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Freelance2, what it should have;

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:03 am

I posted this in another thread but it applies here

Add a screen to customize your ship, a built in skin editor to add your simple decal - make the affair more personal.

Make more types of upgrades for ships, engine, armor, and so forth.

Shake up the ship speeds so turning rate isn't the only change in handling.

Change the weapons to create greater imbalances(advantage/disadvantage) from model to model.

Dynamic economy.

Make factions that hate you go out of their way to kill you like the assasins in Daggerfall.

Add convoy duty missions to the job board.

Introduce illegal tech to the pirate bases that you can buff your ship up with (like Escape Velocity.)

Make Combat more lethal for you and thus much riskier.

Make addons like wing extensions that give you more mounts but are easily broken off.

Let you demand a target to surrender cargo.

Make it possible to disable subsytems like engines on freighters.

Introduce random missions to blow up heavy infrastructure.

Add random generated illegal missions where you have to smuggle goods into heavily patrolled planets/districts.

Make disabling lanes a more permanent and serious affair involving repair crews and a police patrol to protect the site for the short future.

Make civilian ships radio for police/military help. Introduce "he's our friend don't touch him" to the factions so that eg a Military patrol will tell even their own friends not to mess with you. What I'm going for is making factions matter. The best thing about your friends shouldn't be that they don't attack you.

Add a small radar to the hud where the energy/shield/health bar is.

Alter ship scheme beyond light heavy and freighter, make some unique ships that require different play styles (like the stealth fighter from Freespace.)

Make a percentage of kills use escape pods that you can capture and then sell into slavery with the appropriate hit in faction reputation.

The issues you describe with targeting are true if your using guns on a fighter, not true of a larger corvette or cap ship. But it could also work if you were using a missile interference weapon on a fighter. You leverage that into capturing the pilot for slave purposes or for more efficiently looting his ships cargo since you lose most of it if you destroy it.

I was suprised that Microsoft didn't cancel Freelancer. Instead of cutting money and running they stuck with it, which deserves plaudits. That suggests some investment in the game and its future. I'm heavily rooting for a Freelancer two.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:23 am

I know you can already target different things on bigger ships, but shooting them out doesn't do anything to disable those individual things that I've seen. Plus smaller ships can't be targeted like this. (At least this is what I could tell from the demo...)


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