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**UTILITY** Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:59 am


I've found the cause of the dll-problem:

Due to that crash, FLMM somehow didn't deactivate the mod for 100%, and left my custom dll in the Freelancer folder.

So, when i activated the mod after that, I guess FLMM didn't recognize my custom dll as an extra dll, so no entry was written in freelancer.ini

I've deleted the custom dll after deactivating the mod, and now it all works fine again.

Sorry for the trouble! And thanks for the app that makes it all possible!


Post Sat Apr 10, 2004 2:19 pm

IGx89 thank you for your prompt reply.
when i try to open this mod in the note or word pad(which, by the way is a zip file) there is no text, just a bunch of machine language characters?? i cannot even find this mod's script.xml file? but at the end of this file there is a text script.xml after a bunch of characters. the line you mention <data> is not there neither is the line <data file="DATA/SHIPS\loadouts.ini" method="sectionappend".could you tell me where they are and if they are in a different file, how to open it so i can edit it? thank you again for your trouble and prompt repliies.

patience is a VIRTUE bestowed on humans only USE IT.

Edited by - yil on 4/10/2004 3:49:56 PM

Post Sat Apr 10, 2004 3:47 pm

Hi again, IGx89. I _may_ have found a mod conflict, not expressed by "reddening" the mods' entries in the FLMM list. I recently downloaded the Trent Starting Ships Light Fighter edition. This mod's readme says it will work in either SP or MP. Possibly this is restricted to story-line play in SP, but this is not stated. I have not tried it in a sandbox server.

When I use FLMM to apply OpenSP, the entry for the ship mod is not shown as conflicting. It will load. However, the mod is not present in-game. I have tried each of the ships in the pack, none would work. Maybe someone else can try this combination, just in-case my system is fubar'd =)

Post Sat Apr 10, 2004 4:15 pm

Moonhead: Great! Glad you were able to discover the cause of the problem .

yil: Open the script.xml file in Notepad, not the mod archive. The script.xml file is located in "Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\augsmod" (or whatever that mod's folder is called).

engmar: which OpenSP mod are you using? It shouldn't conflict with the Xerx's original OpenSP v1.1 mod, and I don't think it would conflict with Chip's OpenSP version either.

Post Sat Apr 10, 2004 5:26 pm

Hi IG,

Thanks for your help. Not what data files I need to add to get Chips Open SP to work. Should I open the mod with the SDK program? VERY new to this so please forgive my ignorance. BTW...the Chips Open Addon installs into FLMM without error.

Oh the pain....the pain.

Post Sat Apr 10, 2004 6:30 pm

I am using Xerx's OpenSP v1.1
In fact that is the only mod I am using at the moment.

Post Sat Apr 10, 2004 6:33 pm

Oh, and it has a note in the readme that says
converted to FLMM format and scripted by
unluckytab - if that makes a difference.

Post Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:37 pm

is there any way to develop random skins for flmm like in spybot.

i plan to make a skin for flmm and could use your help in understanding the format and compatibility issues.

Edited by - ittan_v on 4/10/2004 8:40:06 PM

Edited by - ittan_v on 4/10/2004 8:42:59 PM

Post Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:44 am

I have probable a simple problem: Every time i activate a mod from mod manager i seen to lose my saved game until i deactivate the mod!



Post Sun Apr 11, 2004 5:27 pm

thank you so much IGx89 for your prompt reply and advice. IT WORKED!!! i was able to go to the mod file,find the "script.xml" file open it w/ the note pad( and behold! miracles never cease.) the <data> line already was </data>; but the following line did NOT have the greater than ">", sign after it.i added that and shall see if it will work. thank you again for your prompt reply and suggestion.

patience is a VIRTUE bestowed on humans only USE IT.

Post Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:17 am

GaryT: The instructions I've given yil should help you figure that out.

engmar: As long as OpenSP is activated first, it should work; I'll have to test that out myself. In the meantime, try using Chip's Open SP mod; that should work fine.

ittan_v: At the moment, FLMM is not skinnable (except using system-wide XP Visual Style themes or WindowBlinds themes). Sorry .

Ddraglias: Read the FAQ that comes with FLMM, and let me know if you still have questions after reading it.

yil: No problem; hope you got it working now .

Post Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:11 pm

Thanks IG, Welp, it doesn't so never mind...I won't be bothering with mods....thanks anyway.

Oh the pain....the pain.

Post Tue Apr 13, 2004 4:24 am

no problem. i wanted to do something new. could you suggest any part of the flmm file i could help with


Post Tue Apr 13, 2004 5:17 pm


I grabbed Chip's Open SP mod. At first it would not load at all. The error messgae given was one indicating a missing <data> section. I don't know i this is the proper place, but I was able to edit the xml file and get the mod to load. Anyone else with this problem may benefit from this info.

There were a couple of extra line breaks in the middle of sections. Not sure if this would impact FLMM's parser or not, but I removed them. They are obvious, if you load the xml into an editor - just look for empty lines in the middle of <data> bocks.

The real problem ( I think ) was missing <data> section closing tags ( </data> ) The first one I found was in line 4077. Just look anywhere after line 4000. There were about 5 or 6 sections with no cloasing tags. I don't know if each of these sections requires a closing tag, but the mod now loads. I have yet to play test the changes.

Post Tue Apr 13, 2004 7:31 pm

i don't know if this is fixed in the current version....

i have created new a script file that tells FLMM to do a sectionappend on npcships.ini of missions M01b, M02, M03, M04, this are directories which has npcships.ini file. The loading is fine. The trouble is when i deactivate my mod it gives an error that those npcships.ini with their respective directories has no back-ups... This is odd really as i looked at the fl's mission directories which contains this file, it has flmmbak files, this is when i activate that mod.

Is flmm confused or something, that it has multiple npcships.ini in different directories....

btw, i use beta 10 for this....

a message from firebase...

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