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SL ships revisited

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:34 am

you tell me to shut up?

the way i see it you ignore what i have to say and now you even proved it by your last post
if you can't take critics then you don't deserve to be a moderator - then you are not worth it
you are not even interested in what I had to say - you ignored it and told me to shut up - you told Templar to shut up

what right do you think do you have to say that your oppinion is more worth than ours?
ban me if you want because now i can really see why the old SL players always refused to come here and why this place is dying while others that support FL still grow

go on with your oppinion restrictional dictatorship

Post Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:09 am

Sternchen, both you and Temp have come here to insult, not help
Sternchen said:

you take something great and turn it into another boring FL stuff

and you should always remember that without Starlancer this forum wouldn't even exist
to say that it is a FL site and that because of this you are right is absolutly pathetic

, how about cooling off and rethink your game plan. As to my right to tell you to chill? As a moderator it is out job to maintain order, watch for flamers and to "Moderate" the forums. You have not offered a single idea to the thread, and neither has Temp. A person started this thread about Starlancer mods. Having some one post a insult to it surves no purpose. So again and for the last time, if you don't have anything usefull to offer, please take it elsewhere.

Edited by - Finalday on 3/11/2006 3:50:13 AM

Post Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:42 am

i have insulted someone??????????

show me the line where I did something like that!!!!!
don't accuse me of something I have NEVER done

maybe i should show you where YOU and the others have insulted Templar or me

Post Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:36 am

Who do you think you are? Your frist three post have been nothing but crying about the models just becuase they are from SL or in other mods.Get over it. If you read your friends post they have been nothing but insults to Crymson for his work on the models becuase they were from SL saying that it is a waste of time. Crymson is working in his free time to bring something to the community, which is better then what you might ever do here. Go back to what ever hole you came out, take all your insults and putdowns with you.

Edited by - Question Asker2044 on 3/11/2006 2:38:18 AM

Post Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:46 am

@ Crymson
Glad you put the lighting tutorial to good use. Nice to see 256x256 textures get a revamp. Good job.

@ Templar and Sternchen
Fine, you don't like the ships. Until you can do better, or revive the dead Starlancer community to do better then it would be in your best interest to critique, not bash. Also, you must have mush for brains to even think of speaking against the moderator. This is a privately owned board, freedom of speach is not a right here, but a privaledge.

Post Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:43 am

Thanks for all the input guys, it's really appreciated.

At this point I'm going to ask that a moderator lock this thread as it's becoming a flame war and it's obvious that Sternchen and TK aren't willing to let it go, so plz lock this.

Post Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:57 am

crymson, if you want, you can try creating another thread. It will be kept clean of flame posts. For now, *Click*

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