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Freelance2, what it should have;

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 7:33 am

Hey Lev, love that image ur sigs made from... where'd ya get it?

And theres nothing wrong with giving the devs and accountants a further push in the right direction when it comes to updates/mission packs and/or FL2... not to mention giving them all the ideas WE want to be able to experience


"Only one human has ever survived an attack against a Mimbari Cruiser... he is behind me... you are in front of me... if you value your lives... be somewhere else!"

Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 7:54 am

I figure that if marrowind can get an add on pack, then FL probably will too.

Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 8:16 am

I'm all for the webcam multiplayer coms...that would rock...but lots of lag I bet.
Also, better random missions...sometimes you want to take a mission and NOT piss off another faction...nearly impossible right now in FL although you can usually repair it with some bribing. Some nice courier missions would be good. Otherwise, in my week of play now...I've got no complaints..the game rocks!

Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 9:50 am

Definately add more mission types, I find the fact that a courier type mission isn't in the final game quite perplexing. I would have imagained that a courier mission would have been in scope of the original plan.

Ah, she's built like a steak house but she handles like a bistro. - Zapp Brannigan

Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 10:00 am

I bet you do, MustangFX... but they had to clip a toe and cut a heel (or is it the opposite?) to get the game out... I think a few more of the random missions would have done wonders, though the game is still brilliant as it is...

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 4:05 pm


Take a look at this page: Art by Kristijan Petrovic

There is a second page, Click on "Seite 2" to get it.


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 9:42 pm

holy **** that is some sweet ass art.

anyway freelancer 2 or soemthing should be basiclly like your own universe. nations can declare war on nations. thousands of people on one server (look a planetside). the nations can be clans and for the peopel who are solo they can be rouges or in a nation thats nto owned by a clan and is a full blown democracy

-Nuff Said

Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 10:37 pm


Thanks for the link, that's some very impressive work that guys done... or is that you? wow... got anymore sites of that ilk... love images of ships onor around planets with space backgrounds... something about the exploration feeling they exude...

Major addons for the game...

- Multiple locations on a planet... fly accross the surface within atmosphere to reach locations... would include actually flying in and out of the atmosphere through clouds and stratosphere (perhaps pilot has to enter and exit atmosphere in certain way without burning up)

- More mission types... and within those types... vary the parameters more wildly

- Guilds... ability to actually join guilds (by pay subscriptions/fees like Privateer), receive missions and rumours/tips/deals/assistance etc... )

- Ability to call for reinforcements from friends (factions, guilds, etc...)

- I'm ok with the click on locations method in base... but, FPS style ala. the Deus Ex way would be one of the next greatest steps in the genre - flight to land seamlessly.

... I'm sure I can think of more


"Only one human has ever survived an attack against a Mimbari Cruiser... he is behind me... you are in front of me... if you value your lives... be somewhere else!"

Post Sat Feb 22, 2003 1:20 am

I'm afraid it's not me. I have yet to see art in that quality other than Petrovic's concerning space ship. You can find some nice art in the science fiction section of Digital, though.


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Edited by - Lev Arris on 22-02-2003 01:20:17

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:51 pm

Back to the top for the new folks.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:37 pm

I believe we have a bit of foreshadowing from the official MS site of what we can expect in an expansion pack. Under the neural net entry for Liberty it sets up the background of five ships that left Earth with one being "lost en route". Imagine that fifth ship arrived a little off target and the folks set up shop without any contact between the four known and the fifth. Suddenly there is new space to explore, new houses to topple or join....

For the follow on FL2, definately cupholders....

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:44 pm

Well, we're all talking about Freelancer 2. But will there come out patches for Freelancer itself? I can remember that there weren't any patches for Starlancer (AFAIK). The changes you guys want would be to major to patch IMO. (like the dynamic trading and the missions).

"God bless this acid house!"
"I was near the scene of another crime at the time, officer."

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:00 pm

Three simple words:

Coalition Sleeper Ships :-D

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:46 am

-Multiple outcomes to missions

I want to be able to stab my employers in the back, or finding an alternate way to complete the mission.

-Dynamic Mission Generator

Escort, Base Defence, Patrol, and others.

-Dynamically Randomized Missions

Maybe the mission won't always go as planned. Maybe they won't be there. Maybe you actually have to hunt your target down from clues provided instead of following waypoints. Maybe your employers will turn on you. Also there should be "segments" to the missions instead of a really focused and direct objective like "kill that guy." Etc...

-More Ship Damage

I want Ship Ramming to be a viable option in combat if your ship is much bigger than your enemies and you have full shields. Also I want to be afraid of slopy piloting when in combat in a debris or astroid field. Damage should be 3 or 4 times what it is now...

-More Vaired Weapons and Systems

Thigs like ion cannons to disable enemy ships instead of destroying them. Tractor beams, system or target scrambling missles, some type of goo missle that clogs the engines and causes the ship to go significantly slower, and other such things...

Also, maybe some type of "Mag Lock" system that would alow you to attach your ship to floating space debris or space stations or other larger ships.

And the ability to power down your systems and become invisible to everything but deep scanners. Different scanning systems would be nice too.

Automated Turrets that had their accuracy based off of what type and quality of targeting system you had installed. Multiple targeting systems would be cool of course. (This would be mostly for rear and side turrets, and would not be as effective as a skilled pilot doing the shooting.)

-More Detailed Targeting

The ability to shoot out an enemy's engines only, or maybe only their weapon systems, or maybe you want to destroy their bay doors to try to eject their cargo etc...

-Ship Customization

Ship naming, color scheme designing, decals, ect...

-Character Customization

The ability to name and design your character would be nice, as would the ability to walk around space stations. Not too critical though.

I think all these and more would be cool in a sequal/expansion/patch.

Edited by - Archangel_Brian on 26-02-2003 03:48:33

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:52 am

About the "more detailed targetting" thing. Ive seen this suggested a couple times already. This is ALREADY in Freelancer. You can target a ships subsystems and the aiming recticle will move so youll have a slightly higher chance of hitting that. BUT, since the ships are moving so fast, your lasers will almost always miss their mark. So its sorta pointless unless there are laser beams like in Mechwarrior which hits its target instantaneously.

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