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Best trade route i''ve found GOOD money and NO hostiles!

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Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:00 am

Best trade route i''ve found GOOD money and NO hostiles!

First off you start with the stupid scooter ship, do 3-4 missions killing rogues or whatsoever...
Then buy yourself a Rhino no guns to it nothing except shiled and maybe nano or shield stuff if u want to waste money on it.
Then travel to colorado if you die just start over and try to get to the next station and don't waste batteries if you don't know u'll make it.
After colorado it will be a little harder take one of the two systems and then go to the shi***u system i think it's there are NO ENEMYS at all, the only problem u'll have is to get there but it isn't impossible...
Anyway then head for New Tokyo and the space station outside it and buy luxuary consumer goods sell all you're nanobots even your shield you won't need it. Head for the hokkaido system and the Ainu Depot owned by GC in sector C6 there you dock with it and sell you're luxuary consumer goods making 600 earnings each for just one system jump and well 30k cruise won't take long at all... and nothing dangerous
Then you buy Cardamine and head back the same way to the station outside New Tokyo and sell em earning 400 a piece or something i think it was. Then after maybe 2 rounds u'll be rich and able to buy the drone freighter on New Tokyo and then continue the trading in maybe 2 hours u'll have a million credits if you are fast and no chance of even dying
That is my tip of trading...

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:17 am

damn yo thats a bitchin trade route. and seeing how im neutral with everyone in kurasi ill be making mad loot

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:17 am

Lane Hackers and Rogues in Galileo. Xeno's in Keplar. BD and GC with some FA near the jumphole to Kyushu. FA, Hagosha, BD, GC in NT. Deshima station is the northern chokehold point where PK'ers camp. Those are just a FEW of the problems with that route . If you are going unarmed in a rhino with cargo.... don't bother waypointing a very long trip.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:22 am

There are no enemys at all except players maybe when you reach the first Kusaki system after kepler or whatsoever. U'll maybe die 2 times trying to get there but u will not loose anything anyway except maybe time hehe. In shi***u then Tokyo then Hokkaido there are no enemys if u have done what i've said none at all except lame lvl 30 players killing people like you for fun maybe if they can find you hehe.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:33 am

Did i miss something? don't u lose all your cargo when you die?

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:37 am

this trade route is actually better for lower levels then it is higher ups. reason being that when you are level 7ish and you jump into kurasi for the first time EVERYTHING is neutral to you. gc, bd, and the like. i started this route when i was level 17 and i had to shoot up some coppers and samura before the gc would let me dock at thier base. buts its all good now and with a humpback or dromedary you can makewell over 300k a run

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:51 am

The thing is you don't carry any cargo when you are on tour way there, you buy it when you reach New Tokyo so you won't loose it on the way, instead of buying it cheaper in Manhattan and loosing it when dying....

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 12:35 pm

Sorry, read it more thoroughly this time, lol. Yes, that is a good route with no hostiles. Its also a great idea. Good job.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:15 pm

I ran a load of gold from the Dublin system to Planet Honshu that took me through some of the outskirt systems. (think it was the TAU systems) Thought I was going to have my ass handed to me, yet I didn't run into a single taffer. Picked up some nice equipment though. I wasn't attacked untill after I dropped off the gold for a nice profit and picked up a load of artifacts from the Hawii for a trip back to Manhatton. Even then I ran into little resistance from the pirates. Had more problems with the damn cops when they found out what I was carrying.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:47 pm

Isn't Cardamine a contraband item? Won't the Kusari police scan your cargo and go ballistic?

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:55 pm

lol you would think but i have been runnign this route for the last 2 days only been scanned ONCE and that was when i was entering port. they tend to scan me after i leave roppongi with luxary consumer goods. a perfectly legal cargo

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 11:37 pm trade route with my Humpback is New London to Ohashi Station (Sho ko ku) and back, yields me 675K and no issues. I run steaks to Denver and Light Arms to Ohashi -375k that way, and Engine Components from Deshimo Station to Freeport 4 and Optronics (i think) from there to New London -300k that way. Haven't had any problems yet. Yields about 1mil an hour, if ya push it and don't get knocked out of the trade lanes too much. its about 16 jump gates a round trip, roughly 30-40 waypoints one way. Hell, I like it---pretty smnooth trip really.

(Darn cussword censor messin up the system name with ***, so I separated it)

"Don't touch me...I'm EVIL"

Edited by - The Bone Collector on 12-03-2003 23:43:32

Edited by - The Bone Collector on 12-03-2003 23:44:51

Edited by - The Bone Collector on 12-03-2003 23:47:01

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:07 am

Hey this is my thread get out of it and stop bragging it's my thread so i'm the one that should be doing that OK!
If you wanna brag get an own thread right m8

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:20 am

bragging? I wasn't bragging, the topic was about safe productive trade routes...was it not? was adding my 2 creds on it is all. It was an FYI not an In Yer Face. Take it or leave it, hell I could care less. Was just trying to help the others out....guess that's what I get. *rolleyes*


"Don't touch me...I'm EVIL"

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:21 am

just thought id provide people with a good idea on how to sneak contriband into manhatten... go into warp and then go free flight warp. once you do that travel to below the planet so that once the docking ring comes in view you can see it but you are under it... then just travel up and go in. the reason this is a good idea is because when you actually go below the patrol routes, you have little chance of running into anyone just because you are under the patrol route. trust me this works ive shot a couple of those dead ships that have 20 units of cardomine and was able to make it to manhatten without meeting a ship... another benefit to this idea is that you are just about constantly in warp so even if someone scans your cargo you are long gone in a few seconds. anyways i hope it helps

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