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Privateer: The Reckoning MOD Beta 2.5 Feedback

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Tue May 04, 2004 10:35 am

Privateer: The Reckoning MOD Beta 2.5 Feedback

Privateer: The Reckoning mod Beta v2.5

Bugs fixed:
Fixed the Alaska (Mission 11) bug.
Fixed the Movies bug.
Fixed the Buffalo base/Texas TL bug.
Fixed the Gunboat bug.
Fixed the Orion's erratic behaviour.
Fixed the Torpedo's exploding upon launch.
Several icons/ships repaired.

Major Changes:
Random Missions are available before starting the Story's Missions.
The Orion is back in the Freeport 7 scene.
The Crossbow replaces the Bretonia & Kusari Gunboats.
The Paradigm replaces the Bretonia & Kusari Destroyers.
The Broadsword replaces the Rheinland Gunboat.
The Nomad ships have been returned to their Freelancer stats.
The Outcasts & Corsairs are flying Kilrathi ships, not Banshee's.
The Morningstar is replacing the Dagger.
(The Dagger's InfoCards haven't been changed.)
The Gothri has 4 thrusters now.
Kress' men are flying Kilrathi ships.
Sinclair is flying a Galaxy now.
The Xenos are now the Retros.
You don't need to race Hovis if you don't want to.
(Answer no, and then leave.)
Cranked up the AI a few more notches.
Changed a few uniforms.
Changed the color of a few beam weapons.

Known issues:
1) In a couple missions, after flying to a waypoint, everyone stops.
(Simply start moving again, and things will continue.)

This is a BETA release.
Although we've tested and debugged it as much as possible,
there may still be bugs in it.
We need your help to find any bugs that we may have missed.
So, If you find a bug, please report it.
Thank you!

Watch your 6!

Post Tue May 04, 2004 11:37 am


When will it be posted on TLR?

"The worst player has guns, and grenades, and vehicles, and all manner of damaging tools. Like a baby with a razor blade, he need not be skilled at all with his tools to cause terrible damage with them; a blind man can fire a tank and kill you."


Post Tue May 04, 2004 11:49 am

I just finished uploading it about 15 minutes ago.
So give it a couple of hours.

Watch your 6!

Post Tue May 04, 2004 11:53 am

Doing that Hovis Race thing is rather a neat idea. I always thought it was pointless racing him. If you had to do multiple laps then it might prove to be an admirable endeavor, but one smegging lap ... give me a break. Glad we have the option to remove it.

How's your Gemini sector coming?

........Sir Spectre ............................

Post Tue May 04, 2004 12:09 pm

Sir Spectre:
My thoughts exactly.
But, since there are people who do enjoy it, it's still in there.
My primary gripe with it is debugging.
It's a pain-in-the-backside trying to run through the missions with the various ships.
The way I've set it up, when you decline to race, head to the dock, and you'll see the scene where Hovis congratulates you on winning, and tells you where to find Quintane.

As to the Gemini Sector...
I went through all of the systems and made the maps visible.
And I've rearranged the Freelancer systems into a semblance of Gemini.
Since Perry connects to New Detroit (New York in FL), I'm going to try and make that system first.
Once that's working, I'll add more systems, and start changing the jumpgates, and jumpholes.
I think that part of the problem I was having was two-fold:
1) I used the "Mission-Only" systems to create Gemini-I'm going to leave them out of this one.
2) I changed all of the jumpgates to jumpholes-probably created bugs doing that.

Watch your 6!

Post Tue May 04, 2004 12:14 pm

Can the Crossbow and Broadsword be aquired by the player? That would be awesome to be able to bomb Kilrathi Capital ships...

...Oh wait, you don't have those, *wink wink nudge nudge*

"The worst player has guns, and grenades, and vehicles, and all manner of damaging tools. Like a baby with a razor blade, he need not be skilled at all with his tools to cause terrible damage with them; a blind man can fire a tank and kill you."


Post Tue May 04, 2004 1:38 pm

warzog, what exactly was causing the Texas/Buffalo CTD?

Who dares wins

Post Tue May 04, 2004 4:19 pm

reckoning is up, gonna jam on privateer for a bit, will post anything i find

Who dares wins

Post Tue May 04, 2004 4:36 pm

ok, instantly i see some things that i think need a change. honestly i like either the original clothing for trent, or give him the orillion uniform ( has that dark brooding assasin look that way) secondly the mission payouts are way too high. In all of privateer the highest payout ive ever seen was about 9k, whereas the level 1 missions here are about 20k+. no bugs so far, will keep looking

Who dares wins

Post Tue May 04, 2004 4:40 pm

ok, bug number one: the demon is the Orion, or is it the Orion is the Demon? anyways that needs to be sorted out.

Who dares wins

Post Tue May 04, 2004 5:28 pm

warzog, aside from removing the extra mass=100 line did you change the handling on the ships at all? centurion feels a little too agile to me

Who dares wins

Post Tue May 04, 2004 5:36 pm

ok, last thing before i get some sleep, been up almost 30 hours straight now between projects and this, the powerplant upgrades become less and less upgrades as you climb up the ladder, your paying an extra 40k for only 400 more power, this should probably get looked at but in the balance stage after we get this whole thing finished

Who dares wins

Post Tue May 04, 2004 6:01 pm

@Black Phoenix

your paying an extra 40k for only 400 more power

Actually I like that. If you have the cash and you really want that extra bit of specs to out perform the enemy you'll pay it. Just like street racers or even Nascar racers. They spend huge amounts of money on their cars just to get even a slight edge. This way Warzog has it seems a lot more realistic.

Sir S

Post Tue May 04, 2004 6:40 pm

Not right now, maybe later.
I've got them set up as Gunboats, and for some reason, that reverses all of the controls.

Two things:
1) The Drone substituting as the Nomad Fighter/Gunboat.
2) Using the Crossbow and Broadsword as Gunboats, but also as a Player's ship.
(If I make them available to the player, later, I have to have 2 versions to prevent a repeat.)

I reduced the payouts, but several MP's complained.

Yeah, I had Chemus' repaired & visible, Demon in, and then I started getting a bunch of bugs/CTD's.
Hopefully, the Demon will take it's rightful place in the next release.
This release is just to verify that I've gotten all of the bugs.

In order to get the Orion to stop flying like a drunkard, I had to change it's handling.
The other ships started handling better as I began removing bugs!
(And i've tried to get them as accurate as possible to online stats.)

Sir Spectre:
The powerplants are setup according to online stats.
That's how they are in Privateer.

One thing you've got to realize about engine upgrades, or any upgrades:
They work different on the smaller, lighter, more agile ships, than they do on a tank like the Centurion, or the Thunderbolt.
Put the Super-Afterburner, and Engine Upgrade 7 on an Epee, and you'll be drilling holes in planets without even trying!
Put a Generator Upgrade 7 on an Epee, and you've wasted 300k credits, but on a Thunderbolt it's almost the bare minimum.

Watch your 6!

Edited by - warzog on 5/4/2004 7:45:07 PM

Post Tue May 04, 2004 6:48 pm

Warzog wrote:
The commodities are based on Privateer Commodities.
You had:
Military Bases/Pirate Bases/Mining Bases/Agricultural Bases/ Refineries/Pleasure Planets.
The Pets, Wood, and low prices on everything else, are Militia/Confed bases.
(Police & Navy bases in Freelancer.)
Bretonia has a bunch of those.
Try a run from a Pleasure Planet (or Liner) and a Pirate Base.
Pleasure Planets pay great prices for a lot of the Pirate contraband.

Umm... here are some of the stations that are selling only pets and wood:

Kensington Station: Near Dover, a Gas giant and astroid field. Where are they getting the pets and wood from? Selling: Pets, Wood
Buying: None

Sheffield Station : In amongst an ice astroid field, no planets nearby
Selling: pets, wood
Buying: none

Stokes Mining Station: In an remote astroid field
Selling: Berillium, Boron, Cobalt, Iron, Plutonium, Silver Tungsten most or all at 120 credits per unit, same price that it is being bought at at all the industrial and food producing planets? No use transporting stuff when no profit.
Buying: grain liquor, plaything, appliances, food rations tobacco, med equip, prefabs, Holo's, textiles, light arms. some at very little markup ( the essentials I mean, not the appliances, prefabs)

Holman Outpost: Nowhere near any source of animals or wood
Selling: pets, wood
buying: none

LD -14 Leeds quadrant: Supposed to be a Uranium Processing Center providing MOX to colonies
Selling: pets, wood
Buying: none

Aberdeen Border Station: Near quadrant gate no source of animals or wood
Selling: pets, wood
Buying: none

Perth Station: Station used while terraforming planet Ayr
selling: pets, wood
buying: none

Planet Harris: Being terraformed...only a source of minerals or water, air
selling: pets, wood
buying: none

What I'm trying to point out is that when you switched these over to the Privateer commodities, they don't gibe with the type of station, or planet that would have these things, nor are they buying what you would think they would be needing.

It is your mod, I think it would be great if this would be sorted out, but understand it may take quite a bit of doing to get them corrected, This is only in the Bretonia quadrant, I haven't got to the others after Bretonia yet


Edited by - Quixotal on 5/4/2004 7:58:28 PM

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