Well, my 2 cents.. well.. it's 3.5 with the current inflation, and 5.9 with interest.. but that's besides the point.......
Personally, I think it'd add more depth to add a "first person" perspective when on planets, or Space Stations. This way, instead of just clicking on the nav bar, you'd have to manually navigate bases. Obviously, for those who dont want to do this, you could have the nav bar optional.
Perhaps you could have more cities on each planet.. I'm pretty sure there are more than just one. Again, you could fly between them manually or use the nav bar. There would ofcourse be certain limitations.. Battleships are probably not docking on the ground, the would dock in space, and you could shuttle down.
Another idea, for those who own their own base, or capital ship. Maybe instead of only owning 1 ship, maybe you could own several provided you have the room for them. I think owning your own Base would be excellent especially for squadrons and clans. It would give them an official Base of Ops.
That brings me to the next idea, Custom Missions. Say you're a transport pilot and some clan of pirates force you to drop your goods... well when you get back to base, you could set up a mission for anyone interested. The person who sets up the mission, would have the funds pulled from his account until the mission was either completed, or until he cancelled the offer. If anyone took the mission, the "employer" wouldnt be able to cancell the offer without the pilots approval, but the pilot could reject the offer at anytime.
Everything else I've seen has been good so far I think. I think auto turrets would also be good, but maybe also have a co-operative mode for capital ships, or transports where 1 person pilots the vessel, while someone else acts as a gunner. In respect, this could be done with any ship that had turrets, but would probably want to be left for larger ships with very few forward mounted weapons.
I guess the last thing is a tweak. Anyone here know what a turret is? A turret is any unguided weapon that is in some way trainable. That would make basically EVERY weapon in Freelancer a Turret. It doesnt matter how small the firing arc is, if it can be trained, it is indeed a turret. I'd like to see this fixed. Everything should have a specified firing arc. Turrets mounted under the ship cant fire up, turrets mounted on top cant fire down, etc etc. Weapons that are not turrets, should be fixed firing only in the direction the ship is pointed. I think this will add some stratagy to some styles of gameplay. Limited Firing Arcs means blind spots that smaller ships can exploit. For instance, a freigher that has 4 forward facing weapons, and 4 defensive turrets, is probably vulnerable to attacks directed to it's aft sections where it's firing arc cant reach. I know this kinda dulls the teeth a little, but lets be real, it's a frieghter, not a gun boat. Although a gunboat would probably suffer the same limitations, but that's why we have piloting skills.. if you are dumb enough to fly a straight line, then you deserve to be shot. I would also like to see sensor limitations, forcing you to upgrade and improve your systems.
Well, maybe that brings me to the real last thing LOL --- Realistic AI. Or atleast smarter AI. I dont know bout you, but if I was running a freighter, I do just that.. RUN if I got attacked. The computer will attack you with EVERYTHING unfriendly to you, including transport vessels. THAT needs to be fixed LOL
Anyway, I hope FL2 is in the makes. Keep the flight controls the same, but maybe add the option for joystick and "classic" flight controls.
Peace out, and thanks for listening to my rant. If anyone has any comments, feel free to e-mail me
[email protected]
PS -- On ship speeds.. this is my take. Some thinks it's backwards.. but lets think about it. Capital ship should be the fastest hands down. BIG engines, massive powerplants. They just arent manueverable. Everyone thinks Fighters should automatically be the fastest, but that's kinda odd if you ask me. If you ships fits in one engine with PLENTY of room to maneuver, and it has 5 or more of these.. it's probably faster than you

Remember, in space size dont matter, only thrust. Also, keep in mind.. in space "contant thrust=constant acceleration". I see potential
Sticks and stones may break my bones.. but OH CRAP HE'S GOTTA GUN!!!!!!!!!
Edited by - NyteStalker on 7/22/2004 10:31:25 PM