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Freelance RB 3.30 bug reports, comments and tips thread

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?FL Rebalance Mod? for Freelancer

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:31 am

Excellent work on your mod. You have truely unleashed the power of Freelancer while keep the central point of the game. I was online last night for over 6 hours playing FLRebalance 3.30 without one problem. This is a "Must Have" mod. Only had one slight bug - INFOCARD not showing the correct info or structured incorrectly. If you would like I can correct the ones that I found and send you the corrected version. I don't mean to be picky infocards are small issue compared to all the new and just outstanding work that went into Rebalance 3.30. This mod gives you a reason to dust off the old Freelancer disk.

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:42 am

Baene, if you don't like the mod go play another one and leave RB an me alone. I did a LOT of bug fixing in the last version so i don't have to take that crap from you. ALl the things added were for a reason, to increase variety, playability and fun of the game. It's not my fault they got no proper .sur files and are neraly invulerable to guns. There are plenty of factions to go up against and an intelligent player will go vs Bounty Hunters at higher levels when he stands a chance. It seems you're not as near as intelligent as you're lazy, so i'm glad you gave up playing my mod....go to some wimpy/vanilla FL mods, i don't give a damn.


Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:49 am

Hi, i have found an error on the borderworld light fighter xr. when i use the three turrets in equipment screen theya are placed correctly, but when i start one of the turrets is moved an so one turret and one gun/missile doesnt appear on the ship in space. i already corrected a typo in the shiparch.ini where "hp_gun_special_4" was written twice.

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:39 am

This is DEFINATELY the best Freelancer mod I have seen yet, every aspect of it is perfect, great variety (of new ships, which too are great ), awesome new solar systems, fantastic new weapons, the whole mod is unsurpassed. The only things I would recommend you should change are

1.) The amount of ships in some of the new systems (i.e. the Earth Alliance System is verry laggy because of all of the ships)

2.) Amount of money paid on missions (I have to admit I havn't explored everywhere yet but in many of the new systems the missions do not pay much and I found the only way to make enough money for new ships was to do trade runs)

3.) Disabling the cheat detector so you can buy the 10 million + credit ships (which I think you already have done as you have said in one of the previous posts)

Other than those minor things I thought everything else was wonderful, best mod I have ever seen. You've definately put a lot of effort into this, and it paid off. I'm looking forward to seeing your next project, hope it is as good as this one.

Thanks for the awesome mod,

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:15 pm

MD, i think an "intelligent" mod maker would have left those crappy, buggy ships out. Doing Level freakin 2 missions vs. Bounty Hunters shouldn't be so F'ed up. I apologize for the tone of my previous post, but it's frustrating will all the bugs, and having to actually avoid certain factions due to a widely known bug that you chose to leave in the mod (why? what sense is that?). The ships don't WORK, why leave them in? it certainly doesn't make your mod better. It only makes it worse. Your mod can be fun, but leaving those broken SW ships in the mod was just lazy on YOUR part. I play these mods to enjoy them, not to be constantly scratching my head due to your ineptitude. So yes, i'll take my ball and play somewhere else. Oh, and calling other mods "Vanilla" is a bit arrogant, don't you think? considering your mod is about as buggy as it gets, but it's certainly not vanilla, content-wise.

Oh, and i find it funny and refreshing to see you resort to name-calling when someone actually is honest about your 'baby'. Lazy? "unintelligent"? lol. My kids can do better than that.

Good luck, i hope you get all the bugs worked out, and your mod actually working has tons upon tons of potential. Maybe next time, some beta testing would benefit you.



Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:16 pm

Sorry just found that there was a post bout my problem before, overlooked it when searching for a fix. but maybe it can help you fix it (typo in shiparch.ini) maybe there is anotherone somewhere else if i find it ill tell you :-).

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:46 pm

Okay, this is the first time I've ever used a mod for any PC game so I may be missing out on something but here goes.

I've discovered 2 problems so far that have onlyu manifested since I've activated this mod:
1) When I go to manhattan to start Mission 4 (Trent & Juni fleeing Liberty) in the cutscene where Juni is briefing Trent in space both ships are taking fire and being hit, but because it's a cutscene you can't move. Result: as soon as the mission starts the ship blows up. How do I avoid this?
2) In an attempt to resolve the first bug by buying a heavy fighter with lots of armour and strong shields I started trading (Light Arms from Houston, Texas, to Mercury, Earth Alliance then returning from Mercury to Houston with Cardamine) Anyway I made enogh to purchase a Gallofree Transport at Los Angeles, took it to Houston and purchased a lot of Light Arms (600+) for a big trading run. When I tgook off the game started loading and then just locked up. This has happened 8 times so far. How do I stop this from happening?

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:57 pm

Thanks to the Crabtree Corp for such good FL mod. It takes talent and time to improve upon this game. Thus far I have palyed all the versions of Freebalance and it just keeps getting better.

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:23 pm

Since a few people have been complaining there are no Freelancer Rebalance Mod servers online, I have been hosting a public 10 player FLRebalance 3.30 + Cap Ship patch server that is not password protected. Anyone is welcome to join, no the server isn't dedicated but it is online very often and I'll try to leave it on even when I'm not around. The server should also not be laggy because i have a broadband internet connection that should easily be able to handle 10 players. The server name is FLRebalance 3.30 for anyone who wants to join it.
Looking forward to new players on the server,

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:19 pm

I'm having a problem even getting the mod to work. After I initialize it and run Freelancer, I get to the point where the Freelancer logo takes up the whole screen. Then the game crashes before it hits the menu! What am I doing wrong?

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:34 pm


clusters are fine for now, they are defenitely cheap, fire faster than regular ones, etc.

nice, haven't visited all systems yet, started a new char, and almost everything was fine for ~6 hours (4-5 players were online without problem). But after somebody went to EFA, a few minutes, and the server crashed... (as i remember, me and a freind was docked in new london, and XY was having fun with a L1 char in EFA when it crashed., only 3 players online...)

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:16 pm

TKaz84-> go to my documents/my games/freelancer/accts/SP
and delete all the saved files. (or move to some other place if want to use it later.)

Chaeronea-> 1 ->it was that way in 3.20 (sorry MD), pray while watchig the cutscene and hit thruster as fast as you can, dont know a better solution
2-> have no idea. not tried trading in 3.30, but full load in balistner (50k cargo space) worked OK.

mines are very deadly, esp if you have teammates

tried that "kill BHs" mission. that one is realy a low level one, the first ~6 ships were low level BHs, but the last two were firespray. My real problem is not i cant kill them, but they cant take down a patriot and two rhinos (wingmen sent by junkers) with L7 weapons, L6 shield, etc. (a freind told, they can be taken down with a patriot, only a matter of time , ~half hour/ship)

othervise it's fun. In some kill BSs/kill station missions the ships still shoot invisible projectiles, but some bretonia and rheinland cruisers realy had the turrets and shot visible projectiles. Hmm, as i remember, the babylon ships were buggy. (still there are some mixed up class for the kill capship missions. )

Baene and MD, clam down plz

Edited by - lukr on 2/17/2004 6:18:56 PM

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:27 pm

whenever i try to activate it to the mod manager it gives me a message saying "the central directory was not found in archive (or you were trying to open not the last disc of a multi-disc archive)"
Do you have any ideas?

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:09 pm

chris356 -> Your download crashed in some way. Try to redownload it and watch the size in your download screen. The size of the file after the download must be the same.

Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:08 pm

heh found yet another bug. Bought some ship in New Tokyo (can't remember the name of it, but it's black and red, and comes with some Freespace guns). First problem was, the guns it CAME EQUIPPED with were WAY too much for the standard equipment for the ship, as i fired them, i had no energy after 3 whole shots lol. Second, i say to myself, this ship isn't what i want, and it's kinda slow, and clunky to fly, so i figure i'll take a loss and get another ship...well, i go to trade this ship in (i paid something like 140k for the ship) and it's value NOT MODIFIED AT ALL was 15,000, quite to my surprise. This is what i mean about not testing things. It's crazy sloppy.

Oh, and lukr, i'm perfectly calm, just very frustrated with the same old bugs. I just guess i expected a little more, after that HUGE 3.20 thread, with tons and tons of bugs being listed yet in the new release, here are just about the same bugs. Also, i just can't jibe with someone saying SO WHAT if the ship is nearly invulnerable to guns, don't fight em lol, then calls me un-intelligent and lazy for taking a level 2 mission vs. BH. That's just crap. My real problem with this whole mess is that the mod could be AWESOME, there is so much cool stuff to do and see, it's just so damn sloppy, and with the replies i see, it's like MD just don't care. We are supposed to ignore the bugs, and that's just sad to me.



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