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Freelance RB 3.30 bug reports, comments and tips thread

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?FL Rebalance Mod? for Freelancer

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:01 pm

Ok, no problem, oh and Baine, would you just stop complaining... it is supposed to REBALANCE the game.. hence some things may be more difficult, which is a GOOD thing. Thats the whole point of playing mods. You get tired of starting over with the same game all the time, and it takes a new angle of gameplay to keep a game alive so these people should be thanked not harrased. So there are bugs here and there... so what. Like he said if you dont like it go play Everquest or Tibia or something but just quit tearing the mod down all the time. You obviously are incapable of doing any better and don't understand the time and effort this makes, and obviously you can't appreciate this for what it is. So, just shut up please. Thank you! :-)


Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:15 pm

This is a great mod. But we got a major energy drain problem.

Remove the cruise engine energy drain. Or at least lower it. Its verry annoying when you loose all your power before a fight.

Try to fix the bugs and it will run perfectly.

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:23 am

Baene, believe or not, many bugs were corected in RB 3.30, and that made it more stabe both in SP and In MP. most bugs were equipment wise, some shipdealers, ships Hardpoints, infocards, the radar jammer and more. I'm sorry you get so frustrated about those old bugs, but having SW custom ships into the mod is no bug, it's just a feature that improves the game playability and the number of targets, and it was very well recieved by the public. It was a calculated risk but i prefered to throw them in than to let them out, like other mod makers did. Not all custom ships are invulnerable to guns, and i called you not so smart because you didn't even try any tactics to take them down and started complaining. I found several ways to kill them quick enough, including taking them shields down with EMP missiles or mines, then putting a Drone or Wardog in front of their noses, OR use the damn Longobow cruise missile, they're fast enough and cheasp enough and pack a heavy punch(2424 per missile).
I am aware that some bugs are still there, but with the sheer amount of ships, equipment, and other stuff added i can;t fix em all. About that annoying BH bug, it slipped my checks cause i didn't test MP too extensively and i did not took missions vs the bounty hunters. No intelligent player would go vs them at first levels cause this way you'll get all red with house police as well, this meaning you won't be able to dock anywhere than some pirate bases.
I'm working on a patch to remove those firespray's from BH's low levels ships, and do some infocard fixing as well.
about that New Tokyo ship error, it seems you didn't know that a ship's price is reduced after you buy it?!
Ok, now down to the answers.
Chaeronea, the "bug" in mission 4 is not a bug but is caused by the increased range of the LI cruiser's guns stationed near the Mahattan docking ring. Don't worry, you are NOT taking damage during the cutscene. But you will have to worry about that cruiser guns in the second the game begins so hit your thursters as quickly as possible and get out of its range.
Talos7, thanx but really it's me, MD that did the mod, not Crabtree Corp...
Noobster, thanx for hosting that server.
tkaz84, erase all old saved games from FL's savegame folder(my documents/my games/freelancer/accts/SP). than erase the FL folder(Program files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer) and do a fresh install, install the FL SDK 1.3 first, than activate and install Rebalance with FLMM. that should take care of the startup crash.
thanx cibisphere. he's just frustrated as it seems. well Baene, why not you learn how to modify files and do a little bug fixes yourself, or try yo came up with some original something constructive instead of complaining all the time, i'll appreciate some help instead of all the whinining.
CyberClaw, it's also very cool to loose energy during cruise time, because now the cruise is not for free, it comes at a price. Just drop out of cruise at a greater range(3km in vs ships missions and 5 km when going against stations or battleships), and engage with missiles/torps/cruise missiles first. this way your energy will have enough time to recharge. Tip: by mounting a better powerplant and a better fusion injector you'll lower the cruise energy drain or sometimes even stop it!

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:20 am

Michael was playin on the server site that was posted here and it kept crashin i have an old box that I think will handle this mod wii try tp put it up 2day will let it run untill the new mod is fixed
several of the new type ships the ones with the strange names somersaw kerith ect 4 sale at west point newark dont fly worth a crap u might think about changing them out there ugly slow and pointless
alsdo have u fixed the jump hole prob in the new systems u can get in but cant get out
as far as the cruise eng drain is concerned its not so bad when u can upgrade but the starter ship in mp should have a better power plant 4 the noobs so they dont think its a bug and bail

have a great day

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:43 am

I wanted to let everybody know that i'm planning to host a server on my own, it's gonna be called "Mods Creator FL Rebalance 3.30" and will include the capship patch. It's not gonna ve 24/7 but i'll keep it on as long as I can. If it will become popular enough than i will make it 24/ runs on an Athlon XP 2400 with 512 megs of RAM.
All people that have questions about the gameplay, the mod itself or want to learn how to get start in RB, can come to this server and ask me. my nick on it is "raven".

Edited by - Michael Dan on 2/18/2004 7:54:45 AM

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:23 am

My Server always crashes because of a problem with common.dll or english.dll.

Does this happen, because i have the german version of freelancer or what's the point?

My Server is called Rebalanced Mod V.3.30, its 24/7 atm and my server is an Athlon 2800 xp with 1024 mb ram

Edited by - Kosmo2000 on 2/18/2004 11:25:14 AM

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 1:09 pm

FL SDK? What is that?

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:13 pm

Great MOD. Absolutely fun to run through the story line with all those new weapons and ships.
There comes a time in the game though that when buying a new weapon (In my case the sunfury 2 for use on the Starviper) and mounting it goes just fine but when I try to use the right mouse button to fire them nothing happens,...they seem to be linked only to the number keys 1 through 9 for firing them.
Is there a chance that someday in the future this issue could be addressed so that they fire with the mouse button?
Thanks in advance for putting up with my newbie-ness.

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:20 pm

I'm having a problem with mission 3 in SP.
I've made it,but the Missouri and the Unity aren't visible.
There is only the mission point. I've tried it with docking,but the Spip is flying always in circle.

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:33 pm

Noob question
loaded the mod for single player, and transferred my existing single player game, works fine, having a great time with all the new stuff but.....
wherever I go to look for work at the bar it's the same line
'no missions available-come back later'
I'm class 32 with status as Mission flying a stock Titan and I can't get work?

All suggestions appreciated

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:48 pm

Tkaz, FL SDK is a complete collection of uncompressed and corected FL ini files that is recommended to be installed before any mod. Just download the file freelancersdk-v1.3full.exe from LR and run it after you did a fresh install of FL. it will point ans install itself automatically in the default FL folder. then install and activate the RB 3.30 mod from FLMM.
Phenobii, some weapons(guns) in Rebalance require ammo to fire, and such a weapon is the Sunfury, along with the Barragers and almost all photon weaponry. So go buy some ammo for your Sunfury 2 and it will fire just OK...until its ammo will run out, obviously.
Cheatking, you have a problem with your instalation of FL and Rebalance 3.30 so same drill as above. after that it should work ok.
kevisnksy, you canlt do that. Erase all your old savegames and start a fresh game with Rebalance, either in normal SP mode, Open SP or MP.

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:46 pm

Hi - im still testing the mod and i have one question about. I want to try to start a server with this mod, but the possibility to destroy a station - hmm is this station really erased from the game / server or only for the one, who destroyed the station?

Post Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:18 am

Jaina, i think the station remains destroyed until the FL server is not restarted. be carefull though cause destroying a station with a player in it will cause a crash when the respective player starts to launch.
the final patch is posted on LR, here's what it does:
Rebalance 3.30 final patch:
-includes the capital ship patch.
-fixed the random crashes in EFA system, the system is now stable and open for bussines.
-no more Firesprays at low levels missions versus Bounty Hunters.
-Bobba Fett's Firespray is renamed to Firespray attack & patrol ship.
-fixed the Dagger XR misstyped weapon hardpoints in shiparch.ini.
is due to your suggestions, bug reports and complaints....
thanx for all your posts.
I also highly recommend that you get and run FL Datastorm v 3.6 from the main page, as is lightning fast and will allow you to search for ships, equipment, bases compute trade routes and find wrecks...

Edited by - Michael Dan on 2/19/2004 12:39:29 AM

Post Thu Feb 19, 2004 6:02 am

I've made a fresh install and installed the fl sdk again, but still have the dll probs.....

Post Thu Feb 19, 2004 6:35 am

MD, missions from the Jupiter Observation Station are still a little broken. Some missions are right in the middle of Jupiter, and some are inside the planet of Earth, so the missions can't be done.

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