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**UTILITY** Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:54 pm

Okay, so for "1,2" both numbers are options with infinite item id combos? What about setting a specific range? Say I wanted to use 2:2,2:3,2:4,2:5,2:6,2:7,2:8 is there a shorthand way of writing that? like 2:2-2:8 or something equivalent?
And if there isn't, might we see it in the next FLMM update?
There is no knowledge that is not power.

Edited by - Captain Tylor on 7/1/2004 10:06:57 PM

Post Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:09 pm

IGx89: I'm getting this error:

Parsing error on line 12613: No </POP/> found (in 'C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\blackmarketv93\script.xml')
Parsing mod script...

for this entry:

nickname = commodity_banned_hardwood
ids_name = 0 ;GENERATESTRRES("Banned Hardwood"
ids_info = 0 ;GENERATEXMLRES("<xml><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>BANNED HARDWOOD</TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Due to pressure from environmental groups most varieties of hardwood have been placed on the contraband items list. Wealthy patrons will pay great ammounts for the materials to build their mansions in style.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="65281" mask="-31" def="30"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>TRADE ROUTES</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="96" mask="-31" def="-1"/><TEXT>$60 Whitechapel</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$62 The Dorms</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$58 The Leylands</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$85 Kamchatka</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$80 Kaegogiton</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$63 Victoria Landing</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$90 Iraklio</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$50 New Willemstad</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$22 Meikiko Landing</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$28 Nagumo</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$24 Kita</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$28 Saipan</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$24 Hell's Kitchen</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$28 The Docks</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$28 Compton</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$32 Tijuana</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$20 Dodge City</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$26 El Paso</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$70 Starnberg</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$74 Hohenfaels</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$72 Sachsenhausen</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$64 Marien Platz</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>$70 Hofbrauhaus</TEXT><PARA/>
units_per_container = 1
pod_appearance = cargopod_grey
loot_appearance = lootcrate_grey
decay_per_second = 0
volume = 3
hit_pts = 250

line 12613 is actually units_per_container = 1 when I use the goto tool in notepad. My problem is that most of the GENERATE info cards I've done in my script have the <POP/> element and cause me no probs so I can't figure this out. I can't see anything obviously wrong with the xml lines at all. Any idea why I would get that error or if there's a way to work around it?

Post Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:33 am

Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this. I know this is a very very very very very very very very very very very Stupid question but,How do i know wich Mod manager download to download, Infact this is very very very very Noobe question. How do i get it? I know i might seem like a pain to you and i am sorry. I am like, tierd. I am not a newbee at this game but i am a noobe at Mods. I had it before but i forgot how to get it.

Post Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:44 am

you left a Jesus link on this page...I have read your link is not only pantently untrue does not belong on this page....please leave your personal missguided beliefs and advertizements off these pages...we did not come to Lancers Reactors to view a biased missguided opinion or anyother opinion relating to personal beliefs..and although I have read much on these pages to tell me you are an accomplished gamer ....I would ask you to remove your error in judgement.

Post Sat Jul 10, 2004 3:32 pm

Thanks for the tip. The delete auto save button fixes it also.

Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:07 am

Captain Tylor: Yep. No, you cannot currently specify a range, though yes I will consider adding it to the next version .

kaegogi: GENERATExxxRES macros have to be all on one line; it looks like there's a line break right before "<POP/></RDL></xml>" ;". If you want to use line breaks or spaces to make it easier to read, you'll need to move it inside a special <xmldata>; look in "How Do I..." for details on doing that.

cade foster: No problem . At the top of this page, in the first post, there are three download links after the text "New version 1.31 (4-8-2004):"; the newest version as of this posting is v1.31

BenShami: Well, if you "did not come to Lancers Reactors to view a biased missguided opinion or anyother opinion relating to personal beliefs", why are you posting your own? Not one thing I've read offline or online has had even one true, definite disproof of the Bible; in fact, regularly I hear about a new archaeological discovery finding something mentioned in the Bible.
Now, if I was putting it in huge lettering at the top of my posts, or even at the bottom, that wouldn't be proper. Also, as you might have noticed, I don't have my signature in every post I make; just in the first post I make in a thread. When I added that to my signature over a year ago, I was expecting an occasional complaint; but, surprisingly, you are the first person to complain. In fact, I've gotten quite a few e-mails actually thanking me for that! But that is irrevelant; even if I had gotten tons of complaints, I would have still kept it. Even if just one person accepted God's gift because of that link, it would definitely have been worth it. I'd much rather get complaints than lose someone to eternal loneliness in Hell.

Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:47 pm


Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 2:02 pm

1) All Caps. Bad person.

2)Wrong forum. Why are you posting here?

3) Welcome to TLR!

Just because full stops and commas are small, doesnt mean that they are underrated. Try to let them have a little exercise.

End post. Forever! Mwahahahaha!

Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:55 pm

I haven't heard of a mod like that; I don't think it's possible modify bases dynamically. If you really want to make sure, try asking in the General Editing Forum:

Post Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:16 pm

Im having problems getting the Free Worlds 1.64 mod to work, when i try and activate it, it says that there was an error and that it couldnt find an engines_ .ini file in the data folder from the Free Worlds 1.63 folder. I deleted this folder to see if it would work with no luck, i aslo reinstalled everything that i could think of.

Please help. thanx

Edited by - Kierian on 7/14/2004 1:26:57 PM

Post Sat Jul 17, 2004 5:11 am

Sorry IGx if i didn't respond...
I forgot I asked a question here !!!
So, i fixed my first problem, never mind.
But, i'm still enoyed with the second.

The restart.fl contain all infos that the game needs to start a new game.
It can be created automatiqualy by FL (i can do that) but if FL find a restart.fl in the save diractory, it won't replace it by a new one...
There is the problem : I can make FL create a good restart.fl but the player needs to delete the old restart.fl before launchig the game. If he don't, the game will crash seriously when he'll launch a new game...

Er... It might not be very understandable ! Sorry if it's true.

Keep the good work !

Post Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:33 am

What does it mean i f the mod is orange.

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:47 am

I've seen question about merging dlls, but no answer so far. So how about it ?
Look, u first make system(s) with FExplorer, than add ships in xml scripts with GenerateResource tags and all your names and info cards (if u manage to put them in with FExplorer or whichever tool) are gone.
Why ? Because Flmm creates it's own dll, and puts already done dll at the end of dlls in Freelancer.ini which messes up id_names and id_infos.

Would it be possible that generated resources are put in dll after mod's existing dll and recalculated accordingly, or even better, would it be possible, that FLMM puts generated stuff at the end of already existing dll ?

BTW, FLMM is to my knowledge only tool capable of puting info in dll without screwing up file.

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:06 am

Ig sorry ..
I checked and my whishes already come true.
There seems to be something else wrong. I'll check.

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:09 am

I checked and here's story:
I'll take as example WTS 2.0, but others have similar problems.
Mod comes with wtsworld.dll, which has FExplorer signature.
So, i loaded mod and fired Fle_ids. Dear Fled_ids, what's number of resource 1 ?
458753 . Neat.
So what's name of that ? It's a "Oops ! Error: Load library() failed"
Here's answer to CTD u might've seen with some mods and missing names, infos and such.

Ok, let's see what's in that file.
PE Eplorer sees everything nice and dandy.
ResHacker has no complains, everything's there.
Nice, let's take a new dll (FreelancerEmpty.dll) and put that stuff in there.
Make .res export with PE Explorer. No way to import it with that tool.
ResHacker then. Action/add a new resource.
There's a resource tree, but seriously f**d up. no go.

Let's export everything with PE Explorer (Right mouse click on 'string' tree)
Oh, yes, all tables, XML files neatly organized in directory !

Let's put it in FreelancerEmpty.dll !
ResHacker: Action/add a new resource
open 1.rc file
Type: STRINGTABLE (only CAPITALS accepted)
name: 2

There's a new tree, STRINGTABLE/2/0
It should be String Table/2/1033

What has Fle_IDs to say about that ? gimme resource 16 = 458768
what's 458768 ? it is
or to be exact : ""
Not very useful.

This is a bit off topic, or maybe just on spot. Maybe moders, who work with FExplorer for one, shuldn't let FExplorer do there's info card's writing, and everybody would be happier. Make a script for FLMM and enjoy working infos !

If anybody wanna know why i don't use FLE_IDS, i tell u "Oops ! Error: Load library() failed"

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