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Freelance RB 3.30 bug reports, comments and tips thread

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?FL Rebalance Mod? for Freelancer

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:24 am

ok, addendum to my above post, I've tried with the Damocles as well, it does the same thing. Seems to do it with all the larger ships... any idea whats up with that? anyone gotten that far into the game yet in MP?

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:00 am

I have the same problem - some cruisers /battleships cant start - the server kicks the player.
ErrorMessage: "..Cheat Detected - Ship Related.."
Some1 knows to fix this problem?

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:39 am

Regarding the "cheating detected" message.

We were getting it constantly on our LAN when playing with this mod and getting booted constantly, surprise surprise.

I loaded FLServer up from FLMM with this mod as the only one activated without using Ioncross' Server Manager utility. It seemed to do the trick as we played for a good 8 hours yesterday without being kicked once.

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:34 am

Don't forget Guys. Just because you have Ironcross and hack your character, does not mean it's fool proof. I've watched players hack thier characters and no longer be able to play them. Plus I usually dump them when it's obvious.

Hey MD thanks again!

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:34 am

I discovered what was causing the crashing of capital ships in MP mode. it was not the Ioncross server operator.
The prices for the Tempest, Javelin, Damocles and Balistner were set above 9999999 and FL does not allow that, cuasing a crash at launch time after the player bought the ship. I made sent the fix file to baked and he's gonna post it on the main page(or rebuild the mod's archive).

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:38 am

Oh yeah. The wingtip weapon offset on the Jedi Star Fighter seems to be b0rked, too. The left side weapon floats off in space, and the right one can't be seen at all. I just recently purchased a Millenium Falcon from Curacao, and my first turret slot is empty, but I can't purchase anything to install there for it, since it says there are no free hardpoints for turrets. This version seems really crashy, too.

And I won't deny that the clusters were overpowered. But the reason I liked them was that I could use missiles without having to pour all my money into the ammo for them, or worry about running out. Like I said, I think if you nerfed the damage, and upped the power consumption, you'd find they balace out a bit better. But again, I do understand your point about them.

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 11:00 am

I was very pleased to see that the Raven Claw was now avalaible, as I have found it very nice to see in Rebalance 3.20.
Howewer, the one for sale at Southampton Shipyard/New London is very different, and not so beautiful.
So, is there two Raven Claw in Rebalance 3.30 ?

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 11:36 am

Can someone send here a list of servers using FireBalance 3.30 ?

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:51 pm

Where can i find the fix using the capital ships?

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:35 pm

Heya MD, I had this in the comments portions, but wanted to post it here too.
MD, I thought you said you were dropping rebalance since you took a big position over at New Universe? Are the rumors true that NU is now cancelling the project?

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:13 pm

I was just wondering if anyone knew if the update to FL RB 3.30 (the one the allows you to buy capital ships that cost over 9,999,999) is (will be) included in the mod download or if you will be able to download it seperately (or both), if anyone knows please reply, thanks.

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:43 pm

First thing I must say is excellent work, AWESOME MOD! I bet your head is swelling by now right? Anyways.. I have a strange and seemingly uncommon problem. I tested your mod in SP and everything was well and good, better infact. I love the newaspects of everything.. its like you can custumize any ship to extreme points wich is really cool. And regardless of the MP server crash when you destroy bases.. its still so much fun to blow them to pieces. LOL! I could do it over and over. Great idea to include that in your mod. But anyways, when I decided totry it out in MP FreelancerI noticed started running in debug mode from the second I pressed multiplayer in the main menu. Now I have never seen this before, the text dissapears at the prompt to play lan or internet and the "are you sure you want to play online" prompt. Then in the game once I enter a server it says debug in front of some text.. for example when I press enter to chat. It does not seem tohurt anything in general, but since no oneelse seems to have this happen it make me weary and somewhat nervous about using the mod in MP. To be sure I turned the mod off, and sure enough everything was back to normal. So, then I try fresh downloads and installs of Freelancer, FLMM, and your mod. Still happens. So, then I try installing Freelancer on my second computer here which although not as good, is still capable of playing Freelancer. I once again use fresh downloads and install, low and behold theproblem persists. So I am wondering if this is an expected side affect, does anyone elseexperience such a thing, and should I be worried about playing under this circumstance. Any and all input would be appreciated. In any case this is an excellent well thought out mod that is to me a game in its own practically. Keep up the good work!

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:59 pm

so Mike, any news on this patch? I know a bunch of friends of mine are very eager to be able to play with the capital ships again

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:27 am

Reynen, first of all, the NU project is not canceled, just progresing very slow. But both me and Chips are helping with the mod, me doing systems + encounters and him doing weaponry and equipment. But since we got our own mods to maintain we can't allocate all our time to the NU project.
Rayak, the second Raven Claw is part of the Firebase ship pack and obviously made by Firebase.
Jana and Zennik, the capship patch was sent to baked and will be probably posted as soon as possible.
thanx, Chibisphere.I know about nothing your MP text errors. it was reported before in some previous versions but never encountered by me...

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:31 am

These same bugs are just getting so old. NO, don't DO any missions vs. bounty hunters...WTF? Bobba Fett ships are near impossible to kill in a patriot, and even then it took me 120 low level missiles to kill ONE. WTF? is ANY of this ever tested? these are the same bugs from 3.20. WHY include the stupid Star Wars ships if they don't f***ing WORK right? i mean how fair is it to NOT fly one, and go against someone who IS using it? just take the stupid things out...It's highly annoying. Nothing but minor things seems to have changed from 3.20 to 3.30. Look, MD, i'm a fan, but damn, just spent (WASTED) a ton of time playing this mod, and it's just as buggy as 3.20....It's a great idea, but the crashes from EFA system (someone was there doing missions, and kept CRASHING the server...surprise surprise..hello 3.20)

Why release this if it is clearly not ready? And yeah, someone else mentioned how freaking annoying the cruise engine drain is, i sure wish it wasn't in this mod, it takes away from the fun, in my opinion.

Please, don't take this all huffy, and flamish, i'm just frustrated to see the same old bugs in a new release. I like the mod's idea, just not the implementation.

Bah, just disregard this message, i gave up on this mod anyway, and it's pointless.


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