**Tutorial** - Creating a new system
First Thing: Im not a native english speaker. SO sorry for my bad english
Second: Create a System:
In DATA/UNIVERSE/SYSTEMS create a new Folder (i named mine DA01)
In that Folder create a new one named BASES and in that a folder named ROOMS.
Update :
Some general things at first:
Position: The Position of any Object and Zone etc is in X,Z,Y format
pos = 80632, 0, 12299
Z=height position. its not relevant cause usually you just change X and Y
So X and Y are:
Means: to the left its X-. You have to subtract the kilometers (or meter)
to get a object lower on map you have to subtract some meters (or kilometers) to Y
The position 0,0,0 is on the center of the map.
The most objects will have a rotation of 0, (anything),0
rotate = 0, 45, 0
The middle number is Z again. It counts clockwise.
And Z = 0 is the direction "up" on the map
SO Z = 180 is ??? yes "down"
Some tips for editin the systems:
if your freelancer crashes when you enter a station:
Check if the room names are correct in your BASES/?.ini (happened to me)
If you end up in a endless jumptunnel:
Check in the universe.ini if your system is listed
Check if your jumpgate parameters are correct: goto = Li01, Li01_to_Da01, gate_tunnel_bretonia ; this is important. on both sides has to be the right parameters. Check some other inis to see how it works.
I mailed Mario "HCL" Brito a basic system and he put it up thx for that.
Read the readme.txt !!!!
http://www.lancersreactor.com/t/downloa ... asp?id=107
Going on in next post ...
Edited by - Chips on 10/31/2004 8:08:47 AM