Ok, finally got the cockpits fixed on some of the frieghters and a couple of the fighters. The zip is a little bigger as I included the cockpit meshes that you need for it to work properly. For those interested, here is an updated link. I'm going to try and get all of the available weapons and other equipment added as well, but probably wont add that until tomorrow. Oh, and you may have to refresh the link a couple of times, tripod is having issues tonight.
Weapon and ship mod v0.3 (Be sure to right-click and choose 'save target')
Also, here is what ships are available where for those looking.
Mannhattan - Dagger, Stilleto, Piranha
Pittsburg - Clydesdale, Starflier, Startracker
Battleship Missouri - Drone, Bloodhound, Wolfhound
Ft Rochester - Anubis, Humpback, Valkyrie
Buffalo - Defender, Patriot, Rhino
Please let me know if something else I missed is not working. Since I only have the demo, it may not work on the pre-release copies or beta-copies of the game.
-End of Line-
Edited by - Mubata on 04-03-2003 05:56:22
Edited by - Mubata on 04-03-2003 06:07:21
Edited by - Mubata on 04-03-2003 06:08:27