IC - Jake:
My head like a hole, as black as my soul, I would rather die, than give you control.
Lines from some archaic music about some long nails. well, a slightly warped version anyway. It was strange standing at the gates of Lillith's domain, very similar to the descriptions from ancient manuscripts of the afterlife. for souls like mine anyway. Fire and brimstone. Screams of pain and misery. The aroma of burning flesh. Truly I was standing at the gates of Hell.
But if this were truly Hell, I would be taken down by the guardian hound Cerberus. And once again, I should always check what I contemplate. Barrelling towards me was what the scriptures had described. A massive 3 headed hound, which hould stand as tall as I was. I reached out my hand to project a field in front of myself, only to receive a zero reaction.
"Indigo... a little help?"
There was no response. Then the pain hit. The pain of a thousand flaming daggers tore at my heart, almost threatening to tear it out of my chest. Pinned to the spot in pain, Cerberus skidded to a halt. Looking up, I saw it's eyes, expecting to see eyes full of hatred and instinct; but instead seeing eyes of compassion and intelligence.
"You seek Lillith?"
I nodded a reply
"Very well. She has taken your deamon as a way of making sure you would not harm me."
Again I nodded, only wanting my deamon returned to me. Within an instant, Cerberus transported me to Lillith's main chamber. Even though it was made of different materials, Lillith's 'palace' was almost identical to Adam's in design.
The pain in my heart was almost gone replaced with a dull sensation in my chest. I looked around, again expecting to see large stones, pentagrams, and blood dripping down the walls. Instead, there was a neatly tiled surface, and a sense of humanity and caring, almost as if I were home. Lillith got up off the small wooden chair she was sitting on. She too, like Adam, was naked, it almost seemed like a running gag of how moralistic humanity was.
"I apologise for appropriating your deamon, Cerberus is the only guardian I have, and I know that you could have easily destroyed him."
Lillith nodded to Cerberus. The hound's tail pulled a lever nearby, and Indigo floated down through a hole in the celing. She perched on my shoulder, rubbing her scaled head against my cheek.
"Thank you." were the muffled words that came out of my mouth.
Lillith walked over and helped me up.
"My child, what brings you to my humble abode?"
"As a last resort, I need to find a way to defeat your son, Adam."
"Yes I know, you possess in your soul, the Fruit of Knowlege, so in a way, you are superior to Adam."
"Yes, Adam is not what people think he is, He is not truly part of the creator race."
"But I was told that Adam was born from the fusion between you and God."
"Do you beleive that there is an all powerful God controlling your life?"
"Then who was Adam's father?"
Lillith looked toward the ground, then back at me.
"Adam's father was the mortal Romulus, part of Zeus' Olympi race. Eve was Zeus' attempt at correcting Adam. except that Adam was not destroyed, and only grew angry at the rest of the Creator race."
If it weren't for the cybernetics, I should have died a long time ago from heart failure.
"So Adam is part Olympi, and part of you?"
"Where exactly are the Olympi?"
"Victims of the Ikshions. Zeus as well. Adam has systematically wiped out nearly every one of the Creator race, even my husband Lucifer. Only 4 Creators remain, Marduk, Eve, Myself and Raiden. And Raiden is on the verge of falling to the contiued Ikshion attacks. There is something strange however, a temporal anomoly, created by a human named Dragonborn, is attempting to save Raiden's race."
"Then they should be fine. He's a good man."
Lillith nodded.
"But Lillith, How do I stop Adam? He has the Fruit of Life, I need to know, What do I do?!"
"Be patient, Adam is no longer in possesion of the Fruit of Life, there is a Creator's decendant you must thank for that."
I paused for a minute. Lillith gave me the answer.
"Arania has saved the Fruit of Life from the clutches of Adam, and is on his way toward your vehicle. Cerberus will greet them at the gates of this world."
"Just try to be a little less threatening with him, he's more easily provoked."
Lillith smiled a warm smile, and sent Cerberus on his way.
I began to think to myself.
Bow down to the one you serve, You're going to get what you deserve.
Your head like a hole, as black as your soul, and I would rather die, than give you control. Adam will bow down to the powers of Fate, and the power of the Traveller.
-Love Shark