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Freelancer: Good already, but has the potential to be the be

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 6:26 am

The game needs missions like the ones from Tachyon. Their were fewer of them sure, but they were all wildley unique.

Also the only way the US will ever get out of debt is if you kick saddam in the nuts, they turn into diamonds. If that doesnt work, lets just give everyone our nukes. we can keep 5 or so, out of our 20,000. hell one nuke seems to give you enough power these days. I swear they are the dumbest ass weapon ever created by humanity. too bad the USA is responsible, although another country would have created it later if we hadnt.

Man I am so high right now... i have no idea whats goin' on...

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:15 am

It's not who has the most nukes that scares me, it's who has one nuke that does.

If cats always land on thier feet. What would happen if you strap 2 cats back to back and drop them?
Probably destroy space and time.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 10:38 am

Guys please, stay on topic and avoid things that aren't allow in here. TLR doesn't allow statements or discussions about political matters.

Reminder: FAQ

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:36 pm

Its hard not to talk about politics these days.

I remember one mission in tachyon, not related to the main story, where i had to retrieve the roof of the sistine chapel from some extremely powerful pirate lord that stole it from earth. At least i think that was the mission, its hard to remember.
Why arent there any super elaborate, complicated missions like that you can do in freelancer?

Man I am so high right now... i have no idea whats goin' on...

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 10:13 pm

I've only played the demo, but form what I've heard of the full, I totally agree. I'm fine with random missions, as long as they involve more than "go here, blow this up". I know they could have made escort missions, since the very first story mission involves escort.

Perhaps escort missions sound boring at first, but it's a lot of fun with that element of uncertainty that comes with simply flying through space, trying to help a defenseless freighter.

I also would have loved to see delivery, recon, and even infiltration missions. My idea for infiltration would be that your rep is temporarily hacked to be good with another side and lowered with the others as would be appropriate, you would have to go retrieve info, assassinate an agent, scan a base, etc. and return to the base where your rep would be returned to normal. However, if you are directly scanned, you will be detected and then be in mortal danger.

Another glaring omission is the lack of player-initated communication. Why in the world can't you ask a lone fighter, or even group of fighters who have no particular goal to join you, for a small cut of the reward, like in Tachyon.

Another cool thing would be to build your own fleet, with your headquarters at a player-owned capship or base, or even small moon or planet, depending on your resources or firepower (this would also give the millionaires somewhere to spend their credits). You would then be able to hire other freelancers (another big omission) to pilot these ships, and if you become powerful enough, to actually start your own faction, with its own rep. Along with this would be a "friends" system of people who will do favors for you, as well as who would ask favors form you. Money wouldn't necessarily be involved, but it could help your rep, give you exclusive information, unique items, etc. Of course, this would probably be too difficult to implement in just a patch.

As was already said, side quests would be great. They wouldn't be essential to completing the main story, but they may help your rep, reward you with unique items, undisclosed locations, or even permanent wingmates or friends (see previous idea).

Adding to the SOS idea, you should also be able to send an SOS to any ships within 10K or so. This might get friendlies to come help you, but it may attract more enemies to attack you, there should be some sort of randomization to whether they respond or not.

Another interesting (and I believe easy to implement) is a sort of secondary reputation. i.e. if you're hostile with Rogues, and you've singlehandedly vaporized 10 of them, they'd be less likely to attack you in numbers of five or less, and instead turn tail or call for backup.

Finally, there's the dialogue, as well as it's implemented, it still sounds very stilted and constructede. It would really help if all dialogue were actually spoken, and the NPC's were real NPC's, who you'd be able to recognize.

Of course, this doesn't mean I think it's a bad game, just one with enormous untapped potential.

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world:
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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