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**Tutorial** - Creating a new system

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 2:10 pm

The best solution to the ids situation is to create your own .dll for naming the various content in your system, this allows you to assign a character string to a specific ids number with out causing potential problems with your normal game dll files.
Basicaly ids_name = 196813 means that number calls a certain assigned characterstring in the dll for that number
All bases planets and such have an ids_name this is stored as a number in various dll files, so the only way to name your bases properly is to either a)edit the required dll or b)create a new one for your mod to reference.

Edited by - CrazedMoon on 15-08-2003 15:30:41

Post Mon Aug 18, 2003 5:26 pm

huh? all this mess? there is an editor called FreelancerExplorer it has a friendlyuser interface i have created a few systems with a few clicks!! cya

Post Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:44 am

What's the code to make the 2nd encounter ships appear in a sec after the 1st encounter appear is done?

And what's the code that can make the minefield in the vertical from the top to end in the middle of the map?

Edited by - Sky_field on 16-09-2003 08:46:31

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:13 am

my question is, how do you people know so much about programming like .ini files and .dll files. i dont even know what they are only that they work where i am i am the best at computers evry1 askes me or its because everyones dumb. see i need someone with the time to explaine to me how exactly to create a new system in the simplest way possible. i dont understand all the tutorials in oter pages but i guess theyll work im going to print them all out and copy them to my freelancer and try it if it work ill post and ask about more tings i dont understand k thanks for the tutorials and u guys are real smart

im a person who really needs help with compiter programing

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:42 pm

Did you notice when the last post was? you might as well have created a new thread.
Grave-digging is bad.

Edited by - deathwalker10982 on 1/9/2004 4:28:59 PM

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 8:59 pm

How'd they learn so much... Interesting question... Well, see, from the beginning it's trial and error a little, but mainly, this is an easy-to-understand programing language so that the peeps at M$ would have it easy.

If you notice everything sorta fits together. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that's called C++ language or something (when it's close to the language you speed, like Visual Basic).

Post Wed Feb 18, 2004 1:56 pm

I tried making a new system and I ended up re-intalling Freelancer.

I have no idea what I did wrong.

Does anyone know anywhere where I can request systems?

Post Mon May 17, 2004 8:18 am

I did a new system with 4 bases, tradelanes, people, a nebula and an asteroid field, fighters in the nebula, a sun, death zones, and now I need to know ONE thing :

How do we do a server-side mod of this type?????????

Plz I would like to do this server-side, it's easier...

Post Mon May 17, 2004 10:10 am

Ensure that the server is running those files. However, clients will need the same files!

Post Sun Nov 14, 2004 8:51 am

I dont know why i bothered thinking i could mod.
I tried to make a ship before, CRASH
I tried editing a weapon. CRASH
I followed this tutorial , when i dock to the station, CRASH
I checked everything and nothing helped, i should've known that i cant mod.
Sorry if i sound a bit self pitiful but i banged my head on my desk after 2 hours of trying to make a tiny system.
When i dock to the station it crashes i followed everything, plz help ill even email the folder i made SP01 so yuo can check PLLLZZZ HEELLP

Post Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:07 pm

Hey, your tutorial is great, man. Just one problem... I can't get into my system. I know you've heard about the crashing to the desktop when entering the jump gate problem before. However, I have double checked the things you tell people (like the goto stuff, etc) and they are all correct. I think I have an idea about what the problem is, I'm hoping you can fill in the blanks.

I read somewhere that you have to connect your system to another one (in my case to New York) through the shortest_legal_path.ini things. I have no clue how to do that. I noticed there is also a shortest_illgegal_path.ini and another one like that too. Do I do anything with those?

My system is called Js01, and I'm trying to connect it with Li01. How would I input that information into the ini things? Thanks in advance.

Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:13 am


i got an idea

Make a FLMOD file of the Tutorail

and a .zip for the non FLMM users

Should be much better, i followed the tutorial, was a crash, after the SDK it worked well again...

so TY if you wanna do it!
(you can mail me both .zip and .flmod if you like! *[email protected]*


Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:35 am

I edited a system with Freelacer System Editor. I edited the universe.ini, have my system in it and have it in the systems too. But when I go into the jumpgate the game crashes. The 1st part of the jump is complete, there's the flash but after that it crashes and wants to send a message.

Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:41 pm

Don Don the problems in your jumpgate,it can't find the other end and CTD.Open the ini file for your new system and find the jumpgate entry.

This is from the New York ini,

nickname = Li01_to_Li02
ids_name = 260911
pos = -83176, 0, 44831
rotate = 0, -70, 0
Archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
ids_info = 66145
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
reputation = li_p_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 1
goto = Li02, Li02_to_Li01 , gate_tunnel_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate_li_01
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest

The highlighted part is usually the problem,you need to change it to the system name the other jumpgate is in.The other jumpgate should have the reverse.

goto = Li01, Li01_to_Li02 , gate_tunnel_bretonia

This is why I got rid of all of the system editors,in the hands of us noobs they make modding easier,until something goes wrong and your left without a clue as to how to fix it.

*edit* PS. make sure you have an entry for your system in the universe.ini

Edited by - Bejaymac on 4/3/2005 1:46:43 PM

Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:47 am

I have everything like that but it still doesn't work. Maybe it's a problem with this?
nickname = My01
file = systems\My01\My01_system.ini
pos = 7, 9
visit = 0
strid_name = 196609
ids_info = 66106
NavMapScale = 3

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