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SL ships revisited

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:06 am

those so called dark textures are the original ones from Starlancer
there is no need to change something on them coz SL was and still is the best Spacesim ever

maybe the next one comes and make them pink so every blind man could see them (no matter if this was the intention of the original creator or not - how realistic)

if your modding skills are so good why dont you create something new instead?

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:08 am

TK I never said my skills are all that, don't know where you got that idea.

And yeah SL was decent but hardly qualifies as the best ever, but of course that's just opinion either way. The dark textures are indeed SL original and they suck donkey arse. They were so dark in large part because SL was writtn for hardware that couldn't handle more than 256x256 textures and so they were made dark because that's just one texturing trick for making something look better than it really is when seen at a distance.

What I have created here has jack-all to do with SL this is all about Freelancer, this isn't some kind of tribute to starlancer this is a conversion of it's skanky old ships into a new engine. If you want to go off in a corner and enshrine SL as something holy and rub yourself on your old SL CD's then be my guest, but leave me out of your fantasies.

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:05 am

I think its best if we all just ignore Templarknight, he is just doing this to fuel a fire that he started.

Templar, do not criticize anyone's "modding skills" in these forums, especially if you have none yourself. If you are such a modding master, go create your own super mod and put us all to shame. But for the mean time, if you post any more flames in this or any thread, I will immediately delete them.

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:01 pm

Thanks parabolix, guess by now I'da learned not to feed the trolls, I'll just get back to work now and leave things here cool down :-)

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:24 am

the SL ships are good the way they are if you dont like them then leave them but dont mix them up with some other crap

this community was born out of starlancer and the style should be kept the way it is
and i guarantee that every old SL player from the old SL gamerooms will agree to that

and you can keep your comment about the holy SL for yourself because for some people here that game was and still is something special
in the same way I could say that FL is the worst **** that digital anvil developed... i mean its just a camperstrike in space with absolutly no real background, no flight physics, no real universe, no real economy, no real story and absolutely no style

but back to the topic
just because you think you can add some new (unrealistic and not original) textures it does not mean that this is better

where is the realism in choosing a bright color for a fighter?????
is it that every enemy can see its target from the other edge of the galaxy or what? no - fighters (and all military ships) have to be dark to be a harder target

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:44 pm

"Hits the troll with a stick."
Bad Troll, no fire!

O well your opinon.

I am using them becuase they look a lot better.

QuEsTiOn AsKeR
Last Hope MOD

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:18 pm

TK, no one keeps you here, nor does anyone force you to use this mod. World is based on opinions, and different opinions are called diversity. Now if you don't like crymson's opinion, go get your own one, but leave the ones who share crymson's opinion alone. he likes the SL ships brighter, good for him, bad for you. Go find another forum to start flaming, I'm sure there are thousands of these which are only waiting to bash on you even more than you can ever do. Oh and, as parabolix said, if you have no modding skills yourself, then don't complain of other people work. Go learn, make your SL ships and get them in FL, then play alone in your little corner because no one wants to share space with someone this insulting!

Now, crymson, I must say that these ships do look great and I wish you luck with them!
(If they did have 256X256 textures, then they badly needed some refitting I'm a texture size hungry guy, I get 2048X2048 textures and I'm still not happy with them )

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:39 pm

Templarknight, do us all a favor and chill out. 1st, this is primary a freelancer site. If you are only intrested in Starlancer, scroll down the forums page to the Starlancer forums and hang out there. Now also, take a look at the community rules and regs reguarding flaming. Its not tolorated here. ANY more flame posts will be deleted, no warning given. So settle down,and if you can't agree here, then move along.


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Post Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:04 pm

I cranked most of the texture sized up to 1024 and ran about a million custom filters on them in addition to doing quite a bit of hand work to try and clean them up. Didn't turn out as nice as I'da liked. Every attempt I made to make them really shine resulted in the sections I modified being too real looking against the rest of the texture. And completely redrawing the textures is beyond my meager skills. So I did the best I could for what skills I have

Post Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:46 pm


Nice job one the revisions to the ships. Good Job.
When i released this pack, as was mentioned, i released them in MS3D and LWO format with the intention that orther modders/modellers would take them and make them match thier mod as much as they felt they needed. No asking permissions was needed as it was pre-given. All i asked was a mention in the readme file or credits for the mod to us.

Just a little something to say thank you for your efforts.

Also, crymson;

Thanks for the heads up on the problems you found with the ships. Just wish someone would have said something sooner. I will make sure to make the same changes to my files as well as i mesh in proper cockpits into them.

Roland "Hobbes" Orr
Mod Dev Team: Monkey Universe

Post Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:38 pm

Oh don't get me wrong hobbes you did a fine job with the release of the ships, it's just that starlancer used crappy textures in the first place, not much you could do about that. As far as the textures flipping goes, that all comes down to remembering to flip them when making mats for FL if using tga files. I personally always use DDS files for textures so I don't hafta flip em to keep em oriented right.

As I said I too did this simply as a service to the community, and my hats off to ya for getting the ball rolling thanks gain.

Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:38 am

your right about the textures. One thing i find about them that bugs me is there is just way to much going on on them. Look at the Wolverine for example, the texture is crowded. Must the same for most of the models in starlancer.

Roland "Hobbes" Orr
Mod Dev Team: Monkey Universe

Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:18 am

in my oppinion Templar is right

you take something great and turn it into another boring FL stuff

and you should always remember that without Starlancer this forum wouldn't even exist
to say that it is a FL site and that because of this you are right is absolutly pathetic (not to say "plain stupid"

and before you accuse Templar for starting a flamewar you better should have a look what those others here have posted about Templar, about Starlancer and about those other mods that already have such ships included

you are not better... you are even worse by starting to attack those mods and also templar in a personal way

Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:05 pm

@Sternchen, end this conversation. Star lancer can indeed still be played, BUT, there are NO starlancer servers now. The intrest is dieing out, no matter how GOOD the game. Freelancer is keeping both games alive with mods. If you or Templar don't like it or them, then DON'T look, no one forces you to come here. This said, if you don't have any possitive feed back or constructive critisim to help, then please keep your opinions to yourself. This site, TLR, is here to help and encourage people to expand both freelancer and Starlancer, and soon, darkstar one.

Personally, this idea has a lot of merit, so keep it up gentlemen.

Edited by - Finalday on 3/9/2006 6:06:23 PM

Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:44 pm

@ Crymson

Did you do the two Jap ships as well? I have these in Galactica Hellgate mod but one thing i never got round to was the Coalition side, and i don't just mean the fighters, be nice to have those to play with Or any of the large stuff still in Starlancer for that matter.

Btw, i've got a full set of icons and custom sur files for these ships, all sitting in Galactica Hellgate mod if anybody needs them

Edited by - Gibbon on 3/9/2006 11:30:59 PM

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