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Freelancer: Good already, but has the potential to be the be

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Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:21 am

I agree with you, a hundred times over. Come on DA, get on that expansion NOW!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:19 am

Thats because everyone is so rabid for this game. I think I speak for everyone present with a beta/pre-release copy that we're planning to buy it anyway, merely because the people who created this game deserve every penny they earn from it.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:36 am

I have a hard time believing people who have illegal copies of a game that say they are going to buy it anyways. Because I know about 17 people personally who do this kind of crap and say that all the time, and I have yet seen them buy a game. I know some people who have not bought a game in the last 5 years, and they still say that about every game they steal. If the US wants to get out of debt, all they need to do is trace these warez people down and then fine them up the wazoo. They deserve it. Other contries can do the same.

If cats always land on thier feet. What would happen if you strap 2 cats back to back and drop them?
Probably destroy space and time.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:47 am

i'm one of those people that acquired a copy, i'll admit. however, yesterday i placed my preorder at for the game. don't say we're all like that

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 9:42 am

I find it funny that you blame the United States national debt on software piracy. Before you read the rest of my post, remember I have pre-ordered Freelancer, I do not support software piracy, but I believe in supporting good game companies and screwing the bad ones. (Read: Infogrames and Master of Orion III -- DO NOT BUY THAT GAME, if you do you are supporting probably the most absurdly bugged and incomplete title to ever be released in the history of computer software)

Piracy is a big problem, but the national debt is something to the order of 6.5 trillion dollars. The annual software revenue for ALL the software sold in the united states yearly is just miniscule compared to that number.

Keep in mind, if you would, that piracy numbers are not accurate. If 50,000 copies of a certain program are pirated, that does not mean the company lost 50,000 copies of sale monies, because of those 50,000 people who pirated it, its extremely unlikely even 1/3 would have bought the software had piracy not been available.

Before you bash a wide group of people with uninformed opinions, get your facts straight.


Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:20 am

Dude, calm down. I'm sure the guy meant it as a joke, because it's obvious my country's debt isn't going to be fixed by curbing piracy. The debt was made before piracy as we know it even existed, hehe.

But just because it won't solve the debt doesn't mean piracy should be tolerated in any way. In reality, piracy is about cheap or impatient people. It's obvious where the first comes from, they don't want to pay for software, so they steal it. But the second is really ridiculous. It doesn't take downloading Orion 3 warez to figure out if it's "buggy", you could let the reviewers in magazines who legally got a copy to tell you that. And all THAT takes is time for the reviewers to, well, review =)

Thus, it's VERY hard to justify piracy of any sort. Hey, it's fine with me if you buy afterward, but technically you shouldn't have that choice unless the developer wants you to...or else they'd be the ones distributing the warez =P

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:40 am

I have a legal copy of Master of Orion 3, that was my biggest mistake of the year. I can't even run it on either of the two computers in my house, they get to the title screen and if you click on start game it says "directx surface unavailable"

Both computers are hardcore gamer machines with varying hardware, I do tech support for a living so I know what I'm doing (the measures I've taken to try to even get INTO the game are extreme, everything from changing video drivers, motherboard drivers, changing direct x versions, clean install, clean boot, different OSes, etc etc etc : nothing works, period, and its a problem plaguing thousands and thousands of people (check the moo3 forums)

MOO3 is just inherently flawed, they apparently only beta tested it for 2 hours on 1 computer and figured it was ok -- They don't deserve to even keep their jobs, much less make a profit on this one.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:47 am


Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 11:31 am

It's not that hard to bump this game up many notches to the best, they merely need to make a decent expansion.
Not hard, just time consuming.

And one of my biggest problems:
The GWJ review said we can act like the various careers......
Waaaaaaaaait a minute, act LIKE?!?!?
Why can't I sign up with the navy, then blow 'em off for a life of crime?

All they must do to make this great game into the BEST game yet, is crank out that expansion.

........there's just that little snag of justifying its creation

I do what I must, when I must...

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 11:43 am

Right, Wraith! You should really be able to BE bounty hunter, BE Police Officer or BE merchant. They should release as many add-ons as for the sims. What about a ship editor? Do you know "Star Wars Droids"? You could build your own droid out of many different parts. Wouldnt that be great? Or paint it the way you like? But I'm REEEAAALLY missing the manual landing. Automaic should be an option, but it is a pity that you cant land on planets manually. Elite II made it, why can't Freelancer?!?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:24 pm

"Freelancer: Good already, but has the potential to be the best game ever made"

I thought this was already the best game ever made?



Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:34 am

Actually I did meet Juni outside of the story line, wont say where.

I have more fun just exploring the universe, and making up my own story, I really
dont think this game needs a story line. But having your own place (or planet )
would be very cool. I usually take a regular mission then when Im done I go do whatever. I dont think you get attacked while on-route to a mission, at least I never have been.

Anyone up to the task of figuring out just how much space there is to explore ?
It has to be one of the biggest 3-d environments ever created, and it's not empty.

Also I love the background of how all the factions depend/fight between themselves. This is the real meat of the game I think. I gives the player a
sense of purpose if they decide to create their own story.

I work for the Bounty Hunters Guild,
we own this place. Now what can we do for you ?

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:59 am

i agree with making trent join a group not do a job, any way i will just have to predend any how, im going to "work" for the bretonian navy. i might make a clan or group that will defend the sector. If anybody is interested contact me at

[email protected]
[email protected]

hope to get some volunteers

hear from ya

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:16 am

bELIVE IT OR NOT SUMMONER was the best game iv everplayed, the story like is absolutely perfect even tough it lacks item selection.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 6:21 am

I think DigitalAnvil should, at some point, tell us how the game file structure is built and how could one MOD the game and add missions or other scripted events. I'm willing to donate to such a community that will aim to improve Freelancer, and invest lots of coding hours (I'm a coder). That would make this game the PERFECT game that it could have been.

Again, great game, lots of VERY wasted potential.

-- Magey

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