree began to grow in front of us, its branches and bark being rejuvinated as new from the base up. The emotions of pain and suffering were being wiped away as the Tree of Life began to grow in front of us, becoming blank slates as we were washed from our sins. and at the base, a console, an exact replica of the one we had found on the planet below. I knelt down, to find out what had to be done. The console had no input, it was only to display information.

>:Those here to seek the Tree of Life, Your quest has ended, The original guardians of the Tree have dispursed throughout the lands, and only through their defeat can you approach the Tree of Life.
>:Obviously you have gained access to the Tree of Life for a reason. The power it holds will be granted to both the Fruit of Life and the Fruit of Knowlege, however, both must possess a spiritual representation, a "Dæmon" in the Lillum dialect.

I looked at Erin, obviously, she had not had her dæmon revealed to her.

>:To reveal the dæmon, the pure must be extracted by an Anchient.

"I beleive that's me, folks."
Arania had snuck up behind us and scared the crap out both Erin and I.
"Je-- I should hit you. You okay?" I managed to get out.
"Never better, just needed a small nap."
"Small nap my a--"
"So this is the Tree, eh? Well, it's a tree alright, not some crap metaphor. Anyway, the extraction of a Dæmon..."
Arania turned to Erin.
"...hopefully this won't hurt too much."
He layed Erin down on the grass, and waved his hand in front of Erin's chest, when a bright light bathed them both in a golden hue. Smoke and dust filled the air, and out of this Erin's dæmon awoke. The dæmon was curled up on Erin's chest, sleeping peacefully, a ball of fur, with a hue darker than a black hole. Two golden eyes opened, as its jaws stretched open, revealing a pink tounge. The cat walked off of Erin and stretched it's legs on the grass near the Tree. Erin awoke soon after to lay eyes on her new companion. It slinked up and rubbed it's head against Erin's side.
"So this is MY dæmon?" Erin asked quietly.
"That I am" the feline responded.
"Quickly, give it a name so we can continue."
"Ummm..." Erin was straining her brain. Arania was getting impatient.
"Oh, I know! Mittens!"

Arania and I looked at each other.

"Mittens?" we said in unison.
"Well... what else would you call a cat?"
"Okay, you can always give it a better name later," Arania responded, "but be gotta get on with this."

We all huddled around the console.

>:If the Dæmons are present, the Anchient must leave sight of the tree.

Arania looked a bit shocked.

"Ah well, it was fun."

He transported both Araminta and himself back to the ship.

>:There is a way to achieve your goal of having the next generation survive. he link between the Dark Angel and the Shadows must be exploited. The Creator is being betrayed.

I looked at Erin with a puzzled look on my face.

>:Adam has made a deal with the Shadows. Shadows have not held their end of the bargin up. The Dark Angel does not know this. A frontal assault on the Dark Angel will fail, unless the abilities of both the Fruit of Life and the Fruit of Knowlege are combined. There will be two seprerate entities when the process is finished, both with each other's abilites.
>:Final warning. There is no reversing the process. To proceed, touch screen.

I looked at Erin and she nodded, knowing that this was the only way. I replied in a similar fashion. I leant down and touched the screen.

>rocess approved. Please wait.

We waited for something to happen, and after about a minute, we were about to give up.

>:Confirmation of identity complete. Presence of the true Fruits confirmed.
>:Beginning process.

A brilliant white light erupted from the ground beneath us. I grabbed onto Erin so she would feel safe. Was that my reason? The light must have changed my thought patterens somehow, encoraging that sort of behaviour. I just hoped it was worth it.

There was a daughter of a man who took his life too young. She swore she'd never do the same, then did just what he'd done. And a boy who's gone insane, with voices in his head. No one knows what they say, now his mother's dead


OOC: First time i've actually used a whole song...

God is dead, and no-one cares.

Post Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:53 am

OOC: i believe the daemons of males are females and vice versa correct? then you might want to change that.

Post Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:33 pm

Pretty good. Now DB, Its your turn for a chapter. ill post up the next chapter after youve posted one.

Post Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:14 pm

ok, i'll try and dream something up tonight(literally, i'd write something now but it's about time to hit the sack)

Post Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:24 am

i have to do this...

200th POST!!! w00t!!!


I've got the rest of that post, but im gonna wait for DB to do a chapter on fighting the Ikshions with Raiden's creations.

God is dead, and no-one cares.

Edited by - Love Shark on 2/15/2005 10:11:33 PM

Post Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:35 am

sorry i would have got to it last night but mortal kombat 2 was on

mesa back!

One thing you do not want to see when you exit a long jump that drained your reactor is this; on the right i see a large mass of fighters that look like they would fall apart at the seams without any help, on the left i see a large capital ship that's blue and white and looks like somebody took the front off my fighter and just took two of the backs and smushed one on top of the other and then stuck four extremely thick pylons out at the corners in the front to create massive fighter bays, and let me say that they are massive.

"This is raidens' destruction to unidentified fighter prepare to be apprehended"came the voice of a fast approaching squadron of fighters from the sleek capital ship.

"And for what reason would i do that, the master of the hyperphysical answers to noone!" and matching actions to words i proceeded to turn the entire squadron inot spacedust.Surprised chatter came from both sides of the battlefield at the single fighter that would defy the invaders.I planned on more than defying, they used modified if primitive versions of my fighter! something noone does.

I aimed straight for one of the fighter bays, trinity kept the shields up while i proceeded to use my almost unlimited magazine of missiles to annihilate almost half their fighters.Fighters still in the massive hanger zipped by, some parked others getting ready to launch, it didn't matter to me, i destroyed them all.

I finally found a empty place to land at the very front/end of the hangar, setting my ship down i was attacked by a security detachment.Thing is i didn't leave without my ravager tachyon mini-rifles or my widow maker rifle, oh did i mention that trinity decided to do it herself before i could unfasten the safety belts holding me in the fighter.

After finally getting down and taking the safety off both of the ravager mini-rifles and headed towards the nearest exit, going into what i now called my hyperphysical mode where my senses were heightened i saw turrets on the other side of the door, using the powers given me by the ancient one arania i protected myself with a shield and walked through the door absorbing all their fire and returning with my own blasting the turrets off the walls.

I entered another corridor and saw a lift ahead, as i neared it the doors opened and a large team of whati would call commandos came out firing, the shield absorbed it and i proceeded to get rid of them as well.I entered the lift ad pressed the button on the keypad that said command center and waited.

The lift stopped and i went to the doors, they wouldn't open; i was about to blast them open when trinity spoke.

"I wouldn't advise it, the substances in them might combust and take out this entire section"

Setting aside my weapons i cracked my knuckles in anticipation of finally seeing what this adamantium reinforced skeleton of mine could do.I punched the door.Hard.And the door well, it sorta flew across the room and hit a security officer.Not that that's a bad thing afterall; having left my weapons behind me in the lift i went full melee.I built the perfect set of swords atom by atom, a set of adamantium and crome handled scimitars that were hard for the unprotected eye to look at, or the un-genetically/nanite enhanced eye.

The guards stood their ground, i stood legs apart and ready, the shields was off as it stopped solid objects as well.First move goes to the defenders, they fired and i dove to the right ending it with a roll to my fight, i then did a series of jumps to close the distance.With Trinity guarding my back they couldn't even scratch me and trinitys' beak was not kind to them either, finally i came upon one the ones in the back armed with short looking weapons and metal armor.

I changed my weapons and added an electric generator to each of them so they electrified on contact, i went through them like a hot knife through butter.I finally had the time to notice that this was only a security checkpoint.I sheathed my swords on sheaths i created and went back and got my rifles. I continued on and broke down the next door aswell and saw the command crew at their stations all holding a weapon of some type, The shield came up and the bodies started to fly.Literally, being abit bored i just shot a nearby airlock.

After quickly repairing it a took remote control of all the systems and had the weapons, primitive though they may be, target the fighters.The result was catastrophic, the fight had neared the capital ship and the turrets decimated the fighters that were left.Then the leader of the ragtag group of defenders hailed me.

"Whoever you are we owe you big, thank you, this is out last system aside from out homeworld, these ships have been coming out of nowhere and attacking us"

"glad i could help, care to join me for a tost to the future of the raiden as a empire?" i asked in return.

"glad to but, who are you? " he asked puzzled.

I smiled,

"Just someone sent to help" i replied and cut the connection.

OOC: there, how's that?

Edited by - Dragonborn on 2/16/2005 3:58:59 PM

Post Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:20 pm

admantium skeleton? hmm... tastes like wolverine.
no harm in it, makes sort of a hybrid of vi and arania. (arania having power from flesh, vi having power from machine, db having physical power defended by metal)

We could've been a good couple, we coulda had somethin' special; but you one crazy-ass *****!

Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:59 am

your forgettting details in your old age shark, you might want to reread it through again.

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 11:45 pm

Sorry about not posting my chapter, ive been busy (Two assignments, plus a steadily growing RPG/strategy game im running, PLUS i have a girl problems (No advice, im handling it)), and swamped. ill get to work asap. be ready for one hell of a battle scene as well!

Post Sun Mar 13, 2005 7:45 pm

aorry bout the delay. again

IC - Jake:

She shines, in a world full of ugliness. She matters, when everything is meaningless. Fragile, she doesn't see her beauty, she tries to get away. Sometimes it's just that nothing seems worth saving, I can't watch her slip away.

"I won't let you fall apart" I whispered to her as the energy field held us together.

I tried to save a place from the cuts and the scratches. I tried to overcome the complications and the catches. Nothing ever grows and the sun doesn't shine all day. I tried to save myself, but myself keeps slipping away.

I paused, the power around us began to modulate. it had seen something inside of us, and decided to expose this darkness to those concerned.
There is a hate that burns within, the most desperate place I have ever been, I tried to get bac to where it begun, but the closer I get, the worse it becomes.

I couls feel the anger, the pain, the hatred being torn from my soul via my concioussness, again having to relive every painful moment, as well as every painful moment of Erin's life, again. I began to question myself. Did I know how far this has gone? Just how damaged had I become? Everytime I thought I had overcome, it ran even deeper.

OOC: more to come. im kinda in a slump at this point.


Post Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:58 pm

There are two things in this world that are infinite: The Universe, and Human Stupidity. We may be able to disprove the former eventually – Albert Einstein

I sat at the console, fingering the old scar on my face, and wondering, yet again, how I had managed to fall into such a mess.
Here I am, Saving Humanity from inevitable impending doom, the ultimate cliché.
“What’s next?” I asked myself “I help Viator defeat Adam, The Ikshions will fall from having no leader, and then I leave to fight the Confederation in the ultimate apocalyptic battle of all time. But then what?”
“It is inevitable that another crisis will befall mankind” Araminta replied, sitting on the ground next to me “But you can’t keep helping them, Humanity needs to learn how to fend for itself”
“But why?” I asked “Why are we as a species worth saving? We still wage war; we still murder each other, why do we deserve what we have been given?”
“No-one knows” Araminta answered “Its one of those Nature-of-the-Universe Questions you keep answering, but I’m not even sure if you can answer this one”
I nodded my head in defeat.
“You have progressed far from when I saw you last”
I snapped up, quickly getting to my feet and searching for the source of the sinister voice
“But yet, the Fundamentals stay the same”
“Who are you?” Araminta screeched, now on my shoulder
“I shall show you”

I didn’t even realise I had switched locations for a few seconds, and even when I did realise it, I couldn’t identify where I was, as it was so utterly alien to me.
“Show yourself!” I yelled, my voice echoing eerily around the room
“Not until you calm yourself”
The Voice was less unknown now, and I was doing my best to pinpoint it from the thousands of people across two timelines.
“Still don’t know who I am?”
I spun around and saw no-one, but was getting closer on pinpointing a voice.
“I’m close” I said, and finally hit it
“Emma” Araminta muttered, milliseconds before I did the same
“Took you long enough” She said, appearing behind me
I turned, and walked away slowly
“Traitor” I muttered, backing up against the wall
“You forgave me once”
“Traitor” I said again “What you did was shallow and selfish”
“I didn’t do it” She said
“But you went along with it” I said “You didn’t deny it”
She lowered her head
“Why won’t you let it go?” She asked
“The first time I didn’t because I was only a Human, governed by human emotions, making a human response”
“And now?”
“Now it is a calculated unemotional response, Taken from lessons not only learned by me, but by lessons given to me by the ancients”
“Do these ‘Ancients’ know anything about Love?”
“No, but based on what limited experience I gained from my time with you, I was able to use that theoretical knowledge to extrapolate from what I already had”
“Same conclusion, Treachery”
I saw a tear roll down her cheek, and where I would have felt guilt many years ago, I felt nothing but a little bit of frustration
“I thought we could make up” She said, walking towards me “Put all this behind us”
“And why would I want that?” I asked, not wanting to touch her
“Well, you probably need a female in your life right now, and I’m willing to bet that that phoenix of yours isn’t going to cut it”
I saw right through it, and felt a bit repulsed at her motives
“If you wanted sex, your abut 20-odd years too late. You haven’t changed at all, you know that?”
She stopped, almost about to kiss me.
“And I would never go with you, your treachery to me then, and your lies to me now” I said
“I am offering you immunity to the Confederation” Emma said “You will regret Denying yourself this pleasure”
“I think not” Araminta and I said
The Vision vanished, and I was yet again down on the ring.
“I’m getting the felling we’re gonna see her again” Araminta said
“So do I Ara” I said, starting to walk towards where I left Viator “So do I”

As long as we keep thinking of ourselves, there will be war, and immorality, for that is human nature, and that is who we are

OOC- sorry for the long wait, i kept putting it off, but here it is

Post Sun Mar 27, 2005 10:23 pm

OOC: Its about bloody time man. now i got some mojo going again... even though im freakin hungover.

IC - Jake:

What's it like up there? Do you worry anymore? How's it feel up there? So much left to say. If i could tell your thoughts right now, it would never be the same. Wait until I am by your side, then the meaning will come true.
Your love will find a better way. Everybody wants you to be known. Your love will find a better way. Everybody... Everybody wants to know.

We are nearly there. Do you get to see the love? Can you understand my thoughts? Seeing as no-one else here can. When you see the light, does your pain just disappear? Will i ever feel your love once again my dear?

Arania stood near the tree which bore all life in the universe, both Viator and Erin had disappeared, nowhere in sight. Scratching his head, Arania sat under the tree and dozed off, relaxing under the warming glow of the sun.

I woke up, startled, as I knew not of what happened, only that Erin and I were both bathed in pure light. Erin! I scanned my vicinity, looking for her. The landscape looked familiar, somewhere I had been before recently, but was unable to recognise. Decaying trees lined the once glorius promenade, eternal reminders of what used to be on this devastated world, but it still bore a nagging rememberance on what this place used to be. I called out to Erin.

No response. I tried again.

Nothing, nowhere, no how could i reach her by voice alone. I screamed until my voice became hoarse, and I ran down the dead avenue of honour, desperate to try and find her. There was still something here, something that felt like deja-vu, a familiarity of this place, as if I had been here before.

I ran down the never-ending boulevard, tears running down my face, in a desperate search to find her. There was no way I was going to let her go. My foot became snagged on a massive boulder that seemed to miss my gaze. on it was an inscription, a message from those who lived here.

"--ve here, on a journey, never ceasing as long as my body will take me, and when it begins to fail, I will return to Earth, and share my findings with whoever wishes to listen. So long, and the one flame will be joined by another, the star of which Av---------Ja-----gley
Tsiu k michia? Michia k Tsiamats uo Avalion, Naimak, Zaiyan. Tsiau na michia bona? Michia kakai uni ukashi aintsa menai."

My blood ran cold. My eyes widened to the maximum. The pit in my stomach grew to an infinite. I had been here before. I stood in the ruins of Avalon. The Ikshions had returned, and left no Ayan alive, and it was sheer luck that the majority of the Ayans were on Earth. I uncovered more of the stones, reading the message I left behind.


During my reflection on the stone I left behind, A crack of thunder rang out over the decrepit plains. A big booming storm was rolling in, at an incredible pace, no, at an unnatural pace. A massive shadow moved inside the massive cloud, undulating slightly. Lightning rained down on the plains, as the dark force swept the land. In a flash however, white glow emerged from behind the cloud, engulfing it, pouring out over the land, rejuvinating it. I had witnessed something here, somethig that if I had witnessed a year ago, would have converted me to some form of faith... but I had dealt with Creators.

A massive sliver ship rose out of the aura, hovering above my head, and in a flash, I had been elevated to the ship above. Before me stood a tall humanoid, wrapped in a robe, and seemed to radiate stillness. I enquired about who he was, and he responded.

"I am Quetzacotl. There are many questions in your mind, and I shall strive to answer them all in good time. However, there is an issue here that needs to be adressed."

I quickly formed words.

"Do you know where Erin is?"
"Your companion is safe. She is in the care of my brother, Xolotl, and is being informed of the current situation. Now, allow me to explain the urgency of the situation. Please, have a seat."

I turned around to see a seat appear behind me. I sat down in it.

"Now, you are the Traveller, right?"

I nodded my reply.

"Good. My bretheren are here to assist you in your journey, you activated the beacon in the Tree of Life, and in doing so lit the torch for us to find you."

A bright flash of light appeared in front of me as a table materialised in front of us.

"Your goal is simple, yes? Destroy the leader of the Souless army? But to destroy a Creator, you need a weapon that cand rend his flesh permanently, something to disconnect the life from his limbs. You need these."

Quetzacotl removed the sheet covering the table. Two blades lay on the table, one slightly longer than the other, both about the size of short swords, ornately decorated blades, slightly curved with both edges parallel to each other.

"With these two, you can rend any Creator's flesh asunder, The powers in these blades can kill any living thing with minimal effort."

I inspected the writing on the side, trying to understand it. Quetzacotl informed me of the writing. On the white handled sword bore the name Limited Moon, and on the black sword, Death Penalty; all in whatever language this guys speaks normally. I hoped that these would help in the struggle. I just wanted to see Erin.

You wanna revolution?

Edited by - Love Shark on 4/21/2005 11:56:45 PM

Post Sat Apr 23, 2005 8:46 pm

The light swirled endlessly, a concordance of voices going with it.
I stretched my hand out into the mist, trying to find purchase in the strange world, but finding nothing solid
The voices grew more high-pitched, but I was still unable to make them out.
“What the?” My voice echoed around me, before being quickly drowned out
I tried to listen, but nothing in the swirling concordance of voices could be understood
“Father, forgive us our sins…”
“Help me to be strong…”
“Forevermore, amen…”
The voices were inside me, inside my mind, blocking out my thoughts
“…shadow of death…”
“…purity, happiness…”
“STOP!” I screamed, trying to save myself
The voices stopped, and I was once again alone in the misty world
I sighed, my mind clear again
“Those are prayers” came a voice from behind me
I turned, making out a figure behind me
“Prayers?” I muttered “Why am I hearing human prayers?”
“They are not only human” The figure said again, drawing closer to me “There were many different races among them, but you could only make out a few of the human ones”
I nodded, understanding
“And why, am I hearing them?” I asked
“I’m showing them to you” He said “Because of what you are, you are an Ancient, one of the last surviving pure creators”
“What, you’re saying I’m God?” I asked, incredulously
“No” He said, bluntly
"Then what am i?" I asked
"You are one of an ancient decendancy" He replied "One that puts aside thier personal desires and strives for the greater good, the Pure"
"I know that, what of it?"
"The Pure are the children of the Origin" It answered "The effect of the Origin's destruction by its first children"
"The Pure are the natural counter to the Creators" He said "Do to what they created"
"And where do i come into this?"
“You are one of the Pure” The Entity retorted “You are the last of the Ancients. Only you can stop what has been set in motion millions of eons ago”
“Evil. The creation of evil” It said “Life was once all pure. Nobody can remember what happened then, but evil started to spread. Adam is the source of the evil in this world”
“Who are you?” I asked
“I am the origin of all evil” The figure said, throwing off his hood
He had no face
“That makes no sense” I said “Why do you want me to destroy something that you created?”
“I did not mean to” The Entity replied “I have spent my entire life trying to rid the world of Evil, but I have not the power. You do however”
Recognition came, of what he spoke of.
“Your going to die, aren’t you?” I asked
“Yes” He replied, his figure flickering in and out of existence “Do this for me? Please?”
“I will” I said, and he vanished.

I awoke at the base of the Tree
“Ok, I’m never going to sleep again” I said
“What on earth was that?” Araminta asked, perched high in the tree
“Where on earth were you?” I asked her
She bowed her head
“I was trying to appear, but I couldn’t” She replied “I’m sorry”
“It’s alright” I said, perching her on my shoulder “I would have done the sam… Oh dear god…”
I rushed over to the two bodies. Indigo and Mittens, The two Dæmons.
“What evil did this?” Araminta said, almost crying
I could feel her horror, as well as my own fury, as I knelt down and examined them
“They’re alive” I said “But they’ve been severed. The core link is gone, but they both still have a faint life connection with Viator and Erin”
I turned back to the tree, pondering.
“Why was this done?” I said
I picked up the two bodies in my arms, and walked back to the tree.
>: Process Complete
The message flashed on the tree.
I set the two dæmons down, and walked to the tree
“Where are they?” I asked
>: User invalid, Ancient is not permitted to know location of Creator Domain
>: Ancient will destroy Creators
“Why did you sever them?”
>: User Invalid. Ancient cannot comprehend the Creators plan
I walked closer, my voice starting to resonate
>: Ancient cannot understand
“I understand well enough that you committed one of the greatest evils able to be committed. WHERE ARE THEY?”
The screen flickered slightly before returning its response
>: Ancient must not find Creators, Universe depends on Creators
“They are not creators, they are mere mortals”
>: Statement invalid, Creators are immortal
“I have seen that they are mortal. Why they act as they do is unknown to me yet, but they did not create life, life is not theirs, they merely have the power to copy life from power their ancestors stole from the Ancients”
I had barely realised what I was about to say before I said it. Memories, not mine, flooding back from before this universe was even born
>: Historical records invalid. Creators, by definition, created life
“Your History is wrong, the Creators are the children of the Gods, Creators are the children of the Origin. And the Creators destroyed the Origin. Children outlive elders, you said so yourself”
I stopped, and shook my head, none of this made any sense
>: Historical records invalid, you are lying
“I’m here to set that right, I’m here to destroy the evil that came from the Origins destruction. But what I plan to do is invalid right now, Adam has to be destroyed, and I need Viator, WHERE IS HE?”
>: Ancient CANNOT Learn location of the Creators
“I’m giving you one last chance” I said, extending my hand to the tree, my voice resonating so high that the screen had almost cracked “Tell me where they are”
>: No
I plunged my hand into the tree, light erupting from the point of entry
“You’re making me angry” I said, torturing the tree “Your not going to like me when I’m angry”
>: CannOT TELl AncIEnT
“Tell me where they are!”
“The creators destroyed the origin, the only original thing the Creators created is Evil, and now they’re trying to get rid of it themselves, using the last of the Pure among us”
“I’m not, it’s the truth, YOU have been lied to”
“Nope, they’re lying”
>: NO!
“Believe me!” I said, my arm almost in up to the elbow
“I don’t have time for this” I said, the anger in my voice “The Creators will pay for what they have done to my friend, and to all life, in due time, but right now, YOU WILL TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE!”
>: ERGaaeNekAEn REnarnbivr aROjg4iaw
I closed my eyes “A little more”
I opened my eyes again
I stopped, pulling my arm out of the tree
“Where are they?”
>: Avalon, the creators, and your friend are on Avalon
I nodded, and turned away from the smoking tree
“Thank you”
I picked up the two dæmons, and began walking towards viator’s ship.
“You remember how to fly after all these years?” Araminta asked, as I powered up the controls
“Just like driving a Cab” I said, launching the ship and setting the jump coordinates to Avalon
The Creators will pay for this, they will pay for the Evil they created, and they will pay for severing my friend, for, by their own words: “Children outlive their Elders”

For millenia mankind has searched the stars for signs of intelligence and a sense of purpose.
We should never have looked. - Nexus, The Jupiter Incident

Edit- To make i bit more sense, and a bit less religious

Edited by - Arania - PFY on 4/25/2005 3:42:43 AM

Post Fri May 06, 2005 7:55 am

alrighty, climax time!

IC - Jake:
It's strange how things pan out. It's definitely strange how Fate seems to choose how you live. Except that Fate is a figment of my imagination. Fate died on the day that Adam did, rendered asunder by the same blade. I reflected on my life as I drove the white blade of Quetzacoatl into Adam's torso, strange place for it, I know, but it seemed like the best time for it.

Here's where it began, this whole crazy adventure. It was in a bar, a small bar, in the middle of nowhere, and in this bar, were 2 guys. Just 2 average joes, 2 mates from their own personal adventures, sitting in a bar that no longer exsists. From this, they are recruited to help a secret orginisation, to help track the movements of certain people.

Somehow I ended up killing the father of mankind. That is, of course, if he was the father of mankind. Something told me that I did not contain Adam's genes. And, as I drove the blade further and further in, the blood of a Creator flowed over my torso, drenching my clothing in a crimson bath of pure gore. The shock had already registered, Adam knew his fate, knew what awaited him was a long and painful death, retribution for all the lives he destroyed, all the suffering he spread, all the misery inflicted on innocent people.

Adam had annihilated the entire planet of Avalon. This was justice, vengeance, the end of the road. Oh how I prayed it was the end, bu I knew there was one more evil to deal with: The Confederation. And as I withdrew the blade from Adam's stomach, I pondered who exactly the Confederates were, why they were hell-bent on the interference with our plans, and where Arania fit into their plans.

Adam fell to his knees, his hands desperately holding in his internal organs, his hourglass was almost through, and he knew it.

"You did it, human. The pure; the only; the mack daddy."

Adam had fallen easily, a simple lure called him out, the promise of the Tree of Life. And when he approached, he discovered that he had been decieved, and that there was only one weapon that could rend him asunder. Not the dark Death Penalty, but the pure Limited Moon, sword of the light, the sword that removed the bowels of a so called God.

As Adam hit the cold stone road, I knew one thing. It had been almost too easy. It was almost as if he was unaware that he could be defeated, so overconfident that he could not see his own failings. And as the life left his body, I felt a small twinge, a small sense of emotion, an emotion I should not have felt.


I looked to the sky, to see if I had done the right thing, but Quetzacotl's ship was no-where to be found. only the thin shape of a Z-Axis fighter could be defined on the horizon, with Arania making his way toward the centre of the chaos, carrying something that was very dear to me: Indigo. I pushed as much energy into restoring the link between us, trying desperately to reconnect. Indigo raised her head as I strengthened the link. Again, I could hear what she heard, and know what she knew.

I looked at Arania and nodded. We had to find Erin. She had to help us in the final struggle. one that would take us to depths of human depravity.

The Confederate homeworld.

OOC: Adam's gone!!! wooohooo!

You wanna revolution?

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