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Freelancer: Good already, but has the potential to be the be

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 2:13 pm

Freelancer: Good already, but has the potential to be the be

I beat Freelancer at around the 14 hour mark on the game timer, and I've played it for about 4-5 hours since then, and I have to say that it is still fairly enjoyable even after the single player campaign is over.

What almost brings me to tears, however, is that this game is just SO CLOSE to being the best game I've ever played. As it stands now, its just 'good' along with C&C Generals and the rest of the good games that have come out in the last 6 months, but I'm going to outline what they could do to make Freelancer a game everyone will be playing daily for years (They could do most of this in a patch, but some might require an expansion pack) -- And I know a few of these things are noted at the IGN review too, but I'm going to emphasize them for clarity and add my own ideas as well, and this list is in order of importance, most important is first and least is last:

The most important thing to make Freelancer the game to end all games is so important I'm not even giving it a number: Expand the RPG element of the game. Thats it! Dialogue options, more inventory and items, more consequences, types of missions, and specific people and personalities instead of the entire universe feeling generic and "generated" like it does now.

On to the detailed list!

1) More types of missions, with dynamic events and consequences, and more CONTENT both within and outside of mission environments. An example or 2: You get approached RANDOMLY in a city (or in space!) and are offered a job to ship a contraband shipment of alien artifacts to an extremely remote point in the universe (say a corner of one of the jump hole systems that has nothing else in it, bases or anything) -- If you're smart you'll probably suspect a set up, because you know there are no bases there, the empoyer assures you a ship will meet you at the waypoint to pick up the cargo (you'd jettison it with him ready to pick it up) -- If you accept, you COULD just run off with the alien artifact cargo and sell it, but then the mission would dynamically update to a new mission goal: Escape from the 2 bounty hunters that your empoyer has sent to 'take you out' for cheating him. (They'd have to be really tough, maybe a legendary guy and his apprentice or something) You could escape by 1 of 2 ways: 1) Kill them if you see them. 2) Bribe someone to change your neural net ID (or something I dont know the roleplaying term for that, exactly) The bounty hunters would be after you PERMANENTLY after you cheated the guy on the trade mission, but in order for that to work correctly, you'd have to be able to take on other missions while they stalked you. Which brings me to my 2nd point:

2) Being able to take on more than 1 mission at a time, and have missions 'screw up' once in a while -- If Liberty Police send you to assassinate a guy right now, he is ALWAYS either at the mission waypoint or at a 2nd waypoint. There needs to be an element of doubt in there, where you go and wipe people out but the person they were expecting to be there never showed up. They'd pay you but only a small fee instead of the full fee. More beleivable, and adds that element of doubt, so you never know whats gonna happen. As a further bonus, make it have a small chance of them trying to assassinate YOU once in a while. Lord knows I've killed enough VIP people of at least 6 or 8 factions for them to want to murder me in the face a few dozen times.

3) A personal place for you to live, where you could store trinkets, loot, etc that you collect while roving the galaxy. (There would have to BE pointless but cool loot.) An example: If there was an item in the game right now that let you put decals and "kill marks" on your plane, and your NAME painted near the cockpit, I bet you 2 tickets to U2 in dublin people would go nuts looking for it, ignoring EVERYTHING else like weapons and stuff. Never EVER underestimate the value of cool but pointless gear!

3) More single player communication options. You NEED to be able to say more things, like in Privateer and such. Even if its limited to hail, taunt, yes, and no. It would do wonders for the universe.

4) Wingmen and Mercenaries. This is self explanatory, and obvious.

5) Bring Juni, Tobias, etc, back into the world after the single player game is over as wingmen but make most of them have their own agenda as well and only accompany you when you specifically request it for a reason. Give them intelligence to break off to 'do their own thing' if their need arises. Most of all: I WANT TO RANDOMLY MEET THEM WHILE IM DOING SINGLE PLAYER MISSIONS, even if its nothing special just a "Hi Tobias, whats up, you heading for Leeds?"

6) Capital ships. If not being able to pilot them, then at least have more missions involving them (escort, attack, defense, recon, etc)

I'll post more later but I REALLY wanted to get this off my chest now, because Freelancer is starting to fade as something I enjoy playing for hours on end. If they continue supporting the game and adding at least SOME of the stuff mentioned above I have no doubt it'll be the best game in history.


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 4:34 pm

hmmm...first of all wellcome to TLR the more the merrier, take it from the nature of your post that you have not played the multiplayer portion of the game yet i would urge you to go in that direction as many of the more immersive and interesting diversions to be had can be found there,thers nothng like human player interaction to keepa game interesting i willl give you an example from my own game playing sof2 for example i have not played more than 10mins of the single player game because after playing online the a.i. is no subsitute for another human player,(even a noob,hey can be very unpridictable) you may want to think about this issue before getting to excited about an add-on/patch.

just my humble opinion however and i personally think your right about the random missions but i dont plan on taking to many of those when there are other human players to kil/avoid/trade with online


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 4:38 pm

I hope for a patch to add more variety. Heck I'll even pay for an addon.

If cats always land on thier feet. What would happen if you strap 2 cats back to back and drop them?
Probably destroy space and time.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 4:39 pm

"This is not Morrowind in Space!"
(Space monsters needed)

Great post!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:17 pm

I think within a month or two there will be a mod that will probably cater to a lot of these needs even if DA doesnt offer it in an expansion or patch.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:35 pm

In order for a mod to do most of what I'd love to see in this game, they'd have to release the SDK and that will likely never happen, ever.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:39 pm

"I find your lack of faith disturbing...."

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:47 pm

I'll agree with most of the points made in the original post. I could list other things I think the game would need to make it really great, but I'm sure that they'd require more work than a patch or Add-On could address.

Most of all, I'd like to see them work on extending the SP campaign and adding different kinds of missions. More large Capitol Ships and some new missions to go along with them would be nice as well. I'd love to be able to pick up missions where someone's sent a mayday that they're under attack and need help, or missions to fly top secret experimental equiptment or plans from one place to another. So many possibilities, yet so few options!

An original thought I had is about the potential use for the "Tractor Beam". Why can't you "Lock On" to an object that's too big for your cargo hold with the "Tractor Beam" and tow it to a base? I mean, who wouldn't like to be able to tow in the "Aggressor", or other "Salvaged" ships, to have them repaired and be able to fly them? Of course, to do this you'd have to be able to own more than 1 ship.

For those who'd say that Multiplayer is the way to go for more gameplay, I'll respond by saying that I don't buy games for Multiplayer, I buy them for SP. If I wanted a multiplayer game I'd buy an MMORPG. Since FreeLancer isn't a MMPORPG, I expect a well developed and reasonably long SP campaign.

Don't anyone get me wrong, I think FreeLancer is OK for what it is. Since I like shooting up enemy ships "over and over and over", I'm definately buying the retail version. It's just that there's SO MUCH wasted potential here!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 7:26 pm

I agree on the mission parts. Having only played the demo myself, I won't make judgement just yet, but I fear that the longevity of the game would suffer immensely, if there's only "Goto x and kill y" missions - especially in the later stages where you've been fighting your ass off sooooo many times, and there's nothing interesting left to buy (i.e. Ships and weapons). That said, I trust either DA or the fancommunity to "rights the wrongs" over time.

And yes..... I'm gonna buy the game anyway cause I'm a sucker for Space games ;-)

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:50 pm

" I'd love to be able to pick up missions where someone's sent a mayday that they're under attack and need help"

Your right, this game would be good with some I - War 2 added to it . Lovely game that one.

I think dear Billy No - Mates will release an expasion pack, or a sequel, which would basically be a standalone expasion pack. Look at their history of Publishing/Developing games. ALMOST all the good once had an expasion (The 'Age', 'Mech', 'Flight Sim' and several of their golf, or any oother sport games, to name a few.)

I used to hate weddings; all the Grandmas would poke me and say, "You're next sonny!" They stopped doing that when i started to do it to them at funerals.

Edited by - childofbhaal on 01-03-2003 20:50:50

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:51 pm

Actually some of the things suggested are probably a lot of work.

For instance the "having missions screw up" idea is great, but it would require a lot of careful scripting, something that couldn't really be done in a random mission environment. However, that brings up the point that there could be some unique missions other than those related to the story line. As it stands there are a pitifull amount of scripted missions - all in the main story line. Why not have a few unique missions that you could get say, the first time you visited a special planet or a base, that wouldn't have anything to do with the story line but would be a bit more involved than your average random mission, and possibly having a unique reward like a new ship or a special gun in the.

I could do without unique missions, but more variety is definitely needed in the random missions. For the life of me I can't guess why they didn't implement freighter escort among the missions types - especially considering it probably wouldn't be difficult to implement at all. I loved freighter escort in Privateer 2 because it gave me a break from all the killing missions. So easy, just link up with the freighter in space and follow it to it's destination. Maybe they didn't put it in because they though they were too boring - but so is dogfighting when that's all you do. Or maybe it's because you can fly a freighter, but darnit I don't wanna trade in my fighter just to get one or two breaks from the fighting missions.

SOS missions: another great element from Privateer 2 and one that has been already mentioned here. Granted distress calls can be annoying if you're doing something else, but that why you implemented something like a "SOS band" that you can turn on and off. In Priv 2 I used to turn my SOS receiver on and just cruise around for hours accepting random distress missions. They usually didn't pay very much, but that was the trade off for not having to land on a planet and sit through the cutscenes - something that annoys in every free-form space sim I've played.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 3:49 am

no ****, this is the bast game ever

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:20 am

(skip to the bottom if you have something against length)

I agree wholeheartedly with the original post.
It also happens to cover all my feelings about the game.

Given, some of that would be hard to implement, but it can be done.
Indeed, it is not "Morrowind in space," but it can be!

.......just hear me out.
I don't want them to take Morrowind and throw it into space, HOWEVER, I would love to do my own thing and NOT BE LIMITED. By limited I mean we are still following rules set in stone. I don't mean things like "fly into a star and explode," I mean "basically, go and kill or sell me stuff. You'll find everything you're looking for right there. Do it now! And don't think betraying me would benefit you in any way!"

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this game, moreso than most that I have played.
I would simply like an expansion to come along and turn this game into "THE BEST."

.........unless that was their plan all along! Get money! Just kidding, they wouldn't do that......DA, that is. Microsoft, on the other hand......

To sum that up, I'd love to see the Freelancer universe to move from semi-dynamic to fully-dynamic. I do recognize, however, that it would be a BIG jump. Again, it can be done.

Oh, man. I'd love to take a battleship for a joyride. Let's see if you want to attack me every 10 seconds now!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Verdict: ALMOST the best game, but much wasted potential. my honest fact.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must play more.
I swear, this game is an illegal narcotic.

I do what I must, when I must...

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 6:28 am

ALL random missions in the game are simple "Go here, kill this" -- Some of them try to pretend they aren't, like "Go here, kill this, then pick up his cargo and bring it back" or "Go here, kill this, and ALSO kill this."

Every single random mission in the game involves targets to be killed, no exception, and there is only a few systems once you are done with the game that give even REMOTELY challenging missions, the rest are all low level missions you could win without ever losing a single bit of shielding.

Your only other option really is to do trade runs to get money, but you can get over 1 million credits in under an hour doing that (would post how but this isnt a spoiler forum) and since the most expensive ship in the game costs only 750k or so.... you're left with nothing to do far too quickly after the single player game is over. (Which doesn't last very long)

Don't let it be wasted potential! USE IT, Make Freelancer the best game ever! Release the SDK and mod tools so we can run wild and expand the universe and this will be the next half life player community!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 6:47 am

Let the game be released, then ask for the SDK and such. I think everyone's a little too impatient because of the warez and betas. I honestly believe this game has the largest vocally illegal fanbase I've ever seen =P I'm stilling playing the demo; gotta get the junkers to like me so I can get the better thruster..

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