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Privateer: The Reckoning MOD Beta 2.5 Feedback

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Sat Jun 05, 2004 4:22 pm

A lot of people complained that FL's AI was to easy once the ships were maxed out.
If you want a REAL challenge, download my "Deathwish AI" mod from LR.
It's completely max'd out, and is almost impossible to survive.

Oh, and cruise, afterburner, etc speeds have been changed to help distinguish the various ship's abilities.
The lighter scouts boogie...
The Fighters scoot...
And the Freighters have more speed than their FL counterparts.
(There are several ships that can approach Tradelane speeds when mod'd right.)
(Try the Stiletto, Morningstar, or Gladius with 3 Super Afterburners!)

Watch your 6!

Post Mon Jun 07, 2004 11:49 am

hi warzog
i just completed SP in nine hours 58 mins over 5 days inc w/end
system hp pavilion 750 uk
1.6 ghz intel pent 4
256mb ddr-sdram
nvidia geforce2 mx 400
xp home
this is after a complete restore due to a biigggg crash
with only free lancer and flmm inst hope this helps

Post Mon Jun 07, 2004 12:22 pm

You didn't mention if you'd encountered the Texas TL CTD, or not?

Watch your 6!

Post Mon Jun 07, 2004 10:43 pm

hi warzog
texas tl was very very slow but this time did not ctd
as the spewfile i sent you said as it did before i did the full restore
brill mod keep up the good work
not very good with computers but if you tell me how to get a file you could use
i will send it to you

Post Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:51 am

Hi warzog
yes its me
i have not got freelancer SDK loaded just freelancer1.0 plus flmm (lastest)
well just got back to manhattan to talk to bar tender b4 going to meet juni on terra forming planet in califonia trade lane works with stileto and arrow jump gate works with both as well so does jump hole more tomorrow

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:35 pm

Hi Warzog
just finished SP second time no probs what so ever all jump gates and holes working fine exp banshee turret will not fire behind ( just a small meaningless blip ) every thing else is A OK
great mod thanks for ALL your hard work and your team plus that of TLR for posting it

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:54 pm

The Banshee is not one of our ships.
It's a loaner from it's maker, PantherX.
He's got a new version due to be released soon.

Watch your 6!

Post Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:59 am

Hi Warzog
Just had a thought (i now feel dizzy)
I will load SDK1.3full then replay will see if this will ctd give me a few days as
I have a bit of overtime to do
thanks gunboat

Hi All
sunday 20 june
Just to keep some people happy i learnt how to use the edit button
just inst sdk and did not talk to juni went in to the game in to texas via jump gate and back via jump hole all ok then went to cortez via magellan-cortez jump hole still ok i have a pentium 4 will keep playing and let you know how it goes

Edited by - gunboatbilly on 6/20/2004 4:15:20 AM

Post Thu Jun 17, 2004 6:06 am

Bloody hell gunboatbilly, in the top of ur posts, there is a edit button...Might be usefull in these situations, i think its better to just post one big quality post then spread all ur info over all those posts....

Anyways...the mod is looking good i think (although last version i had was 2,4 i guess)...keep it up.

Post Thu Jun 17, 2004 1:40 pm


I'm sorry if it already has been covered but I couldn't find it.

I have not started SP. I wanted to just jump into the Priavateer world so I've been wandering around through Liberty Space picking random missions as I go along and I just jumped from Magellan to Cortez. Every time I try to avoid Montezuma and head for the trade lanes to get to the Spa & Cruise planet whose name escapes me right now, the game CTD's.

It has happened three times in succession now. Anyone else have this problem?

I'll be checking my setups and things to see if I can find a solution. Will let you know if I do. It might be me as I installed 2.5 only after doing a FLMM restore from backup and I had Rebalance 3.40 up before Reckoning.

Post Thu Jun 17, 2004 3:35 pm

I uninstalled and reinstalled FL and FLMM and only had Privateer mod running, Ed, my ctd's were Texas always, and a couple of others. But it seems this is still P4 related as you've got a P4 as well, haven't you?

..sign on you crazy diamond..

Post Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:42 am

I have not started SP. I wanted to just jump into the Priavateer world so I've been wandering around through Liberty Space picking random missions as I go along and I just jumped from Magellan to Cortez. Every time I try to avoid Montezuma and head for the trade lanes to get to the Spa & Cruise planet whose name escapes me right now, the game CTD's.

It has happened three times in succession now. Anyone else have this problem?

Yes I had the same problem, just avoid tradlane or go around.

"history abhors a paradox"
"There’s a little going-away present, ’cause you’re going away — permanently!"
"Mess with the viper and you will get the fang"

Post Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:49 am

Hello guys,

The problem most likely comes from encounter files, you will have to hand edit your system files, and look in the encounter entries, add up the decimals, if they add to any number over 1, it will cause a CTD. We've had alot of these problems in our mod and thats why it takes so long in between releases. If you need to talk to me for a little help on what i mean you can email me using the Mail link provided next to my name, I'll give you my MSN address through my email if you like, last thing I need is getting tons of people I dont know spamming my MSN . Anyway, encounters are probably to blame, if you email me I will likely check it within 12 hours and get back to you. Keep up the good work on a good mod.

EDIT: Also, are you guys using custom jumpgate effects? If you are those can cause a problem too. If both sides of the gate do not use the same effect then you will also get a CTD whenever you try to use the jumpgate.

Edited by - parabolix on 6/19/2004 7:43:34 AM

Post Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:15 pm

Just reinstalled Freelancer after running some different mods , complete reinstall , then SDK 1.3

went to the Battleship near the texas Jumpgate trade lane , bought an Arrow , did a coupe of missions to make some money , saved my game , decided to head to texas

i went to the gate via cruise engines not the tradelanes , stopped by every tradelane to see if the game crashed , tried this three times , everytime it crashed at the second to last tradelane connection like this diagram below

tl3 ........ tl2 ........ tl1 ........ jg

get to tl2 and it crashes every time

This weird because previously it had not been crashing at all , going o remove the ships folder and try again

Post Mon Jun 21, 2004 9:52 pm

I'm curious...
Could you try it without the SDK?
(I didn't program it using the SDK.)

Watch your 6!

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