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**UTILITY** Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Wed Apr 14, 2004 11:35 am

GaryT and engmar: I e-mailed Chips about the problems in his Open SP mod a few days ago, so it's up to him whether or not to release a fixed version (which I certainly hope he does). You can e-mail him yourself if you want; if that doesn't work, I could create a small patch for his mod that will fix those errors (which, as I said previous and as engmar just said, are just some easily fixed missing </data> sections).

ittan_v: Once/If Freelancer 2 comes out, and if FLMM works with it, then I'll probably need some help in the graphics department. I might even add customizeable skins to FLMM then . In the meantime, I do have some other programs I've made (non-Freelancer related) which could use some good icons .

Sun Striker: If it's a bug and you have previously told me about it, then it's fixed by now. I'd suggest upgrading to v1.31, and seeing if that fixes it.

Post Wed Apr 14, 2004 7:18 pm

i have dled it already but not yet installed it.

a message from firebase...

Post Thu Apr 15, 2004 2:44 am

i am developing a basic mod for freelancer but have no idea what to do for the scripting part. i am a complete noob to xml and html coding.


Post Thu Apr 15, 2004 3:35 pm

Read FLMM's included "How Do I..." documentation, and also look at some other mods' scripts to see how they do it.

Post Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:32 pm


Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 4:58 pm

Sorry, I should have had it "formly Released". There is a fixed version of Chips Open SP mod available to download from site . Go to and into downloads area if anyone is looking for it, the missing </data> tags (of which there were around 5 of) have been plonked in .

Sorry about the inconvinence Matt, and great work on this version - brilliant stuff

Post Sat Apr 17, 2004 1:57 am


does mod manager support winrar or does it only support winzip


Post Sat Apr 17, 2004 9:08 am

Chips: No problem; thanks

ittan_v: just the zip format, though you can compress to the ZIP format using programs other than Winzip; some, like 7-zip, can compress better than Winzip.

Post Sat Apr 17, 2004 7:20 pm

i have seen this with most newbie modders
most of the guys use a file format like
which is not supported by flmm
so could you may be make a sticky in the modding section

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:23 pm

Hi IGx89,
JUst thought youd like to know about a prob with Chips open SP mod.
I found this error in the log and it didnt show up in the modlisting.

Unable to load mod!
Parsing error on line 4125: No </data> found (in 'C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\Chips Open SP version\script.xml')
Parsing mod script...
Found mod: C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\Chips Open SP version

I only just downloaded both flmm and the mod an hour ago so they are latest version.

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:56 am

ittan_v: Thanks, I've never heard about people doing that until now. Don't they even bother to test their mod archive out before releasing it?

ripdog: That's been covered a couple times already in this thread; look on the first page for a manual solution, and look just a few posts up on this second page for Chips' reply.

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:40 pm

igx89 : a guy called aravis asks me to download a mod. i download it. i just try clicking on it. flmm replies " invalid archive". when i check the format it was in rar. surprised as i was i told him abt the error and he corrected it.

it would be better if you could include this small detail in the readme/faq , section.



You can try anything because man made this game. But dont mess with creation

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:47 pm

igx89 : having trouble with freelancer physcis changer when i try to activate it.
flmm gives the following error :

Error: FLMM has determined that 'Freelancer Physics Changer' won't properly activate.
Error: Unable to find section (1 rep):
nickname = msn_playerloadout
archetype = ge_fighter
equip = ge_gf1_engine_01
equip = shield01_mark01_lf, HpShield01
equip = ge_fighter_power01
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
equip = li_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon01
equip = li_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon02
in 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\data\ships\loadouts.ini'

whats wrong here. i dont understand head or tail of this.


You can try anything because man made this game. But dont mess with creation.

Post Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:33 am

Ah sorry poeple, that link is still to my host of downloading (free bandwidth from him ).

If you are a 56ker, or impatient, ensure the original is still there first and then download this file (open from location if you like) and it will overwrite the old wrong will have to click on okay for overwriting the mod etc!!
7kb patch for Chips Open SP

If you would prefer a whole download etc, then delete the old one, and download the full 2meg version here instead.

Download here

Sorry for the hijack of thread IGx, let me know if you want me to remove this instead!

Edited by - Chips on 4/21/2004 10:34:02 AM

Post Wed Apr 21, 2004 10:04 am

ittan_v: Try doing Restore Backups, and if that doesn't work just re-install Freelancer (or re-install the FLSDK)

Chips: No problem; thanks for fixing it so quickly and not complaining about me breaking your mod .

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