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Freelancer Rebalance 3.20 debate, bug reports and comments

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?FL Rebalance Mod? for Freelancer

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:22 am

absolutely LOVE the mod MD, it just goes down more than a drunken prom date

can't wait for more from you though, i know you are working on the bugs, but i just wanted to say it's a VERY fun mod, and i REALLY love the EFA system! all those targets lol....way fun

Keep up the good work!


Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:57 pm

Yes Michael Dan Keep up the good work !

I change my website to make a Rb clan website, I want let many other player know your mod is great and to popularize it.

I hope you can fix bug in next version mod.

Thanks for your time.

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 11:37 am

Micheal Dan

Although I am a reasonly skilled FL SP player, I am a novice where your FLRebalance is concerned. That was not because I didn’t like what your were doing, but simply because I was afraid that it would mess up my FL environment (with my own modifications) and I would have to reinstall the lot. When you released FL Rebalance3.2full I decided to enjoy all those features you put in. I made a backup of everything, installed FLMM Mod manager 1.21 beta 7 and started a new SP game with the FLRebalance 3.20 mod. I am currently at level 8 in the Bretonia systems and my next mission will probably be racing against Hovis. So far I would like to share some of my observations with you. I hope that if you can find the time to respond on these observations.
In case you consider some of my obeservations to be treated as bugs or improvements, I offer you upfront my assistance. I could do some work for you if you’d like me to. Doing the Unofficial FL SP Patches does suspect that I have some experience and qualities in that area.

The following is absoultely no critisism at all. Although I have only seen a little bit of it: You’ve done a great job!!!

Observation1 : Based on on the Loadouts.ini size in my Ships directory 344926 bytes I guess am playing at Medium level. I noticed that rookie Npc’s in random missions are regenerating their hull (red bar) and their shields (blue bar) is this intended to be? If so I’m confused. Program (INI) language (easy, hard) and in-Game language (rookie, none, ace) are may be confusing here too?
Readme.text FLRebalance v3.20 says: “the AI controled Npc ships will effectivelly use their nanos and shield batteries to repair their ships and recharge shields! at default and hard level, the easy and medium npc pilots will repair their hulls while the hard and ace ones(above level 12) will repair both the hull and recharge the shield using nanobots and shield batteries.”
Further I assume level1 is easy, level 2 is medium (and default level?) and level3 is hard. Is this correct?

Observation 2: I love the Nocutscenes feature. Is it correct that the original missions files are lost when activating this feature? Personally I would like to have the nocuts-batfile to backup the original mission files first and then place the Rebalance mission files. By doing so and adjusting the cuts bat-file the original missionfiles can be restored.
Does the same apply for the levels?

Observation 3: I also love the additional equipment upgrades that are available in Rebalance 3.2 for engines, scanners, shieldcapicitors, power etc. Is it intended that I loose them when I buy a new ship eventhough I trade in a civilian ship when I buy another civilian ship.

Observation 4: In my Random missions I looted a Palisade elite-shield level 5 and Adv. Palisade elite level 6. The ship that I have currently is k-hawk which can handle level 10 fighter-shields. In the original game the distinction between light-fighter, fighter, heavy fighter and very heavy fighter is partly made by the level of equipment they could handle and not the type of shield (graviton, positron and molecular) which is more faction-related. Although I never noticed a significant difference in protection, it did give the opportunity to mount a shield type depending on the type of opponents (and their guns) you are going to expect. I would have expected you to make this feature more prominent in the game. Maybe you did, but I have not been checking that yet. May be is not possible at all.

Observation 5: I noticed that some equipment is not always available at a consequent level. Example: at base A a certain gun is available at level 4, yet at another base it is available at level 10. Is this intended?

Observation 6: I noticed that ammo is sometimes not available at a base, although the gun can be bought there. Is this intended?

Observation 7: When you buy equipment in unmodded Freelancer that needs ammo like rocketlaunchers, countermeasssures etc., a certain amount of ammo is incorparated in the deal. In Rebalance 3.2 that isn’t always the case. Is this intended?

Observation 8: In mission 4 Juni and Trent must flee from New York. In the original game hostilities start when they are stopped by Liberty Navy ships in space outside Manhattan and ordered to surrender. In Rebalance 3.2 everything turns hostile directly after accepting Juni’s offer. You have to be on friendlier terms to buy equipment etc. in Manhattan before leaving and whilst entering space you are directly under fire and with some bad luck destroyed. This seems to be a bug to me.

Observation 9: In that same mission, when arriving at Mactan base, the base is attacked by Rheinland bombers. As I recall they are A-wing type. I believe someone has already made a comment about them. They are near to invurnerable. In my opinion they are not in balance.

Observation 10: I noticed that some errors in the game that I fixed with my Unofficial FL SP Ptach 1.2 are not in Rebalance 3.2 like unknown objects.

Observation 11: I have Datastorm 2.0 installed. I tried to make a new database, but it fails time after time. I get the following error message: Runtime-error ‘5’ and the last items on screen are the Goods.ini and the TIE-interceptor-hull. I guess there something wrong in one of the Rebalance3.2 ini files, because I don’t have any problems with generating a new database with a clean FL or my own created FL environment. I have a screendump available if you are interested.

Observation 12: What I was afraid for in the beginning, happened. I used FLMM to close FLRebalance3.20 and restoring my original FL environment. While restaring with my original game I ended up in FL hanging, desktop on screen. I tried the FLMM suggestions. No succes. I copied all my original files back into the FL directories. No succes. I did some additional research on this and found that even a fresh installed game crashes when I started Freeelancer. I had to delete all save files in the Savegame directory and even the restart.fl (which in my case has been modified as well). Apparently Freelancer checks files in the Savegame directory whilst starting up. Coming back to FLRebalance 3.2 and FLMM: my guess for now is that they apparently missed a file that I modified and was overwritten, to restore from my original game environment. Is that possible?

Sorry about the length. Keep the good work up!!
Buck Danny


Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:41 am

i think i know now the problem of the FlRebalance mod regarding those generated info's. As far as i know, FlRebalance has four mod dll's
namely inorder, flmm1.dll, flmm2.dll, flmm3.dll and rbmod.dll, in the resources.

I think rbmod.dll has put the halt to the generated info to create new flmm#.dll file.

is this the problem... what do you think?

All I do for LOVE

Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:40 pm

Am I the only one too silly to install this mod?

FLMM always complains about not finding any files in \data...etc. and therefore does not install the mod. Just because the flmod-file contains an additional folder-level above the \data-stuff.

Any ideas?


Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:35 pm

I'm not that silly, after all. Did it!

Never mind. :-)

Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 7:21 pm

I have Datastorm 2.0 installed. I tried to make a new database, but it fails time after time. I get the following error message: Runtime-error ‘5’

I had this problem as well, just go to the Datastorm website and get the 2.2 beta version of datastorm, and all will be well again, and Datastorm will run on the Rebalance directory.

Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 9:28 pm

BuckDanny, glad you like the mod, you're welcome to help, and about your observations i'll try to answer as good as i can:
obs. 1:you did not asume corectly, the easy and medium AI pilots does not mean all AI pilots at level easy and medium, but the pilots at early skill levels. they only repair the hull, the shields are regenerating by itselves, not repairing. only hard and ace pilots are repairing the shields using shield batteries.
obs.2: running the cutscenes.bat file will revert all the changes made into the missions folder. no mission file is lost.
obs.3: only engines are lost, the other equipment like powerplants , advanced scanners or tractor beams, power injector, sheild capacitors can all be transfered into the new ship at buying time.
obs.4: it's not possible or i'd had already done that.
obs.5: yes that is intented in order to help SP campaign players to get some better equip sooner. they certainly need it too...
obs.6and obs 7: if a gun really consumes ammo then the ammo is certainly available at the same base. Certain pieces of equipment only "pretend to use ammo"'s the case of cluster missiles or the radar jammer. that probably confused you.
ob.8: in the original game too everything in Liberty space turned hostile, i remember that you could'nt buy the advanced equip as well, i could not and did not modify anything here. The only difference is that the cruiser in RB 3.2 has longer firing range and can hit you while you talk to juni. that;s a feature not a bug, anyway you don't take damage while you're talking but only after, when the game in space begins. Hit your boosters and get out of the cruiser's guns range as fast as possible and you won't die anymore.
obs.9: The Ywing fighters are vulnerable, but only to missiles. this was not added to disbalance the game but to increase its variety,. look at my post above for an explanation of why custom ships are sometimes not affected byt the energy gun fire.
obs.10: probably did not get your patch in time...
obs 11: was answered above.
obs.12: either that or you had some read only files in your FL and therefore the original ini files could not have been restored.

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 9:57 am

MD, why do regular missiles cost so freakin much? what's the point of even using regular missiles in RB? There are versions of all but i think 2 of the normal missiles in Cluster format now, and ammo for the regular launchers gets so ridiculous it's just well...insane.

Raven's Claw...why can't we buy this ship? in Datastorm, it has no listed base as a sell point. There are other ships that can't be bought either. (the raven's claw is a sweet looking ship. i looked and looked for it, before i gave up and used Datastorm on the mod)

Ship balance is a bit off, in my opinion. There are only a couple of really good fighters (i.e. Sabre XR, Titan, couple others) that are truly awesome, the ones right below it are a bit underpowered, considering you can't harm stupid Star Wars ships with just guns.

Nomad Torpedos. DUH. I love them like mad, but damn, make them a little freakin stronger (hit-point wise). They take so very little damage before they are blown off your ship, and 1 to 2 million credits down the drain. PLEASE.

Missile damage radius. Can you PLEASE put this in the info card for the weapons? Damn, anything gets near you and BOOM, Launcher lost. Some of the AI ships will cut right in front of you (this happens a lot) and BOOM, i lost stuff, even with Adv. Champion shield....That or lower the blast radius some please.

Power. Good god is this messed up (in my opinion). Power Plants just don't make a whole lot of sense in this mod. I tested a lot of these with 4 Level 9 Kraken guns, and i can tell you, the info cards are just wrong. Same amount of shots using two VASTLY different power supplies. Also, it's boring to CONSTANTLY be running out of power at the earlier stages in the mod, since things regen hulls, so it's like trying and trying to kill something, and you NEVER have power....which leads me to.....

Cruise engines using up your power. God how i hate this, and i really can't figure out WHY you put it in the mod......It is so f#$%@#% frustrating to be trying to explore some and you CONSTANTLY have to stop to regen, or you get hit with a stupid cruise disruptor, and have to WAIT FOREVER to fire back thanks to the power supplies. I've talked about this with a load of people that play MP, and i know i'm not alone in this. Why? Just.....WHY? This "Feature" has a ton of people's award for "most annoying thing EVER in a mod". I've gotten really far in your mod, and for the most part (99%) i absolutely LOVE IT. It's a ton of fun, but there are a couple of uber annoying things in it.

PLEASE don't take this as a dis, because that's not my goal. What i gather from you is that you put stuff in to see people's reactions or to get their feedback, so here is my feedback....Thanks for the great mod, can't wait to see it get even better!

Anyway, thanks for reading...


Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 11:34 am

It has been a while since I posted MD. LOL. I have been involved with something else. So I decided to check up on updates.

Nomad Torpedoes used to cost 500k a few versions back. Nomad Torps are the best, but they are very cheating for their excellent turn rate. With those kind of torps u don even bother to aim, just fire away at anything on screen and it will kill. This is a Rebalance Mod, not an Un-Balanced Mod.

U hate cruising? Well, everything overheats sooner or later. They even burn out. If you hate cruising .. you should try HyperDriving. Solves all your problems.

Posters and fans, do not try to make it harder for MD. He is a good person that tries to meet ur expectations of the mod to make it fun. BUT, it must be balanced. Pls don demand as an individual. Try making it a group vote on what needs to be changed, but not too much though.

I was one of the few first mod players that voted and agreed that Nomad Torps should be 1mil.

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 11:45 am

Thanks Baene and MD for your tip on Datastorm. The database is now there. In the beginning I get error messages on dll.files like mentioned in this thread earlier. But the important thing is the database is there.


Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 12:10 pm


First of all thank you for your swift reaction. On some of your explanantions I have to chew a little, but I assume that I can come back to you on them in a later stage.

Anyway it is not my goal to make it harder for you, but to contribute to your efforts and give you feedback. About me helping you, I think I can start with checking my Unofficial Patch files against the rebalance3.2 files. May be you can drop me mail about how to proceed on this. So that we can work out which patch types you like and which not.

Before I drop more observations I’ll do some work on the Rebalance3.2 readme and work myself through the history of the mod and may be I will rearrange the info in there to make it better accessible to me. Don’t get me wrong, the readme is perfect as it is and how it should be: from version to version the changes are well documented. Please keep it that way.


Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 5:58 pm

I am very like this mod so I say too much. Sorry for that.

But this mod change infocard.dll and has some info is wrong.

I hope MD can do that in next version :

1.move out some too big ship.
2.move out some wrong weapon and it's info.

I find some jump hole can't use like on New york system map bottom go to Magellan.

I am not sure MD think, but I hope my wish can be ture.

Thanks your time to readed.

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 8:25 pm

Hey, since you guys all use my mod as part of Rebalance, I'm just wondering, what kind of weapons would you like to see (SFWP 1.2 is already in the works, with a grand total of 87 weps so far) ? cuz i wanna add more stuff to my already huge weapons pack

Some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them

Post Mon Dec 22, 2003 1:22 am

Hi guys!

about the cruise, i only think must be "rebalanced" in earlier ships (in a patriot, u only can cruise a pair of seconds)


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