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Post your DEMO experiences here.

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Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:06 am

Just got my Rhino and let's just say that I am very pleased.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:55 am

Heh my Rhino is my "little" ped
Equipped with Stun turrets (or something like that)
But in combat, its like trying to get a RC-car with a schoolbus.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:44 pm

I much prefer my Patriot to one of those flying bricks. Give me maneuverability any day of the week (Though combining that with firepower is good too )

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:49 pm

Well in a word BRILLIANT!! GG Digital Anvil and MS
I can't wait ot get the ful game to do the story line and then explore the universe with friends in MP
Granted as others have said hte NP speech is a bit repetitive but thats more htan livable with to get the various rumours etc and to get on out in space o play the game ie in my book a minor issue that I wouldnt' waste sleep on.
Graphics and sound are great ( haven't experienced any washed out textures that someelse (forget who) referred to in an earlier posting. Prolly their vid drivers or something)
Definitely for me privateer revisited on a much grander scale.Even with this demo I shall have many hours of fun finding out all hte goodies there are available.
At first I thought I'd be spoiling myself for the full game but naaahh the excitement factor will not wear off it'll all slot into place that much better when I do get it.
I tried switching between first person and cockpit view . No struts in the starflier??
I thought I wouldn't like hte default view but soon changed my mind mainly because the animations etc on the ship for me at least seem to add to the experience whereas looking thru the cockpit seemed more bland

I see some are saying too much fighting , can't say I agree with that I'd rather have the activity to help build my character up one way or the other than have nothing there.Certainly being in liberty's good books by bashing rogues to get a good start in the game seems a good thing to me before then deciding further out what 'career' I want to go into. I'd imagine those wanting to do the trader would more benefit from multiplaye r where you can fly wih the protection from friends if you don't always want too much on the fire fight side.Also as porfessor posted earlier I have successfullly cruise moded past groups of pirates to get where I wanted and docked before they could catch up to me so thats something else to consider.

All in all this game is a definite strong breeze of fresh air to liven up the space genre which has always been for me my first choice in gaming.

It's well been worth the wait!!!

Edited by - harb on 23-02-2003 13:55:30

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 2:02 pm

After about a 5 hour wait I got the demo installed, set the options to lowest possible (my computers away getting fixed so im using the family one) started a new game, everything loads fine then about 4 seconds in to the opening FMV the whole things hangs, so badly that ctrl-alt-del doesnt work anymore, im using an onboard S3 Graphics Inc. ProSavage (8 meg ) graphics card (yes i know its below the specs but Freelancer detects it as a valid card) and I can't find the new drivers anywhere (the S3 site wont download). Anyway does anyone know away around this or somewhere to get updated drivers from? I dont want to have wasted those 5 hours, just to see the menu screen and 4 seconds of FMV.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:01 pm

First I guess I should say "Hi" to everyone

I have to say I was definatly feeling a lot of trepidation about this game, I have been waiting for it for at least ... forever, and only recently did I find out about the mouse only controls. I was willing to give them a chance, but like all JS Jockies I was concerned the the level of fine control would be missing.

Happily I am no longer concerned, the demo is awesome! The controls (while different) are not so difficult to adapt to, and after a few hours you feel completly at home interfacing with your HUD and your left/right/scroll wheel buttons to manouver and gleen all sorts of tactical information.

The ingame cinimatics are well done, and the planetside interaction (while a bit slow paced and repetitive, but no moreso than any other game I've played) are well done with almost no visible transition from one response to another.

The problem I encountered were few, and most will be cleared up in the retail version.
I had VERY choppy graphics when I first played, (dl new drivers for my ATI 8500 and cleared it up).
I'm really missing a reference card for the keyboard commands, I hope they ship one with the game.
I always seem to have trouble with the Tractor Beam. I pick up a few items from the debris of destroyed ships, then the "Tractor Beam Failure" alert sounds. Am i dooing somthing wrong? It's small potatos anyway.

Anyway, Freelancer will most probably be the grounds for my divorce (if my wife can pull me away from the PC long enough for a Judge to serve me papers ) It has everything I loved about Privateer2 and it's prettier too.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:40 pm

I played the demo and thinks its amazing... The game has loads of pertential but I have noticed a few problems with it. The one that gets on my nerves is to do with the but menues + other points in the game when i engage cruise drives and also when im going through trade tunnels. On all those accations the game gets very choppy. I have a high performance PC with a Radeon 9700 Pro but the game is choppy in places. The choppyness on the equipment buying menu is esspecialy annoying. Anyone else having this trouble???

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:53 pm

The readme says somthing about performance issues with ATI cards .. here is the quote ...

"Performance Issue with ATI Radeon text display
Freelancer Trial Version can experience performance slow downs when a large amount of text is printed or updated on screen. The work around for this issue is to back off your Windows hardware acceleration settings by one notch in Settings\Control Panel\Display\Settings\Advanced. Once in this menu, you will either see Performance tab or Troubleshoot tab. Future ATI drivers may fix this problem, as they are aware of this issue. "

I hope that helps

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:03 pm

@Jabba the Hunt (isn't it Hutt?...never mind)

Here's something from Freelancers Readme file:

Freelancer Trial Version does not support or has issues with the following video cards:

3D Labs Permedia 1 - 4
Glint - all versions
Oxygen Series (various)

3Dfx Voodoo Rush
3Dfx Voodoo Banshee
3Dfx Voodoo
3Dfx Voodoo 2
3Dfx Voodoo 3 <not supported under Windows 2000 and Windows XP>

Cirrus Logic - all versions

Diamond Monster Fusion (Voodoo Banshee)
Diamond Viper II Z-200 (Savage 3)

Matrox G100
Matrox Millennium
Matrox Millennium II
Matrox Mystique

Maxi Gamer Phoenix (Voodoo Banshee)

nVidia Riva 128
nVidia Riva 128 zx

S3 Virge_VX
S3 Virge_MX/MV
S3 Virge_MX+
S3 Virge_MX
S3 Virge_GX2
S3 Virge_DX/GX
S3 Trio64V2_DX/GX
S3 Trio64UV+
S3 Aurora64V+
S3 Aurora 128
S3 Savage 2000
S3 Savage 3D - all versions

Intel 82810-DC100
Intel 815
Intel 810e
Intel 810
Intel i740
Intel 752

Rendition - all versions
Number9 - all versions
Oak Technologies - all versions
Chromatic Research - all versions
Tseng Labs - all versions
Neo-magic - all versions
Digital - all versions
Compaq QVision - all versions
Weitek - all versions
Silicon Motion - all versions


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

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