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Post Wed Jul 07, 2004 10:50 pm

Okay. lets recap wats happened. i wanna share a thought train i had.

Arania was from the coalition, and is a distant relative of Viator. He has the powers of the ancients inside him, and is immortal. His daemon is a phoenix.

Viator was originally an outcast from liberty who injected himself with nanites through a machine called Daedalus, thus gaining immortality through technology. His daemon is is a dragon similar to Bahumut from FFVIII.

Now, just consider this:

Arania - Zero technology, gained power by organic means.
Viator - All technology, gained power by man-made means.

I might be looking into this too deeply, but i noticed something.

The fruit of life grants immortal life from god.
The fruit of wisdom grants intelligence and self awareness. technology and eventually, immortal life.


Arania = Hand of God,
Viator = Hand of Man.

In theory, Viator and Arania should hate each other, as one is powerful because of the ancients, and the other is powerful due to man's achievements.

But, Blood is thicker than water, and obviously both viator and arania are both containing noble, pure blood.

Just thought i'd share that with you people.


And could you explain a little more about daemons arania? im getting a little confused as what they can do.



Fumio Katsumi - Decided to hijack a jumbo jet armed, with a screwdriver.

Edited by - Viator on 7/7/2004 11:52:15 PM

Post Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:18 pm

Ok, theoretical Dæmon Biomechanics...
right, dæmons were originally introduced in the HDM trilogy by Phillip pullmann.
The dæmon is a representative of the soul or personality of that to who they are bound, and thier form represents that, if you could see one's dæmon, it's form would tell you about thier human's personality.
Up until the age of Puberty, dæmons have the ability to change form at will, at Adolecence, dæmons lose thier ability to 'shape shift' and occupy one fixed form.
Males dæmons are female, and females dæmons are male, thus bringing up the theory that the dæmon represents the opposite side of your personality that is never shown, never believed it myself, i think it just makes them easier to listen to.
The dæmon maintains a constant 'link' with the human they are bound to, sharing ilnesses, aiments, etc... there are a few ways to 'sever' that link, thus seperating the human from the dæmon, but that practice effectivly creates a 'half-human', extensive damage from that practice is unknown, but it is known that many children young children die shortly after this practice is performed on them.
As you have probably guessed, dæmons have the ability to non-verbally communicate thoughts and feelings to thier humans, and they can do the same back, sort of like instinctive telepathy.
Upon death of either the human or the dæmon, severed or otherwise, the dæmon vanishes, effectivley dematerialising, thier atoms dissolving into the surrounding air, and if you kill someone's dæmon, you kill the human as well.
And the dæmon can only travel a few metres before both the human and the dæmon experience excruciating physical and spiritual pain, mostly centered around the chest with a 'tugging' sesation in the direction of the dæmon. There is a way to 'extend' that range, but specific details are unknown.

Thats all i can remember now... i think thats everything...

Post Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:41 am

What kind of abilities do they have? (exscuse me for asking more questions) I'm just trying to plan a really cool ability for Indigo, but I wan to know what exactly daemons can do.
Basically, since Viator is somwhat immortal due to technology, is his daemon, Indigo, technically augmented too?

Post Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:27 pm

OOC: ok guys time to get back on track here so i'll try and start it back up.

I woke up with a pressure on my chest that when i opened my eyes appeared to be the large gold eagle i had seen earlier at my feet.

"what the heck are you" i inquired of it.I almost fainted again when it actually replied.

"i am your daemon, Dragonborn Trent" it replied in a soft voice.

"woah hold on one minute there one i am not in any way related to the trent family especially THE edison Trent, and two i don't beleive in all this hocus pokus about 'daemons' and such" i retorted with heat.

"well you better" said a voice near the door.
I took in the rest of my surroundings, i was in a standard medbay and this 'bird' was still on my chest but at a gesture from arania for that is who it was the 'bird got off my chest and flapped over to a console.

"this is not 'hocus pokus' as you call it, this is real life and you better realize that, altho even i am surpised by your name you did not have the look of a descendant of trent" Arania said.

"I'm not related to trent i said that already"" i replied getting annoyed.

"really well your 'deamon' whether you beleive in them or not always speaks the truth and you already lied once you haven't always live here in Sol at jupiter research station, a Alliance scouting party found sirius and since there was a protocol to not 'contaminate' the inhabitants they tried to leave didn't they? But you found them first and so they took you with them back to Sol when you were only 13 where you helped them develope the first 'true' jumpdrive for the Alliance which you then used to come back to sirius to keep an eye on us for the Alliance" he said all of this to my utter shock and bewilderment.

I had buried the memories so deep that i could barely remember what he was talking about.I had stood p without realizing it and now i slumped back down onto the bed i had bee laying on.i decided to try and get the conversation on a different track.

"where are we anyway?" i asked it quizzically.

"we are at the nexus"he replied.
"It is at the core of the earth surrounded by a shield to keep it from melting with only one small entrance to its docking bay"

"where is my.." i started to ask a question.

"don't worry your fighter was brought in also and is safe and sound in the docking bay, you should thank Viator for going out and getting it after you tried to kill him"
he said the last part philosophicaly to my chagrin.

"I didn't know it was him i couldn't see his face from where i was i.." a partly robotic voice interupted me.

"that is why you ask first and shoot later!!! Omicron Black Nine" he spat the name out as if it were a curse.he then headed for me with what looked like hostile intentions...

OOC:alright i got it started back up now dont ask any more questions please if you do have questions PM or email himabout it lplease or this place will get clooged up wel that was a pretty dramatic chapter if i do say so myself...

EDIT:cmon guys me and Vi can't do this on our own usually there would have been atlesat another 2 posts by now ah well i'm off to go eat mebbe one of you is writing right now and it'll be up when i get back.

Edited by - Dragonborn on 7/9/2004 4:59:54 PM

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 4:38 am

OOC: sorry about the questions, just planning something. and for just for the record - Viator is nano-augmented, any energy based weapon blast is absorbed, but has to be re-emmitted in some form, be it light, heat, or some other form of energy.

@dragonborn: thanks... you've given us a subterranian lair!
@arania: im gonna assume that Indigo can absorb my energy and convert it.

I had my face up right near Dragonborn's, staring at him eye to eye.

"I could snap you in half if I wanted to. But I won't give you that release just yet."

I turned away from him and entered the electrical system. A nanosecond later I rematerialised in the Medical Sector. Aleksei was watching over Jennifer, who was still unconcious from when I left her at the Z-Axis Fighter Works. Aleksei and Anatoly had been moved to Sol with the Coalition, and were permitted to bring Jennifer and some of their equipment. After hearing of this, I messaged them about what had happened, and that I would grant them a place in the Nexus. Obviously, Anatoly could hardly contain himself when he heard about it, and I knew about his love of the unique.
But Aleksei was worried, Jennifer's condition was getting worse, and he had no way of determining what was wrong with her, let alone restore her health. He had placed her in stasis, so that whatever it was, it could not spread any further. Something had happened to her, and I wasn't going to let the last Aida die because of some disease.


Cabin fever had struck earlier than I thought it would, so I decided to take a tour around Sol. After bar hopping for awhile, I ran into someone I actually remember: Claude Gilbert. Claude had stowed aboard the transport containing the president, and passed himself off as an elite Liberty Navy Pilot, the sneaky bugger. After a long conversation about nothing really important, like how good looking the waitress was, or, how he had scored big time last night. It was nice to talk to someone whose sole preoccupation was himself. After a lot of alcohol, I escorted Claude back to his rather s**** apartment. He obviously was doing rather well for himself. Me being perfectly sober due to the cybernetics, I wandered through more bars in the Sol system. Titan, Venus, Mars, nearly every bar I had deposited some form of money in their coffers over my week long binge.

I was sitting onboard a station on the fringes of Sol, deep in the Kuiper belt, knocking back some unknown Coalition alcoholic concuction. Thats when she walked up to me. At the time, I hadn't realised that I was the only patron, staring blankly through the window at nothing in paticular, wearing dark glasses to hide the blue glow in my eyes, wearing suspiciously dark clothing, and tending to a small dragon. I was amazed that anyone would actually come near me, let alone talk to me.

"Umm... Exscuse me..." She started in a meek voice. I looked up from Indigo.
"The owner doesn't like having pets in the bar..." she stammered. I looked at Indigo. I nodded to Indigo and she flew over to my shoulder. I stood up to leave when the waitress interrupted me.

"He just wants... well, whatever that thing is gone. Y-You can stay..."

I though about this, for about a microsecond.

"Where I go, She goes." I said in a quiet voice. The waitress seemed disapointed.
"Okay, I'll talk to the owner..." she said meekly.

I leaned against a nearby chair, hearing an heated argument in the office. After a while it abruptly ended with the owner marching out to stand toe-to-toe with me.

"Look, punk. I ain't got any patience left. You've interrupted some of my personal buisness with this, this, THING! GET THE F*** OUT OF MY BAR!!!"

I stared at him blankly. The waitress' expression was one of pleading, and my better half took over. I stood my ground and decided to investigate.

"What 'buisness', do you have, I was going to be your only customer for the day."

The owner was about to explode.

"WHAT I DO IS MY F***ING BUISNESS, A**H***! What, you trying to be a hero?"
"Why would I need to be a hero?" I said, before lowering my voice to subhuman pitch. "Have you done something naughty?"

The owner took a step back.

"You wanna go punk? I'll take you down NOW!" The owner put up his fists. "C'MON! You're going down PUNK!"

I smirked.

Within seconds, the owner was on the ground with tears in his eyes, reeling from a precise blow to his torso. The waitress was shocked, her hand over her mouth, at the destruction I caused by a simple punch. I returned to my upright posture and headed for the door. Indigo refused to budge. Her thoughts were telling me that something else could be found here.

I turned around and called for her. Again she didn't move. I thought about just leaving, but I would have to endure the same pain as her, and I knew how stubborn I was at times. She flew over to the waitress and landed on her suprised shoulder.

"Umm... sir, can you please collect your, umm... pet?" She was somewhat distressed at Indigo. It wasn't everyday that a man and a dragon walk into a bar.
"She won't hurt you. She's rather placid."

The waitress reached out a finger and stroked Indigo's head. Indigo responded by rubbing against her fingers. I 'thought' to Indigo, Don't say a thing. She's freaked out enough...
Indigo nodded her reply.

"Where did you find her?"
"I found her on a station called Citadel Station, in the Sirius sector."
"Sirius? Where's that?"
"Why don't we talk about this somwhere else, Your boss seemed pretty mad."

A voice came from the floor.

"I still am mad you PUNK!"
"You're right... Do you have a ship?"

I looked at her blankly. She was waiting for an answer.


I kept staring. Indigo was getting impatient.

"How did I get here?" I asked, trying to hide a smile.
"Oops, how silly of me. Can you give us a lift to Europa? My mother is staying there, away from my father." She looked back to the owner. I thought about the prospect of having a young woman in the back of my... wait, it wasn't even my ship... it was Anatoly's Doomtrain, because he was pulling apart the Helena. Anyway, there was more than enough room, and it was somewhere I had not been.
"Sure, why not?" I replied, watching her face light up.

She followed me to the Doomtrain, which was the only ship left on the station. When we first entered the bay, she was taken in by it's size, and its form. I opened the side entry hatch, and helped her inside. Indigo flew through the door after her and then I entered, shutting the door behind me.


"Umm... Ive got a confession to make..."

Great. Now she tells me.

"What is it?" i said looking back from the controls.
"Well," she started, looking at her feet. At this time I sensed something wrong, and so did Indigo. I set the ship on auto, and went into the cargo hold.
"Whats this confession?" I said, sitting down in front of her, on an upturned crate.
"Well, you know that guy you, well, flattened?"
"He was my father..."
"I figured that."
"Yes, well, I'm glad you showed up... my father, he..."
She started crying.
"Go on, its better to talk about it." Indigo flew over and nuzzled against the waitress' cheek.
"That's *sniff* why I'm here... My father, he beats me, and, he..."

I knew exactly what had happened. Even in this supposed 'Utopia' men still abused power. I hugged her tight, holding her head against my shoulder. Indigo had to take off again to avoid being crushed. The waitress cried over my shoulder, and I could do nothing to stop it. For all the death and destruction brought on by the Dom'Kavash and the nomads, by the Coalition, and by the massive destruction of Sirius, it was the individual things that brough tears to my eyes. One solitary tear, brought on by the story of one young woman whose name I never knew, After all the pain, after all the suffering, it came to this.
Even when I lost Kenji, I did not shed a tear. When I was intergrated with Daedalus, the pain brough no tears to my eyes. Even as Jennifer lay in stasis in the Nexus, no tears came. It proved my beliefs about the importance of the bigger picture, about ignoring the petty matters, completly wrong. And as that tear hit the cold metal floor did i realise.

I meant absolutely jack.
how do you like THAT? now thats drama, no offence dragonborn.

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:49 pm

@Viator: Impressive!!

For nearly a millenia, the cold dark palnet known as 'Earth' had known nothing apart from war, nothing apart from pain and suffering.
The rain pelted down, the sky dark with stormclouds. Had arania not known better, he would have throught that whatever 'spirit' this planet had knew what was going on around it, and was saddened because of it.
In blatant defiance of the forces of nature, Arania sat in front of a blazing fire, warming himself by the impossibly big fire in the even bigger storm.
"Arania?" a voice came echoing through the woods, almost silenced by the raging storm.
The man wandered towards the welcoming fire.
"Arania, the time has come" He said.
"Whether or not the time has come" Arania replied "Is irrelevent considering my current condition"
"The experiment is over" The man said "Your purpose has been served, and it is now time for us to take control of the situation"
Arania looked at him
"My purpose has been served?" He said, a slight hint of anger in his voice
"Yes" The man replied "You have done everything that is required of you, now it is time for you to hand over your powers to the Confederation"
Araminta decloaked in the fire, the fire swirling around her
"What is that?" the Confederate replied, pointing at Arania's dæmon.
"The unknown in the equation" Arania replied "MY unknown, and the reason that im not going to hand myself over to you"
"You dont have a choice"
"We are our choices" Arania replied "and i CHOOSE not to become you"
Araminta flew of the fire and onto arania's shoulder.
With a hiss, the fire was extinguished, plunging the area into complete darkness.
"You were always like this" The confederate said "You remember that, dont you Arania? you were always stubborn, you even fought us when we put you into the Carson Genetic stream, now your fighting us from inside one of our own colonies."
"And this colony will be the downfall of the Stellar Confederacy" Arania replied "Your unjust grip on millions of universes will be loosened, the Confederacy will dissolve, and harmony will reign once again. For you cannot fight me, you will fail, you may be able to hold me off, to sustain your evil empire, but you cant fight two of me, and i know for a fact you cant fight three"
"The third is dying"
"Actually, he isn't" Arania Replied "You missed, you hit Jennifer instead of Dragonborn"
"I am the Master of the Metaphysical" Arania said "Viator is the Master of the Physical, and Dragonborn in the Master of the Hyperphysical"
With that, Arania vanished, leaving the Confederate even more confused.
"Just another unknown, just another unknown in a mathematical equation, for all space is governed by numbers"
And with that, the Confederate passed through the barrier between this world and the Confederate Capital.

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:31 pm

We sat in the back of the Doomtrain for a long time, locked in a silent embrace. What seemed an hour to us was half a day. Indigo slept under the blankets in the crew quarters. We talked almost non-stop until she fell asleep, mid sentance. I picked her up and carried to the quarters, placing her on the bed next to Indigo. I went to the cockpit, and disengaged the auto. Anatoly probably wondered wher I was, and if the ship had performed well. Aleksei would have some report on Jennifer, Arania would be contemplating the nature of the universe, and Dragonborn... I couldn't really bother fighting with him. I set course for a destination further out from the Kuiper Mining Station. I wanted to leave it all behind, to go explore again. I put my head down on the console and started to cry. The pent up sadness, the bottled up pain flooded out in a massive wave. I thought about what had been destroyed in Sirius, about those who would not budge from their places of birth. Then, I started to think about that myself, about wher I came from, where it all began.

I cannot remember my parents, nor where I was born, and now I would never know. My parents probably wanted me to be whatever I wanted to be, and at times I haven't lived up to my noble repuation. The earliest thing I remember is going to live with my uncle out on Freeport 9. He somewhat educated me, and showed me around my first ship, a lowly Starflier. I was proud of that beastie, but I couldn't spend my life in one place, and I felt the urge to explore. My uncle said when I left that my entire family felt the urge to travel. "Your father was the same, and I remember when he left home. Me? Why do you think I live all the way out here?" he would say. The last time he saw me he gave me an old pendant, a silver dragon, and a circular plate enscribed with a single word:

I shall never forget that day, yet I cannot remember my parent's faces. It all meant nothing now, I tried to tell myself, but nothing could halt my grief. I had somehow fallen asleep, mentally exhausted, when the transmission came through.

"Unidentified vessel, You have entered the territory of the Seperatists. Cut your engines and allow us to scan your vessel."

I woke up and fumbled for the engine kill switch. With a shudder, the ship slowed to a halt.

"Thank you for you co-operation. This will only take a second."

I wondered who would live this far out, and why.

"You have nothing onboard, may I ask why a ship of this size is out this far with no cargo to trade?" the voice over the comm channel said
"I'm just taking some time away from civilisation. Do you have any bases near here?" I questioned.
"We have a base further into the Oort Cloud. Follow us."

I entered a formation with the small fighter, and went to ask my passenger some questions.


After actually meeting the Warbird commander, I didn't see why the Coalition wanted them dead. They were political outcasts who didn't like the way certain companies ran certain bases. I had some drinks in their bar, telling the story of Sirius, and all the places that used to be.

I was sitting with Erin, the waitress from Kuiper, in the station's bistro, eating some strange meal unique to Sol, made from some strange creature. I had no idea what a 'cow' was, but it was somewhat tasty. I was talking to Erin about Caimbridge's massive research facilities, which overlooked massive green pastures of wheat and other produce, when an elderly man came up to me.

"You say you were from Sirius?" he asked, his voice somewhat rickety.
"Yes, Why do you ask, old man?"
"I too was forced to relocate, but it wasn't too much of a hassle for me, I've been travelling all my life, trying to go from one corner of Sirius to the other, but of couse I didn't 'ave trade lanes and newfangled jump gates, no we just used all the natural jump 'oles, but I never got to all of 'em. I only knew of one person who did, and boy, you do look like a striking resembleance to 'im."
"That was me. The name's Jake Langley, but most people just call me Viator."

I shook his hand as his face lit up when he heard my name.

"The names Edward Tyers, but most people call me Mister Ed."


I had a long conversation with this mysterious 'Mister Ed' about how Sirius had changed, and about some of the systems had changed from his visit. All this time, something in the back of my mind was nagging me, something about him seemed familiar. There was something there, in his mannerisms, in the way he spoke, and in the language he used. After a while he spoke of how he tried to settle down, start a family, but failed after about his second child. He spoke of how he sent his eldest son to live with his brother, and the younger daughter went to his wife's sister in Liberty.

Then it all clicked. It fell into place. The lights came on, and everyone was home.

This was my father.


After hearing stories of his travels, I helped my father to his quarters, I went with Erin back to the ship. I had a new quest, a new name and a new life. I wasn't born Jacob T. Langley. No, my father had named me after an ancestor, Jared L. Tyers. And somwhere out there, I had a sister, but she probably died in the catastrophe of Sirius. I again helped Erin into the Doomtrain, and Indigo uncloaked and flew over to an old crate. I climed into the pilots chair, and awaited clearance from the base commander. As I piloted the ship to the docking port, I accidentally collieded with a small fighter. A small fighter designed by one Anatoly Korenchkin. A small fighter known as a ZX-17 Headhunter.

Fate was beginning to piss me off with the sheer luck that I was continuously given.


Post Sat Jul 10, 2004 5:44 am

OOC:alright now I'M confused what is all this metaphysical,phtsical and hyperphysical sorry if this is stupid but i'm not in highschool yet! btw good going guys this is really getting good.well i cant add on to mine cause i have to leave and go to a social activity and this isn't really the right place anyway.ok now

EDIT:i'm even MORE confused i under stand the physical and metaphysical but is hyperphysical like i control things from another dimension or something???

EDIT: ok ive thought of how to start the next part of mine but i really need to have a clear explanation of what hyperphysical is and what i can do to write it so if you could come up with the area of things i can do like levitate, telekinesis etc. i just need to know the area of my abilities not the exact abilities themselves.

EDIT: k i'll try my best...

Edited by - Dragonborn on 7/11/2004 7:11:16 PM

Post Sat Jul 10, 2004 5:19 pm

OOC: um, metaphysical is manipulation of once's surroundings with thier mind, Physical is manipulation of one's surroundings with thier body and hyperphysical(couldnt think of a better word) is manipulation via Physical while inside Reality and Mind while outside of it(interuniversal)
Ive gotta think about what im gonna post next, post soon

Post Sat Jul 10, 2004 7:42 pm

self edit deciced not to risk own skin over an RPG

Edited by - Starlancerace on 7/10/2004 8:43:54 PM

Post Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:21 pm

OOC: to be honest, i dont know myself, I think you are normal while you are just standing there, an you become like a cross between me and Viator when you concentrate, something like that. Make it up!! thats what stories are all about, surprise us!

Post Sun Jul 11, 2004 7:12 pm

I was alittle shaken after the confrontation with Viator i decided if this place was so advanced they might be able to enhance the shield systems on my XL-17 Avenger class fighter.I had arrived at the equipmant dealer who was arguing with two other people that wanted to rent the dealers spare storage space and repair/equipment bay.
They told me their names were Anatoly and Aleksei owners of the Z-axis fighter line.
They looked at my fighter free of charge because Anatoly almost fainted at the sight of it he was so excited.I told him to take a look at the shield generator and see if there was any way to increase its output , he told me i might try a nano augmentation for ship systems it was experimental he said but i decided to try it anyway.

"Ready?" he asked me.

"Ready" i replied.

He started up the nozzle that would distribute them in their liquid form.Aleksei had gone to check on Jennifer in the medbay,Anatoly said it was dangerous to operate it without two people but i told asked him how he knew that aside from the simulations he had run.He said he didn't.
It was almost done spraying soon i would see if it had improved my ship or not.It had just finished spraying the augmentating nano-mist and he was starting to shut it down when there was a malfunction, the nozzle started waving around hitting the observation window repeatedly.Anatoly was yelling from the control booth but i couldn't hear him because of the reinforced plexiglass window suddenly i understood.Get out.I ran towards the door right as the nozzle hit the window and shattered it spraying me with the nano-mist.It hurt bad the pain was excruciating and wouldn't stop i started to scream uncontrollably,i was dimly aware of Anatoly standing over me.

*************** 3 HOURS LATER ***************

"Will he live?" Anatoly asked Arania anxiously.

"There is but one way he can live" he replied.

Suddenly i noticed who they were talking about....ME but i was down on the bed so how could i be floating up here??
I looked down and saw i had no body i moved by thinking i figured out quickly but i could go no more than 15 metres before i could not move no matter how hard i tried.i looked down and realized it had only been a minute and that they were staring at 'me'.

"if there is anything i can do tell me because this is all my fault he didn't want to wait for aleksei to get back from the bar after he checked on Jennifer so we went ahead and deployed the nano-mist except there must have been a bug in the control program because i lost control" Anatoly turned his back to 'me' and his shoulders shook.
I didn't like this i didn't want him to be responsible for my death them Araia spoke again.

"i can save him but it may hurt the universe in ways unimaginable, i must give him the same powers i have so that he has my healing powers and can regenerate,but" he continued
"though i will keep my powers he will gain all my power in he will get all my powers though they might be alittle reduced in their power which is why it could be dangerous to the entire universe do you wish me to continue for this is your decision" he finished.

"I-i guess" Anatoly stammered.

i quickly flew towards my body and as soon as i was close enough i was pulled back inside before the darkness claimed me i thought about how good it felt too be in my body again....

Arania began to perform the ritual which would give me a duplicate set of his powers i began to wake to pain even more intense than right after i had been sprayed by the nano-mist i began to feel myself change i felt stronger,enhanced...Then my senses became more acute,finally with the last replication of his powers into me i felt....truly alive i could feel the lava 20 kilometers below the base i could see the green life essence of Anatolia and the white of Arania and it seemed for the first time ever i truly opened my eyes.I tried to get up but i was immobile until the side affects wore off then when i got up a medical technician walked through the doors and took out a hand scanner and proceeded to wave it over me and gave a report.

"his skeletal structure has been reinforeced by the nano-mist with pure adamantium and his cerebral cortex has been enhanced with biomachinery like i have never seen but as it is his reflexes should be faster than anyone that has ever lived there are also implants behind the cornea of his eyes that give him night vision and able to see lonng distances" the medical technician's voice became more and more astonished with each enhancement he reported.
Suddenly from another bed came a loud urgent beeping noise which the med tech. hurried over too.

"she's going into cardio-pulminary arrest theres nothing i can do!!" he said urgently.

Instanlty i was there at the beds side, it was Jennifer suddenly everything seemed to slow i could see her body's life force drain away through a veritable hole in her back sudenly i saw the problem...parasites that had remained undetected had been working their way up her spine towards her brain to lay their larvae that would slowly eat away her brain.
That is unless i had anything ot say about it.Quickly i concentrated on her i saw each individual parasite so i set a barrier that if they tried to go through they would desintigrate which they did because they could not go around it and survive now the all i had to do was somehow regrow her spinal tissue i concentrated on the red blood cells redirecting the ones repairing other parts of her body to head for her spine and repair it i somehow instructed them to do it until it was fully repaired.

I came out of my trance with a start i was out of breath and on my knee's in front of her bed.

"How-how long have i been like this?" i managed to heave out.

"You have been controlling her red blood cells for over 8 hours what you did could have killed you but your barely out of breath" Arania replied.

"his respiration rate is returning to normal rapidly he should be fine" confirmed the med tech.

"i have a feeling this is only the the tip of the iceberg concerning your abilities, Dragonborn Trent" i did not protest at my name this time for i accepted it now. The only thing left to do was to somehow tell Viator and see if he would accept my apology...and i then daemon where was she, as if in answer she appeared from behind a console and flew over and perched on my shoulder...

now what to call you i about...Trinity yes thats a good name, Trinity i thought with satisfaction.

For the apologizing i would have to wait until he got back for his whereabouts were not known he was porbably on some border station at the edge of the system drinking all the beer he could get his hands on i hoped he was sober when he came back so i could talk to him without having to be afraid of being crushed on site.

OOC:well this enough of a surprise for ya???
EDIT: i forgot to mention my daemon but she's there i was just too lazy to edit it on except at the end

EDIT: c'mon people we cant do this by ourself where'd you dissappear to nickless i know your good at this cause ive read your story so hop in its the perfect spot or atleast SOMEBODY cause i'm not gonna post my story two times in a row cause there needs to be variety here and i cant write this on my own and we need somebody else to jump in here.

EDIT:my char doesnt know that though

Edited by - Dragonborn on 7/15/2004 10:39:14 AM

Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:03 am

I waited in the Doomtrain as I was towed back to the landing pad. I made my way through the station to where the ZX 17 was being stored. I stepped through the door and waited for the pilot to emerge from the cockpit.

OOC: If anyone wants to join this, Now is your chance, I've left a massive hole for someone to join.

EDIT: Times Up! I'm just gonna write in a different character.

Edited by - Viator on 7/15/2004 3:09:40 AM

Post Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:06 am

Why I had thought that anyone piloting a Headhunter would be of any importance is beyond me. Turns out it was just a very disgruntled pirate, who had stolen the ship about 15 minutes before. A smoldering later, I walked back to the Doomtrain with a down look on my face. Incapacitating people wasn't all that fun, and it wreaked Havok on my psychie.

Erin greeted me at the door, and soon, we were away... again. After cruising back past the Kuiper Belt, I decided that my week long bar crawl wasn't really going anywhere, so I hit the autopilot for the Nexus. Kicking back, I rested my bones with a small nap. After a while, the blue gem of Earth appeared in the view, and i docked with the Nexus docking ring. Lets hope life here is still the same. I thought.

OOC: Viator cant actually get drunk, the alcohol is absorbed by the nanites.

Post Sat Jul 17, 2004 10:19 pm

The crytal ball floated two feet above the table, suspended as if by its own will.
A glow illuminated the ball, slowly growing outwards.
Arania was staring at the ball, his brow knitted with concentration.
"What are you up to now?" a female voice echoed around the room
"Trying to defy universal laws, Gaia" Arania replied, his voice intertwined with treble and bass.
Gaia, Arania's latest AI project, was using one of the hologram projectors to watch him pump more and more energy into the flimsy crystal.
all at once, the crystal shattered, shards clinking down onto the desk.
"You're distracted" Gaia said
"I know" Arania replied
He picked up another ball, and made it float in the air.
"By what?" Gaia asked
"You should know, you have my memory"
The hovering ball started to glow
The crystal exploded.
Arania stood frozen, his hand still riased.
A small tear fell from his eye.
"Im sorry" Gaia said.
Arania lowered his hand as another tear fell to the desk.
"Where is Ara?" She asked
Araminta chose that moment to swoop in the open window, carrying a small worm, one of many that she had been hunting for the last hour.
"She double-crossed me Gaia" Arania said, scooping up Araminta and placing her on his shoulder "She ripped my heard out, and handed it back to me, diced up on a platter"
"Anger dosent solve anything J" Araminta said
"I know, i know"
He sad on the bed, wiping his eyes.
"Gaia, do me a fovour..."
"Yes?" Gaia replied
"When Viator lands, give him that old Alliance Phoenix i found"

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